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  • Pastors: Leading As Preachers

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Mar 14, 2005
    based on 88 ratings

    Pastors have a duty to preach for life change; the hearers are responsible to listen for life change.

    God’s Glorious Church Pastors: Leading as Preachers 2 Timothy 4:1-5 Woodlawn Baptist Church March 13, 2005 Introduction One of the most important duties of the man whom God has called is to be a preacher and teacher of God’s Word – to proclaim to you and to others, “Thus saith the Lord!” In this more

  • Listen To Your Heart Series

    Contributed by Erik Estep on May 16, 2012

    Today in our passage of Scripture we’re going to see Jesus giving us a choice on how we’re going to live our lives. He lets us know that we can make a deal w/Him and have some guarantees in this life or we can choose to go thru another door in life that

    “Listen to Your Heart” John 10: 7-10 October 9, 2011 Intro: A # of years ago there was a game show on TV called “Let’s Make A Deal.” The host would come out and go into the audience and offer cash to a person. He’d tell them, “You can keep this cash more

  • Why Listen To God Series

    Contributed by Joe Holman on Oct 20, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    Third in a series on hearing the voice of God. Gives several benefits of hearing God.

    Can You Hear Me Now? Why Listen To God? John 10 Intro: One day I was at the park with some of my kids. There was one kid there, he was without any parents, who was being mean. At one point I asked him to stop doing what he was doing, and he replied, now this is about a seven year old, “I don’t more

  • "Listen! God Is Speaking"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jan 17, 2003
    based on 84 ratings

    God spoke to Samuel and God is speaking to us...are we listening?

    1 Samuel 3:1-20 “Listen! God is Speaking” By: Rev. Kenneth Emerson Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA Many of us can probably relate to how the people felt in Samuel’s time: “In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions.” This was a more

  • Too Busy To Listen

    Contributed by Tony Miano on Dec 28, 2000
    based on 182 ratings

    There is a passage in the Gospel of Luke that talks about two sisters and their attitudes and methods for spending time with the Lord. One of the sisters had her spiritual priorities straight. The other was too busy to listen.

    Too Busy To Listen Luke 10:38-42 Preached by Pastor Tony Miano Pico Canyon Community Church December 31, 2000 Introduction: A few weeks ago, I was talking with Pamela and Linda after church. We were talking about the fact that while it is good to study God’s Word verse-by-verse, it’s also more

  • Your Servant Is Listening

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Nov 30, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Prayer with God also involves listening to what He has said and to the ways He continues to direct us.

    1. Title: Your Servant is Listening 2. Text: I Samuel 3 3. Audience: Villa Heights Christian Church, AM crowd, April 17, 2005 4. Objectives: -for the people to understand that prayer is also a part of our “tuning in to God,” not just us speaking to Him. And for them to understand how to listen more

  • Quiet Enough To Listen Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Nov 20, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    God speaks, even in our darkest moments.

    QUIET ENOUGH TO LISTEN I Kings 19.1-18 S: Depression C: Listening to God Th: Life Can Be Hard Pr: GOD SPEAKS, EVEN IN OUR DARKEST MOMENTS. TS: We will find in our study of I Kings 19 how God graciously dealt with and healed the depression of Elijah. Type: Inductive I. TREPIDATION more

  • Your Servant Is Listening

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Mar 25, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon that considers the 2-way nature of prayer, rather than just approaching it as a time for God to listen to us.

    On January 4, 1987, Oral Roberts launched his most notable campaign to date. He told his followers that if he didn’t raise a total of 8 million dollars by March, God was going to take his life. Comparing himself to the apostle Paul, Roberts begged not to let Satan defeat him. "God" he said, more

  • Samuel - Listening To God Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Mar 14, 2018

    If I want to hear God speak I must learn to listen

    ENGAGE Many years ago, the United Nations gathered for a conference in New York City. During a lunch break, two of the participants decided to take a walk around the busy streets of New York City and grab a sandwich at a local deli. One of those men was a Native American who had spent much of his more

  • Servant Leadership Charecterestics

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Jan 31, 2009

    What are the charecterestics that make us a true servant leader?

    Servant Leadership Characteristics The following set of 10 characteristics are viewed as being critical to the development of servant-leaders. These are based on the study by Mr Larry Spears, while he was the CEO of Greenleaf Center of Servant Leadership, USA. I have used Mr Spears’ ideas with more

  • Simple Leadership: Elders Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 28, 2015

    The New Testament pattern for church leadership is not personnel committees, democracy, influential families in the church, or hierarchies. It is simply a group of men known as elders who study and seek to follow God’s Word.

    Simple Leadership: Elders ( I Timothy 5:17-25) 1. We usually think of authority issues when it comes to parents and teens. 2. One teen recently blogged, “Today, my mom screeched at me about my pillowcase being dirty and finished off one long rant with an irate "Who raised you to be such a more

  • Christ's Leadership Secret

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Apr 17, 2003
    based on 65 ratings

    Christ’s great sermon on the mount began with the words, "Blessed are you". The Lord knew that everyone has a hunger for supernatural blessings, benefits and empowerments. Everyone in the crowd must have strained to hear every word Jesus spoke that day be

    After reading any of today’s newspapers is it little wonder why many are skeptical about meeting new people. No doubt Jesus could have given in to the temptation to doubt people’s motives. Yet, He maintained an upbeat attitude toward every person He met. Jesus looked at people’s potential because more

  • Leadership Through Christ

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jan 31, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus Christ is the greatest example of leadership ever, so enjoy while you spread this good news.

    Leadership Through Christ Text: Matthew 5: 1-10 Matthew 5:1-10 And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. 2 Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying: 3 “ Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of more

  • Moses: The Character Of Leadership Series

    Contributed by Bryan Parris on May 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    From the "Heroes" Series: A Message on Leadership from Hebrews 11:23-29

    Moses: the Character of Leadership Hebrews 11:23-29. This morning in our study of Hebrews chapter 11 we look at the life of Moses. Moses was a leader and his epitaph is recorded in the last three verses of Deuteronomy: Deuteronomy 34:10-12 - Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like more

  • Listening To The Voice Of God

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Apr 3, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Our main question this morning: How do we listen to God?

    LISTENING TO THE VOICE OF GOD John 10 & 1 Samuel 3 #hearingGod INTRODUCTION… [adapted] The Chinese language calligraphy character for the word and concept of “listening” is made up of different elements of good listening: Across the top of the more

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