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  • The End

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Dec 27, 2014
    based on 19 ratings

    Have you ever wished you could just put a period and call an end to some things in your life? Then this message is for you

    Exe 14:28-30 After four hundred years of slavery, bondage, oppression God sends a deliver named Moses to the children of Israel. After visiting Egypt with nine plagues, Pharaoh thrust out the children of Israel. They spoil the Egyptians, and take their gold, silver, and precious jewels. Then more

  • When A Crook Met Christ

    Contributed by Deldrick Leasure on Apr 27, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    This sermon deals with how a person can come to know Christ even in the midst of their lifestyle.

    Luke 19:1-10 “When A Crook Met Christ” credit given to another source of sermoncentral for the introduction of this sermon For those of us who own and operate an automobile, we understand that our manuals as well as the car manufactures have instructed us that we should more

  • Financial Freedom Workshop - Session 5

    Contributed by Aaron Mishoe on Apr 2, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Sending your children to College for less or debt free is possible!

    Download the free Powerpoint and teaching materials at FINANCIAL FREEDOM WORSHOP Destination 4 Developed from the book Your Money Map: A Proven 7 Step Guide to True Financial Freedom. - How is your spending plan progressing? - Anyone finished their’s yet? Intro - Last more

  • What Is The Matrix?

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on May 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The most important question of our age may be: What is the matrix? In light of the rise in secular humanism, and the growing concerns over political, economic, and banking corruption worldwide, one must wonder... What is going on here?

    The most important question of our age may be: What is the matrix? In light of the rise in secular humanism, and the growing concerns over political, economic, and banking corruption worldwide, one must wonder... What is going on here? Why is the depravity so pervasive? What is causing this rise more

  • The Life Of The Kingdom Begins Now

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Sep 4, 2023

    We are often guilty of limiting the Kingdom of God as being some future reality. But there is an aspect of the kingdom in the present. What foes this tell us.

    The Kingdom of God Begins Now Romans 13:8-14 In times of distress, we often dream of heaven. We cry out “Maranatha” (O Lord Come). We think of the millennium and a reign of the Prince of Peace while we seem surrounded by the noise of war. We await justice while we live in a world where justice is more

  • Greed Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on May 3, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A common sin ... more

    As we come to the end of this series of sermons about vice and virtue, our topic is one that many would not say is a sin. In fact, for many it is a laudable characteristic. What am I talking about? Let’s start with a story that Jesus told about a greedy man- (Luke 12:13-21, NIV) " Someone in more

  • Your Destiny Awaits Your Arrival

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Feb 14, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Every Christian needs to declare the good things of God over their life on a daily basis, like the song says “He’ll do it again!” God will do it again for you, and again, and again, and again and again and again!

    Your Destiny Awaits Your Arrival Illustration by Ken Miller GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS A gallery owner tells one of his artists that heÍs got some good new and bad news. The artist asks for the good news first. "Well," he replies, "the good news is that a man came in here today asking more

  • The Good News Is, The Bad News Is Wrong!

    Contributed by John Gaston on Nov 7, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The devil is a master at making things look worse than they actually are. The world has its problems, and if we focus on the negative, we will lose our peace and our victory. Look to a different source of news: God's awesome future for you!

    THE GOOD NEWS IS THE BAD NEWS IS WRONG Num. 13:26-33 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: The expert insurance agent 1. Gary has had a tremendous year selling life insurance policies and is asked by one of his colleagues for the secret to his success. 2. Gary replies, "After I outline the benefits of life more

  • Poor Vs. Rich Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 3, 2013

    Proverbs reminds us that wisdom from God looks at what is poor and rich different than the world does. A person with money can be called poor and a poor man with no money can be called rich in the eyes of God.

    Series: Practical Proverbs Thesis: The primary message of Proverbs is “Get wisdom or act and look like a fool!” Sermon 1 & 2: Wise vs. foolish We learned that wisdom is God given not manmade but foolishness is manmade not God given. We learned that wisdom is given by God to us so that more

  • Debt And The Conscientious Christian

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Apr 28, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The sensitive subject of indebtedness is addressed in the message, pointing to the universal debt that rests upon each Christian.

    “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.” [1] Living beyond one’s means has become de rigueur in the contemporary world. It is virtually impossible to imagine the average family in this day living within their means—living without more

  • A Sacrificial Faith Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on May 16, 2002
    based on 299 ratings

    The story of the sacrifical faith of the woman who fell at Jesus’ feet and washed his feet with her tears.

    A Study of the Book of Luke Sermon # 18 A Sacrificial Faith Luke 7:36-50 We have before us this morning a record of the worship of woman who falls at the feet of Jesus in worship. We are never told her name. Luke does not more

  • The Spirit Of The Lord Is Upon Me

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Oct 31, 2008
    based on 34 ratings

    This message deals with what issues we should be concerned with when voting, because the Spirit Of The Lord is upon us for a purpose just as it was upon Jesus.

    The Spirit Of The Lord Is Upon Me Nov.2, 2008 Micah 6:6-8 Luke 4:16-30 There is an undoubtedly an excitement around our nation as we face an election that is almost unbelievable. Not only did out ancestors who were in chains during the time of slavery did not think this could be possible, more

  • Million Dollar Idea But My Mind Stuck On Credit

    Contributed by Robert Parker on Mar 29, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon directed toward God’s plea to the believer to give of themselves for the Kingdom of God and not to conform to this lost and dying world.

    Romans 12:1 -2 (12:1) I Beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. (12:2) And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may more

  • Major Mistakes We Make With Our Money - Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Ted Mulder on Dec 30, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    12 Dumb things we do with our money. Here’s the problem - Here’s the answer!

    Major Mistakes We Make With Our MONEY As I was studying at my desk, I looked out my window and I saw bodies flying everywhere. My son Jonathan and his friends had a bunch of toys laying on the trampoline and when they started bouncing they flew everywhere. Our financial life sometimes seems that more

  • Exploiting The Message Of Salvation

    Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on Mar 21, 2003
    based on 36 ratings

    The custodians of Temple worship were exploiting true worshippers coming to God. As custodians of the gospel we need to make sure we don’t do the same thing

    John 2:13-22 - Exploiting the Message of Salvation A few years ago as we were leading up to the new millennium, I watched in disbelief as a famous television evangelist made the following statement to the thousands who packed the auditorium in front of him „X ¡§The Lord has told me it is only those more

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