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  • Why Teamwork?

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jun 24, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A key to unlocking the door of revival at Christian Hills is teamwork and when the team players understand the following statement then we will have another key to unlocking revival.

    Why Does God want Teamwork? Recognition of new members at Christian Hills Church during Praise and Worship. Opening video Illustration: Teamwork “The Blue Angels” Illustration: Movie Clip on Teamwork – From “Remember the Titans.” Movie is focused on bringing together different cultures and more

  • Training Leaders

    Contributed by Patrick Berthalon on Jul 3, 2006
    based on 1 rating


    LA FORMATION INTRODUCTION : DEFINITIONS : Formation • formation en alternance • formation sur le tas • suivre une formation • la formation professionnelle Synonymes : instruction, éducation, culture, connaissance, savoir, ordre, discipline, dressage, directive 1. enseignement destiné à donner more

  • God's Man For The Job: God's Way Of Kingdom Leadership Series

    Contributed by David Barnes on Aug 12, 2002
    based on 75 ratings

    God is calling leaders to assist in building His kingdom. What are the criteria God uses to select those that he uses.

    INTRODUCTION: UNDERSTANDING GOD’S KINGDOM LEADERSHIP A. God’s leadership for his people is not bound to the past. (15:34-16:1a) 1. Samuel was grieved and the Lord regretted. 2. How long will you grieve? a) We spend too much time comparing what God is doing now to what God may or may not have done more

  • Excellence In Leadership And Service In Family Living, Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Nov 11, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    : A home is more than a house or the place where one lives; that’s merely space. A home is family, it’s security, it’s provision, and it’s love in the relationships that are found there; it is more than space – it is a place where life is fleshed out in

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: A home is more than a house or the place where one lives; that’s merely space. A home is family, it’s security, it’s provision, and it’s love in the relationships that are found there; it is more than space – it is a place where life is fleshed out in all of its more

  • What We Need To Know About Servant-Leadership Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Jul 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 2 of the Series on Spiritual Leadership

    WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SERVANT-LEADERSHIP Mark 10:43-44 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. I THE SPIRITUAL ASPECTS OF SERVANT-LEADERSHIP A We Are Commanded To Lead/Serve Galatians 5:13 more

  • Servant Leadership Series- Intro: The Greatest Servant Leader Series

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Apr 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus modeled the greatest Servant Leadership Attributes while on earth. This is usually ignored by today’s Christian Leaders and Churches

    Servant Leadership Series Intro: The Greatest Servant Leader Do we need leaders in the Church. Let us take a look at this short video. ( I have used the video “Ronnie” from Floodgate Productions ( Have you seen any Ronnies in the Churches of today? Have more

  • Servant Leadership Part 3: Applications In Everyday Life Series

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Jan 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    One question which comes to our mind when we think about Servant Leadership is this. Is this really applicable in my day to day life?

    Servant Leadership - Part 3 Applications in Everyday Life I have been studying various ways in which people apply Biblical principles to their lives. Some very interesting facts have come to my notice. Let me narrate a couple of them here. After a Sunday school lesson on Ten Commandments, the more

  • 5 Reasons Why People Avoid Leadership Responsibilities Series

    Contributed by Dag Heward-Mills on Jan 5, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Leadership is very important and if you are called into ministry, you have been called into leadership. As a leaders you need to inspire people, find solutions for problems, be a thinker and make your followers love you! However some of our greatest lead

    Decide to Become One of the Few Good Leaders in This World If you believe that you are called to the ministry, then you are called to leadership. That is why this sermon is very important for your life. So that you will be a good leader for the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul wrote to Timothy and told more

  • Leadership - Why You Much Interact With The Great And Small Series

    Contributed by Dag Heward-Mills on Jan 5, 2011

    A good leader will interact with two main groups of people: the great (humanly speaking) and the small (humanly speaking). Find out why you need both skills to survive as a leader.

    A good leader will interact with two main groups of people: the great (humanly speaking) and the small (humanly speaking). The great people are the nobles, the rich, the influential and powerful people of society. There are not many of such people in the church. For ye see your calling, more

  • Church Life: Leadership, Unity, Gossip, & Rebellion

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on May 3, 2021

    Once upon a time there was a new Christian. He was in his early twenties, had just recently gotten saved.

    Once upon a time there was a new Christian. He was in his early twenties, had just recently gotten saved. And he was part of a small church that met in a high school auditorium every Sunday. As the months went by he became more and more involved in the church, serving in various ministries, helping more

  • Core 52 Week 6 - Leadership Of Moses And Jesus Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Mar 2, 2020

    Be careful who you follow!

    To hear the sermon, please visit my podcast at: Jesus and Moses • Mistaken for a doctor, asked if patient should have catheter inserted. • Be careful who you follow! • Core52 has brought us through Abraham, Moses and, a couple weeks, David. Greatest more

  • David Promoted To Leadership In Saul's Army Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jan 29, 2023

    At this moment David makes a true friend. Jonathan the son of Saul is that true friend to David. He admires David. He loves David. He has decided David will be his friend. He knows David is a great warrior, so he even gives him his armor and weapons to wear.

    David is coming off the greatest moment of his life, his victory over Goliath. He could easily be tempted to become arrogant or proud. But that is not what happens next. We saw at the end of chapter 17 that after David defeated Goliath he was brought before Saul and Saul doesn’t even remember who more

  • Caring For Godly Leadership - Pastor's Appreciation

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Sep 14, 2022

    What do you do when you’re faced with opposition? Who do you tell? How do you develop the strength to keep pushing, even when it feels like everything is working against you? David would become Israel’s greatest king, but now he tired.

    Sermon – Caring for Godly Leadership Scripture Lesson: 2 Samuel 23:8 -17 “These are the names of David’s mightiest warriors. The first was Jashobeam (people will return) the Hacmonite, who was leader of the Three—the three mightiest warriors among David’s men. He once used his spear to kill 800 more

  • Exodus 32:1-35 - Leadership Challenges And Failures

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 18, 2024

    Moses is taking too long and the people are grumbling. Aaron has a choice to make and instead of standing strong he chooses the path of compromise.

    We are jumping back into Exodus, so we want to recap a little bit. Exodus is the story of the people of Israel being delivered from captivity by God Himself, using Moses as His leader. Today, we're going to be in Chapter 32, where we'll study two lessons in leadership with Moses and Aaron. more

  • Core 52 Week 30 - Dirty Hands Leadership Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Aug 4, 2020

    Leading like Jesus means we're going to get our hands dirty.

    You can hear the sermon on my podcast here: • stopping to help woman with tire. • Son Jay’s insight about dirty hands. "I guess that's what a Christian's hands are supposed to look like. • likely we’ve all done similar things without much deep more

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