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  • Rough Knees Series

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Jun 18, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    Message series in book of James: “Extreme Makeover: What Really Looks Good to God”Encouragement to seek God in prayer especially when circumstances weigh you down

    Rough Knees 13Are any among you suffering? They should keep on praying about it. And those who have reason to be thankful should continually sing praises to the Lord. 14Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in more

  • Knees That Bent

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Feb 6, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Nehemiah had a heart that cared, knees that bent, a mind that prepared, and feet that went.

    Knees That Bent Last week we began to dig into the book of Nehemiah, and we discovered that he was a man that had a heart that cared, knees that bent, a mind that prepared and feet that went. I talked about how those four things need to be kept in a somewhat equal balance for success in any more

  • Knee Deep In Sheep

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Dec 10, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    For Advent III, preached at First Baptist of Gaithersburg, MD. "We may be knee deep in sheep, but let this keep you as you sleep, it is joy we reap". God in Christ transforms the ordinariness of everyday, humdrum life.

    We may be knee deep in sheep, but let this keep you as you sleep – it is joy we shall reap. Did you get all that? Too many rhyming words? Ah, but every one of them is important. Listen again: we may be knee deep in sheep, but let this keep you as you sleep – it is joy we shall reap. Now you more

  • Old Camel Knees Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Sep 9, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    This is an introduction to a study of the Book of James. In this sermon we look at the different stages in the life of the author as he transforms from doubting skeptic to humble believer and righteous leader.

    Scripture For most of this past year we have studied Paul’s letter to the Galatians on Sunday mornings. Galatians is a book that emphasizes Christian doctrine. As we studied Galatians we learned what we are to believe about the gospel. Hopefully, we grew in our understanding of the gospel. So, more

  • Traveling On Your Knees

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Oct 10, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    6 truths about prayer.

    Acts 10:1-12:25 March 13, 2005 Traveling On Your Knees Last night I took a journey to a land across the seas. I didn’t go by ship or plane I traveled on my knees. I saw so many people there In bondage to their sin, And Jesus told me I should go, That there were souls to win. But I said, "Jesus, more

  • Wholly Devoted Knees Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Nov 12, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In this final lesson in the series, we learn that wholly devoted knees kneel in submission and prayer to God.

    Introduction: A. Today we are completing our Wholly Devoted Series. 1. I hope you have found this series to be challenging and enriching! 2. We have been exploring how to be wholly devoted to God with all that we are and all that we have. 3. One last time, let’s review the two verses that more

  • On Bended Knees- Prayer Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Nov 21, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Illustration: There was a woman who lived in a remote valley. With great trouble and a lot of expense she had electricity installed in her home. After some months, the lineman noticed that her electric meter was hardly running. So he called the woman and asked her,

    Follow us on: Website: Podcast : Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: more

  • Love On Its Knees

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Nov 26, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is going to review the story of Jesus washing the disciple’s feet and in doing so will emphasize how important it is to love while on one’s knees as His servant!

    Love on its Knees John 13:1-17 Online Sermon: “By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). Living a generation of gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant people who invent ways of more

  • Prophet On His Knees

    Contributed by Alan Mccann on Oct 27, 2022

    Elijah post Carmel in the depths of despair

    1 Kings 19 - Prophet on his knees Nina LaCour in a book entitled “Hold Still” wrote these words: The sun stopped shining for me is all. The whole story is I am sad. Hold Still is not an easy read and I would not recommend it if you wanted a happy read either. It is about someone coming to more

  • Every Knee Shall Bow

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Mar 22, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    An evangelistic message declaring that a day is coming when every knee shall bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

    “Every Knee Shall Bow” Philippians 2:1-11 A day is coming that will be unlike any other day in world history. Philippians 2:10-11, “At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of god the more

  • Knee Bowed And Body Bent Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 19, 2000
    based on 97 ratings

    Since body language communicates our real feelings, we must pay attention to how we present our bodies to God -- in the words of James Weldon Johnson, "knee-bowed", ready to submit our wills to His; and "body-bent", ready to work for things that matter.

    You may not speak a great many foreign languages, but there is one language other than English at which most of us are proficient. That is body language. Whether our mouths can pronounce strange sounds or whether our eyes can make any sense out of different alphabets, we can see body language. more

  • Extreme Makeover: Callused Knees Series

    Contributed by Steven Dow on Jun 4, 2004
    based on 69 ratings

    This is the fifth and final message in the Extreme Makeover series. James teaches us the ABC’s of effective prayer.

    EXTREME MAKEOVER: CALLUSED KNEES James 5:13-18 June 6, 2004 Introduction: This morning we will be continuing and concluding our study of the book of James titled “Extreme Makeover.” In light of our cultures obsession with makeovers and the popularity of the many reality makeover programs on TV more

  • Extreme Makeover: Calloused Knees Series

    Contributed by Daniel Richter on Oct 10, 2006

    The changes God wants to see in us.

    Extreme Makeover March 12th, 2006 This morning we’re going to continue our look at Extreme Makeovers. Not the stuff we see on TV. Not the makeovers that cater to the society that we live in that tells us what makes a person beautiful and desirable is the outer package that they’re born with or more

  • Every Knee Shall Bow

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Jul 18, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    Worship is an important part of life in heaven. It should be here on earth also.

    July 13, 2003 Morning Service Text: Revelation 5:1-14 Subject: Worship Title: Every Knee Shall Bow and Every Tongue Confess Worship is an important factor in church growth. Some of the things that attract people to a church are solid preaching and a lively worship service. On the other hand, more

  • What To Do With A Bum Knee Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Nov 30, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    To develop a more finely-tuned attitude toward hardships and to develop a plan that will help to regularly grow through events that stretch us

    1. Title: What To Do With a Bum Knee 2. Text: Hebrews 12:4-13 (12:3-29) 3. Audience: Villa Heights Christian Church, AM crowd. September 17, 2006, in the series “Nothing Better Than The Best” 4. Objectives: -for the people to understand how difficulties are used by God for our good; what a right more

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