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  • Divisions Over Spiritual Gifts

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Sep 11, 2024

    Many divisions have occurred in Christian assemblies for centuries. Understanding or misunderstanding Spiritual Gifts given by grace to mankind from God has been the cause for divisions. Are these gifts still present today? Are they utilized properly?

    Most of the time, assemblies of persons desiring to worship Almighty God will be filled with those who had been introduced to God by attending an assembly with their parents and grand-parents. However, some may be in attendance who never knew much concerning God and spiritual things. Now they are more

  • In My Whole Life Nobody ... Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Aug 14, 2001
    based on 128 ratings

    Two weeks ago I began Part 1 of this 3-part sermon series by telling you about a conversation I had with a young lady. She had attended a particular church all her life but had never become a Christian.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (REVISED - 2016) TEXT: Acts 2:36-41; Acts 22:7-16; Romans 6:3-5 ILL. Two weeks ago I began this 3-part sermon series by telling about a conver-sation with a young lady I had never met before. To make a more

  • Only Jesus Will Bring Peace To The Earth Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Dec 23, 2020

    There will only be peace on earth when Jesus comes again to rule. All Bible references are from the NASB.

    We have been examining what the angels were praising God about when they praised God with the words: Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” As we have commented on this over the past few weeks, this peace on earth was directed towards those more

  • Jesus Is Enough To Change A City - Acts 19 Intro To Colossians Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Nov 5, 2014

    Today's cities are not so different from First Century cities as one might think. Jesus was enough to change Ephesus. He is enough to change your city!

    I need to give you a background of the book of Ephesians, so you can see that it applies to our city. This way, you can get a feel for WHY Paul wrote what he did in the book. Ephesus was one of the premier city of the Roman Empire. It was situated on It benefitted from a great road system, more

  • The King Is Coming...again! Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Feb 6, 2008
    based on 99 ratings

    The BIGGEST battle of all time will also be the quickest! Jesus is coming back VISIBLY, VICTORIOUSLY, & w/ a VENGEANCE. Link inc. to formatted text, audio, and PowerPoint.

    The King is Coming...Again! Matt. 24:27-31; Rev. 19:11-21 One day Napoleon looked over the plains of Megiddo in Israel and remarked that it was “the most natural battlefield of the whole earth.” That may be true, and it certainly is the location more

  • The Love Of Jesus Makes Us Whole And Holy

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on May 19, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus pours out His love upon us to make us whole and holy, and abundantly free!

    THE STORY OF JESUS #4: THE LOVE OF JESUS MAKES US WHOLE AND HOLY INTRO TO SPEAKER: My new role as Executive Coordinator of the Overcomers Outreach. My trip to Toronto to do an addictions workshop at the Promise Keepers Legacy event. The ‘colour’ of Toronto – police, fire, biker more

  • In My Whole Life Nobody ... Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Aug 14, 2001
    based on 104 ratings

    "I guess I was a kind of an unruly girl or something, so maybe they didn’t want me. I attended a church college, too. But nobody ever said a word to me about becoming a Christian. So I never did."

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (REVISED: 2016) TEXT: Acts 8:34-39; Matthew 10:32 ILL. Last week I began Part 1 of this 3-part sermon series by telling about a young lady I had never met before who asked if she could talk with me about a problem concerning more

  • God's Plan Of Health & Healing For The Whole Man Series

    Contributed by Herman Abrahams on Aug 12, 2007
    based on 38 ratings

    • One of the covenant names of God is in Ex 15:26, where the Lord says: I AM THE LORD THAT HEALS YOU.” Hebrew ‘Jehovah Rapha’ = The Lord our Healer.

    Compiled by: Herman Abrahams (Pastor), Cornerstone Faith Ministries, P.O. Box 740, Westridge 7802, Rep. of South Africa. E-Mail: Note to the reader: If you have been blessed with this sermon compilation, I would be honoured to receive an e-mail from you more

  • Victory Over Fear, Joshua

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Apr 22, 2022

    Victory over fear is a sermon based on the life of Joshua. This blog deals with how God guides us when we are fearful about our future.

    Follow us on: For more sermons: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Thoughts and feelings are something that comes very naturally more

  • Which King Is He?

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Oct 19, 2012

    Do I use Jesus for my own selfish opportunities? Do I find it convenient to cheer with Him one day then deny him the next? What kind of a King do I try to make of him?

    Which King is He? Matthew 20:17 – 21:17 NIV A Parade of Opportunity and Opportunists From The Scriptures 1. Matthew 20:17-19 The Divine opportunity Jesus explains His opportunity – the reason He came to earth was to be a perfect sacrifice for all They still did not understand and more

  • The City Of The Great King.

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jul 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Who is this great King?

    The City of the Great King Psalm 48:1-14 The Book of Psalms was the Hebrew hymn book. Like our songs, they address a variety of topics and situations from simply giving praise, being comforted in times of trouble, of the need to have sin forgiven, and hope in times of war. Like our hymns, they can more

  • The King Chooses A Queen

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Nov 25, 2022

    Esther is an illustration of God's care and direction for our lives. In order to effectively serve God, we must have faith that God is in control, working through both good and bad times, despite the fact that we may question certain aspects of our lives.

    Have you been chosen? Esther is an illustration of God's care and direction for our lives. In order to effectively serve God, we must have faith that God is in control, working through both good and bad times, despite the fact that we may question certain aspects of our lives. Persian rulers more

  • Jesus Came To Put The Kingom Of God Back Into This World, Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Richard Laraviere on Sep 22, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Jeus came to earth with the power and authority of God to setup his kingdom on earth again and to prepare his sons on the earth to take over.

    Kingdom Life Jesus came to put the kingdom of God back into this world, Opening: 1. "…I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10:10) The literal Greek rendering of “more abundantly” is - That they might have it excessively, more

  • It Ain't Over Yet

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Jan 13, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    Ephiphany - keep Christmas all year

    Sermon: “It Ain’t Over Yet” Matt 2:1-12 January 5, 2003 READ SCRIPTURE As I sat yesterday in my living room amidst a room full of broken after Christmas toys, stale goodies and dusty decorations I realized I am ready for the Christmas to be over, ready for the decorations to be put away. more

  • The King And His People

    Contributed by John Lowe on Dec 16, 2013

    We are citizens of heaven right now. We don't have to wait until we die because our name was written down in heaven when we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Our place in heaven is reserved and kept for us by God, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

    June 5, 2006 "The Kingdom of Heaven" Lesson #1: "The King and His People" Text: Exodus 19:1-9 (NLT) Today we begin a series of devotions that I have called "The Kingdom of Heaven.". This series of devotions will cause you to think deeply about your citizenship and the realm in which you more

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