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  • Looking To The End Times Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 9, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    There is a lot of excitement generated in the Christian community around the return of Jesus. Jesus' men were excited too, but what Jesus tells them is not a timeline or series of events, but how they should act while waiting. It's good advise for us too

    There’s one thing that is pretty clear—no one understood Jesus’ mission as the ultimate action hero. The people that followed Him closely were starting to get that He was the Messiah—but what did that mean? As I’ve mentioned several times in our journey through Mark, more

  • Suffering In End Times

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Sep 9, 2013

    Christ's public training of disciples to heal and to do greater works, in ministry.

    Suffering in End Times by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (St. Matthew 4:4, King James Version, KJV [Christ Jesus tempted by the more

  • End Times 101 Series

    Contributed by Kyle Gray on Apr 27, 2012
    based on 9 ratings

    This is a 'end times 101' sermon on the last days according to the Bible.

    The end of the world, in one way or another…is on your mind. We watch movies about it, we read books about it, we watch TV shows about it, we’re well aware of the interest involving the Mayan calender and the year 2012. There is NOTHING to the Mayan theory, an asteroid is NOT going to more

  • End Time Drama

    Contributed by Jerry Falwell on Sep 21, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    The events that I believe will take place before Jesus returns.

    END TIME DRAMA (What I Believe Will Happen Before Jesus Returns) By Jerry Falwell A. INTRODUCTION I’ve been talking to you about the clash between Israel and the Palestinians which is a clash between President Sharon and Yassar Arafat. But deeper than that it is a clash between two cultures: more

  • The End Time Outpouring

    Contributed by Charles Jones on Jul 21, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    We are living in the last days. Theologians have debated whether or not the Bible speaks of an end-time revival before the return of Jesus.

    The End Time Outpouring 1 Timothy 4:1,2 We are living in the last days. Theologians have debated whether or not the Bible speaks of an end-time revival before the return of Jesus. Those who say there will not be a revival point to the rise of evil foretold in Scripture. Certainly, the Bible more

  • When God Has His Day - Part 1

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Nov 23, 2017

    This world will end one day Power Point is available upon request

    2 PETER 3:10-13 “WHEN GOD HAS HIS DAY” PART 1 A) Sometime when you look at our world and the in-roads satan seems to be making in it, you may get the idea that in the final say, the devil’s gonna win. * But I must remind you that things are not always as they may seem. B) I heard the story more

  • Is This The Beginning Of The End?

    Contributed by Gordon Mcculloch on Dec 1, 2024

    The state of the world today looks like the end of the age, but is it? As we read Gods word, we see that much is still to happen before the return of Christ in that cloud of glory, until the, we must keep our eyes on him.

    This sermon was delivered to Holy Trinity Church in Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland on the 1st December 2024 (a Scottish Episcopal Church in the Dioceses of Glasgow and Dumfries). “Please join me in my prayer.” Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of our hearts, be acceptable in your sight, O more

  • End Time Scoffers

    Contributed by Glen Spencer on Nov 19, 2023

    In chapter two, Peter spelled out the character of false teachers and the futility of their teaching. Now in chapter three Peter deals with the second coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the world. He starts off by warning us of the end-time scoffers.

    THE SAINTS REALITY Regardless of whether we like it or not, the reality is that there’s a lot of false teaching out there today. These false teachers refuse to heed the word of God, repent and trust Christ. Peter describes these false teachers and their followers as last days scoffers ... (2 more

  • End Time Revival

    Contributed by Samuel M on Jul 10, 2023

    Every revival begins with a fresh revelation of Jesus. The Holy Spirit acts on that revelation and makes it real with tremendous power.

    Every revival begins with a fresh revelation of Jesus. The Holy Spirit acts on that revelation and makes it real with tremendous power. Father God gives a revelation of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit expounds the revelation. As a result, Jesus is physically seen. Trinity is involved in a more

  • The Truth Of The End Times Series

    Contributed by Greg Johnson on Jan 12, 2007
    based on 26 ratings

    The book of Daniel ends by talking about the end time truths of the Antichrist, the tribulation, and the resurrection. It concludes with specific instruction to Daniel and to us in our day.

    The Truth of the End Times Daniel Speaks to Us Today By Greg Johnson January 10, 2007 Daniel 11 and 12 Eschatology can be confusing. There are some people that spend a lot of energy time trying to figure out the end times. It is possible that some become so more

  • Israel In The End Times

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Jun 16, 2011

    It can get very confusing when we talk about Israel and the end times. But here is what Jesus says on the matter.

    Passage: Matthew 24:15-28 Intro: Any study of the end times can get very confusing very quickly. 1. approaches, viewpoints, interpretations abound. 2. but the more I study God’s word, the more I am convinced that God speaks with incredible clarity. 3. and we need to come to this more

  • Enduring In The End Times Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jan 26, 2021

    While it is impossible to known when the Lord will return, the Scripture does reveal what we can expect as that time draws near. Paul sought to equip the church to prepare for and endure during the End Times. These words of exhortation are especially needed today.

    Enduring in the End Times 1 Thessalonians 5: 8-11 Paul had spent a great deal of time dealing with the rapture of the church and the second coming of the Lord. He sought to enlighten them concerning the events that are sure to happen. If you remember, the Thessalonians were a bit confused, and more

  • Preparing For The End Times

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Feb 15, 2019

    We should all be living as if Christ was coming back today.

    Preparing for the end Times 1 Thessalonians 4:16-5:15 Introduction- We have been looking at the work of Christ in our lives. We know that He desires everyday to be a part of our lives and make us more like Himself. We are not perfect and He is not done with any of us. Each day, we should have more

  • End Time Confusion Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Dec 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    When you are not well grounded, you are easily tossed to and fro.

    End Time Confusion (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4) 1. Ever since the days of the early Church, there have been False Teachings about the Coming of the Lord. Let me list just a few Deceptions. • In A.D.135, a man named Montanus proclaimed that the New Jerusalem would soon descend from heaven to earth and more

  • The End Times And You

    Contributed by Wilson Oshorakpor on Sep 27, 2021

    We are in the end tines. This is a popular refrain in Christian circles and has been for ages. While some calculate and predict, others tell of visions and dreams of the end tines. The question is: Are you ready to meet your saviour?

    TEXT: Matthew 24:12-13 "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." THE END TIMES People have written so much about the end time, Christians and unbelievers alike have had dreams and visions about more

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