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  • Legion

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jun 17, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    As Legion is cleansed of his many demons, so may we be cleansed of modern day demons by relying on God and telling the story of our faith journey.

    Luke 8: 26 – 39 / Legion Intro: Imagine that you are walking in the cemetery here in Georgetown to get some exercise. Suddenly, you come upon a naked man who is running toward you waving his arms and screaming at the top of his voice. What would you do? ---- Point and laugh? / Turn and more

  • Legion

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jun 20, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon demonstrates for us that no one is beyond the reach of redeeming, healing love of Christ Jesus.

    Legion Luke 8: 26 - 39 Intro: There was a lady who would come out every morning to her front porch, raise her arms and shout, “Praise the Lord!” --- An atheist moved in next door. Over time he became irritated with the lady’s routine and he began to step out on his front porch and yell after more

  • Legion’s Legacy—1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 12, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    Jesus encountered a demoniac in the country of the Gerasenes/Gadarenes. Demons in close association with people leave their mark upon humanity. What is the legacy of demonic influence? ...of demons in close association with people? Part 1 of a 2-part

    LEGION’S LEGACY—Luke 8:26-39 Jesus encountered a demoniac in the country of the Gerasenes/Gadarenes. Demons in close association with people leave their mark upon humanity. What is the legacy of demonic influence? ...of demons in close association with people? 1—Legion’s Legacy is SQUALOR more

  • Legion’s Legacy—part 3

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 12, 2002
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus encountered a demoniac in the country of the Gerasenes/Gadarenes. Demons in close association with people leave their mark upon humanity. What is the legacy of demonic influence? ...of demons in close association with people? Part 3 of a 3-part ser

    LEGION’S LEGACY—Part III—Luke 8:26-39 Jesus encountered a demoniac in the country of the Gerasenes/Gadarenes. Demons in close association with people leave their mark upon those people. What is the legacy of demons in close association with people? Legion’s Legacy is... 1. SQUALOR more

  • Legion Of Chains Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Aug 25, 2021

    Essential King Jesus from chapter 5 is: Jesus breaks our chains.

    ESSENTIAL KING JESUS: LEGION OF CHAINS MARK 5:1-20 #kingjesus USE AUDIO BIBLE: Mark Chapter 5:1-43 [5:32] INTRODUCTION ILLUSTRATION… My chains are gone more

  • Legion Goes Awol Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Jan 17, 2013

    Dominant Thought: Jesus has the power over Satan to change the life of the most lost person

    Great, you got a new Bible. Now what are you supposed to do with it? Well, you could start by reading it! Someone asked what color a Bible should be. The answer is RED. I think every Bible should be read! There’s no difference between a Bible that’s never read and one that’s more

  • Meet Mr. Legion

    Contributed by Kraig Pullam on Feb 17, 2014

    Jesus specializes in turning a madman into a man who makes a difference.

    This is a profound, provocative passage of scripture – in the event of a maniac (madman) from Gadara. Look at this man – wiry, bristly, clumpy hair. A beard to his chest, ribboned with blood. Furtive eyes, darting in all directions, refusing to fix. Naked. No sandals to protect more

  • Jesus Vs. Legion

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Jun 18, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    In the battle of Jesus Vs. Legion, Jesus always wins. So are we begging him to leave or begging him to stay?

    JESUS VS. LEGION Luke 8:26-39 Introduction Luke 8 introduces one of the most frightening sights the disciples had ever seen. (Luke 8:26-29). Mark 5:5 “Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.” Luke 8:30-31 - A Roman legion more

  • A Legion Cast Out.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 14, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Even the devils believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and tremble.

    A LEGION CAST OUT. Mark 5:1-20. The account of the man with the Legion of devils is a dramatic demonstration of the kind of spiritual warfare which is going on for the bodies, minds, and souls of mankind. We notice, first of all, that it is Jesus who initiated this particular more

  • Legion's Legacy—part Ii

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 12, 2002
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus encountered a demoniac in the country of the Gerasenes/Gadarenes. Demons in close association with people leave their mark upon humanity. What is the legacy of demonic influence? ...of demons in close association with people? Part 2 of a 3-part ser

    LEGION’S LEGACY—Part II—Luke 8:26-39 Jesus encountered a demoniac in the country of the Gerasenes/Gadarenes. Demons in close association with people leave their mark upon humanity. What is the legacy of demons in close association with people? Legion’s Legacy is... 1. SQUALOR DRIVEN(:27) 2. more

  • Legions Lost, Language Loosed Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Mar 9, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    If we are captured by a demonic past, then we will try to break our chains and will seem to succeed. But the old demons come back to haunt us, for we have not yet turned to the One who gives permission to send them away.

    She drifted into my office on a stormy afternoon, much like those we’ve just gone through. She had no appointment, nor did she even ask if I had time to talk. She just drifted in and hovered over my desk, tears in her eyes, lip quivering. I invited her to sit down and tell me what was wrong. more

  • "Are We God’s Hubcap?"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Mar 4, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    In Luke 8:26-39 we meet a madman who lived naked and homeless in a graveyard. Not only does this story show us Jesus’ power over evil but in makes the point that no one is beyond God’s redeeming grace.

    Luke 8:26-39 “Are We God’s Hubcap?” By: Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN Why are we here this evening? Why are we not doing what many of the people in our community are doing right this moment?… Watching t-v, heading to the movie theatre, more

  • "We Are All Spectacles"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Feb 2, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about a God Who loves us more than we can imagine--no matter who we are!!!!

    Luke 8:26-39 “We are All Spectacles” Why are we here this evening? Why are we not doing what most of the people in America are doing right this moment?… Watching the Super bowl? Kick-off was at 6:30 pm!!! Could it be that something has happened in our more

  • Have A Very Gadarene Christmas

    Contributed by Gordan Runyan on Nov 13, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    The essentials of the Christmas story are present in the deliverance of the man who had the Legion.

    It’s been said that “Familiarity breeds contempt.” Now, that’s not always the case. Certainly, in a close relationship, like a marriage, intimate, loving familiarity becomes one of the “load-bearing walls.” It’s what keeps the structure standing upright. It’s what supports the weight and more

  • The Gadarene Demoniac

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jun 18, 2022

    Little did the man who was possessed of a legion of demons realize that his life was going to be radically transformed.

    The Gadarene Demoniac Luke 8:26-39 The man Jesus meets in the tomb would make a good subject for a horror movie. Here was a troubled and violent man. One can only imagine what fear the local populations must have had. they could not even bind him with chains. One can think of the terror which a more