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  • ‘victory Over The World'

    Contributed by Evie Megginson on Jul 19, 2001
    based on 77 ratings

    Now in this chapter He talks about the “Saved” relationship to the world (v-2), the “Spirit” relationship to the wold (v-8), and the “Saviour” relationship to the world (v-33).

    ‘VICTORY OVER THE WORLD’ John 16:1-11, 33 It now almost midnight in Jerusalem, a time when most were in bed, but not Jesus and disciples. They were still making their way to the the garden of Olivet where Jesus would be betrayed by Judas and then be put on trail and crucified. Jesus knowing His more

  • The Most Heavenly Place On Earth Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Apr 4, 2017

    1. God wants us to be united (vs. 32). 2. God wants us to be unselfish (vs. 32b & 34-35). 3. God wants us to be unleashed (vs. 33). 4. God wants us to be uplifting (vs. 36-37).

    The Most Heavenly Place on Earth Acts 4:32-37 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Aug. 4, 2013 *We used to go to Heavenly Ham a good bit. And the ham was very good, but I wouldn't say it was heavenly. On Friday I plugged the word "heavenly" into Google and got over 51 million hits. more

  • Spilling Over With Gratitude

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Jan 15, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We can learn to express thanks to God regardless of the circumstances. Our hearts should overflow with gratitude to the One who made us and knows us by name.

    Spilling Over with Gratitude Colossians 2:6-7 6 Now that you have welcomed the Anointed One, Jesus the Lord, into your lives, continue to journey with Him and allow Him to shape your lives. 7 Let your roots grow down deeply in Him, and let Him build you up on a firm foundation. Be strong in the more

  • Harlots And Kings

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Nov 8, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    Who is welcome in the church?

    1Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, “My daughter, I need to seek some security for you, so that it may be well with you. 2Now here is our kinsman Boaz, with whose young women you have been working. See, he is winnowing barley tonight at the threshing floor. 3Now wash and anoint yourself, and more

  • Welcoming The King

    Contributed by Lyndon Marcotte on Jun 16, 2011

    Palm Sunday text that teaches that we must expect to encounter the risen Christ this day and even find Him in the most unlikely of places and faces.

    “Welcoming the King” – Matthew 21:1-11 There is a lot of buzz surrounding the upcoming Royal Wedding. I realized that there are many people only a few years younger than myself who have no memory of the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. We Americans have always had an more

  • Jesus Is King

    Contributed by Andy Payne on Apr 5, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The story of the Bible is the greatest of all stories. It is the story of Christ and His entering into the struggle of humanity in order to rescue his fallen creation. The great story of Christ permeates all of Scripture including every individual scene.

    A great story is held together by a great plot One overarching theme, which binds every scene together Compelling lead character – a dangerous dilemma involving loss of certain order, the lead characters attempt to solve the problem and restore order, a villain, a companion or companions, more

  • Responses To The King Series

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Sep 17, 2022

    When was the last time you evaluated your relationship and response to Jesus? If you are a Christian, how do you show that Jesus is important to you? Let’s learn from the different responses Jesus received from others!

    Responses to the King Matthew 26:1-16 (Read Scripture) This morning we'll look at the contrasts of responses to King Jesus in the text. And here's what we need to recognize: However we respond to Jesus, God is still in control. Just as this morning's text reveals, whether the plot more

  • The King And The Cross PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Understand the significance of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, the importance of carrying our own crosses, and the paradox of majesty and sacrifice represented by a King on a Cross.

    Good morning, church family. We're here today to delve deep into the heart of the Gospel, to examine the cross -- Jesus' cross, our own crosses, and the intersection of majesty and sacrifice. As Martin Luther once said, "Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in more

  • Victory Over Darkness Series

    Contributed by Aneel Aranha on Jan 31, 2021

    While we shouldn’t make the mistake of acting like the devil doesn’t exist, we shouldn’t forget that we have victory over him as well.

    Scripture Reading: Mark 5:1-20 They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained more

  • The Fight Over Circumcision Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Jul 29, 2020

    Paul explains that salvation is not the result of works.

    The fight over circumcision Romans 2:25-29 In 1995, a man by the name of McArthur Wheeler walked into two Pittsburgh banks and robbed them in broad daylight and made no visible attempt at disguising himself. He was arrested later that night, less than an hour more

  • The King Is Coming Series

    Contributed by Dan Brown on Jan 22, 2007
    based on 25 ratings

    John the Baptist prepares the way for Christ the King. Look at John’s message repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and what that means for us today

    Sermon 1/21/07-Matt. 3:1-10- “The King is Coming!” Intro. –Turn to Matt. 3. Event coming up that I enjoy watching. State of the Union address. One of the most powerful moments each year is right at the beginning, when in the midst of all the noise and chaos there is a voice that booms out more

  • Eternal Encounters: Healing And Wholeness In Christ Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Dec 19, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Today, we focus on the profound truth that every person we encounter is eternal. As image-bearers of God, our value is rooted in Him, and so is our hope for healing and restoration.

    Eternal Encounters: Healing and Wholeness in Christ Introduction: Today, we focus on the profound truth that every person we encounter is eternal. As Matt Chandler reminds us, "Every person you encounter is eternal. You have never met a human not created to image your God." This quote more

  • Death Passes Over

    Contributed by Paul Davidson on Feb 12, 2020

    Jesus is the Passover Lamb who takes away our sin. We are spared from God’s judgment and wrath. We are set free from our bondage to sin and darkness because we have placed our faith in JESUS! The blood of Jesus covers our sin. God sees the blood of Jesus on our lives, and death passes over us!

    *** NOTE - Both a brief Children's Sermon and a full Adult sermon are included *** CHILDREN’S SERMON Who have we been studying the last three Sundays? Yes… MOSES... Last week, Moses asked Pharaoh (or the leader of the Egyptians) NINE TIMES to let the people of Israel go… and all 9 times, more

  • A Child Of The King Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 14, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    We are adopted Children of God, we need to start acting like it. There are many benefits of belonging to Jesus

    INTRODUCTION • One of the great things that happens to us when we give our lives to Jesus is that we become a part of the family of God. We become an adopted child of God. • In the Romans world from which the letter to the Romans comes from, adoption totally changed a person’s life. • Many more

  • Crossing Over The New

    Contributed by Pablo Catala on Jul 6, 2019

    Newness of life

    A television program preceding the 1988 Winter Olympics featured blind skiers being trained for slalom skiing, impossible as that sounds. Paired with sighted skiers, the blind skiers were taught on the flats how to make right and left turns. When that was mastered, they were taken to the slalom more

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