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  • Thankful No Matter What

    Contributed by Gerald Steffy on Oct 14, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    If we know Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we should be thankful no matter how difficult the circumstances in life that we face.

    THANKFUL NO MATTER WHAT 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Proposition: If we know Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we should be thankful no matter how difficult the circumstances in life that we face. Objective: To challenge God’s people to express gratitude & be thankful no matter what. INTRODUCTION: more

  • "Sound Doctrine Matters” Series

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on Aug 1, 2008

    It’s God’s plan to infuse this world with His love and the message of hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    FIRST TIMOTHY is the first of 3 Pastoral Epistles… • Letters written to young pastors serving the Lord through the gifting of ‘Pastor/Teacher’ • In them Paul the Apostle, seasoned in the ministry, is giving direction for the GOALS & GUIDELINES within the Church. • What should the Church look like? more

  • Your Body Matters Series

    Contributed by Darryl Klassen on Dec 1, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Paul speaks once again to the issue of sex and how we use our bodies. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit - that means more than quitting smoking; more than the sermon and find out what it does mean.

    YOUR BODY MATTERS It’s time for Body Break with Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod, those Canadian health and fitness experts. You know those commercials on TV where a man and woman come on and tell you that all the stuff you’re eating is killing you? That’s them! Did you know that a can of soda more

  • Why Israel Matters

    Contributed by John Bright on Feb 1, 2025

    This sermon was preached on the first Sunday of October - Sunday of Prayer for Peace in Jerusalem

    Sunday of Prayer for Peace in Jerusalem Sermon: “Why Israel Matters” Zechariah 8:2-3 A sermon for October 6, 2024 Pastor John Bright Zechariah 8 “2 “Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘I am zealous for Zion with great zeal; With great fervor I am zealous for her.’ 3 “Thus says the Lord: ‘I will return more

  • Why Easter Matters

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Apr 30, 2001
    based on 59 ratings

    Easter matters because the Christian God has identified with our humanity.

    WHY DOES EASTER MATTER? EASTER SUNDAY, 2001 Congressman David Obey of Wisconsin tells the story about the late Senator Hubert Humphrey and Federal Judge Miles Lord. Humphrey and Lord were on a fishing trip in Northern Minnesota. While at a sporting goods store, the Judge noticed a tour bus from more

  • The Smallest Member Matters

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on May 25, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    This message focues on the importance of every member of the body being important including our youth.

    The Smallest Member Matters Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 12:12-25; Introduction: During our last Youth Sunday service, Nikki spoke to the youth and told them that they could make a difference in this world. She stressed that it was not about how old they were; where they lived; how much money more

  • A Matter Of Life And Death

    Contributed by Darrin Hunt on Oct 8, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    Growing in Christ is a matter of life and death, it’s a matter of giving up our old "life" of death and putting on a new life in Christ.

    "A Matter of Life and Death" Col. 3:1-17 Intro. How many men remember what their wardrobe looked like before they got married? How many “favorite” shirts or jeans did you have? How many do you have now that you’re married? How many still seem to disappear every now and then? I had a practical more

  • Why The Church Matters Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Mar 18, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Ninth in a series from Ephesians. The church should matter to us because it matters to God.

    This week I came across an interesting quote that was recently posted on an internet blog by a lady who identified herself as “Eva”. Here it is, exactly as she wrote it: You are so right about the church today. We are a catholic family, but I can’t even remember the last time we went to church. My more

  • Money Matters: The Basics

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Nov 2, 2024

    Topical Series on Stewardship

    Title: “Money Matters: Basic Principles” Type: Topical Series Script: Various Where: GNBC 11-3-24 Intro: It is shocking to most people to hear that the Bible says more about money and possessions than it does about heaven and hell! In fact, there are roughly 2350 verses. The economy is more

  • Focusing On What Matters Series

    Contributed by Darren Ethier on May 9, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    5 of 10 of the series Supernatural Transformation. One of the incredible abilities Jesus had was to stay on target. His life never got off track - He kept His life on course. His ability to focus is a strong characteristic of His life and it can be a ch

    FOCUSING ON WHAT MATTERS Ephesians 1:17-18; Romans 8:28; Ephesians 2:10; Romans 12:3; 1 Peter 4:2 Read at beginning of service: Ephesians 1:17-23 (NIV) 17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may more

  • Little Things Mattere

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Apr 21, 2009

    Human Obstacles to God

    story begin with Naaman, commander of the army of the king, a great man in high favor with his master. The narrator paints a very big picture. This is an important man, a four-star general, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, decorated for military victories, in favor with the king, one of the inner more

  • Heart Matters: Resentment Series

    Contributed by David Jeffery on Jul 6, 2015

    A transcript of a narrative sermon from 2 Samuel 13 dealing with resentment and unforgiveness. Homiletical statement: A heart of resentment destroys your relationships and only leads to death.

    Absalom had finally figured out a way to kill his brother. And if there was anybody that needed to die, it was his brother Amnon. Amnon, that snake. That pathetic excuse for a human being. That vile monster. He needed to die. What he had done, somebody needed to do something about it, and more

  • Little Things Matter

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Apr 15, 2009

    God works in small ways

    • Verse 5. Go to, etc. - It was very natural for a king to suppose, that the king of Israel could do more than any of his subjects.—Wesley’s CommentaryObstacles for God “Not One of Us” From all indications, it would appear that the Syrians are enemies and not allies of Israel. The young girl more

  • : Little Things Matter

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Aug 5, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    the willingness to do little things for God.

    • Verse 5. Go to, etc. - It was very natural for a king to suppose, that the king of Israel could do more than any of his subjects.—Wesley’s CommentaryObstacles for God “Not One of Us” From all indications, it would appear that the Syrians are enemies and not allies of Israel. The young girl more

  • Less Of Me! The Story That Makes No Sence!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 26, 2019

    We must make great effort to RETURN KINDNESS to God's people. Are you a nice person that is so kind you reflect the love of Jesus. Mean, razor-blade tongues are not of God!

    LESS OF ME! THE STORY THAT MAKES NO SENCE--- UNLESS? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I do this lesson as a series. MEAN? HOW EASY IS IT TO BE MEAN AND DIS-LIKE OTHERS? WHAT ABOUT AURA? As a pastor of 38 years, I seem to get surprised on a regular basis. An old man was more

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