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  • Talking To God Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 27, 2002
    based on 294 ratings

    Uses someone to act for God (on a microphone interacting with the speaker) for good effect.

    (Preacher) "Our Father who art in heaven..." "YES?" (voice off stage with booming bass and reverb) "(pause)Our Father who art in heaven..." "YES? WHAT DO YOU WANT JEFF?" "Who is this?" "WHO DO YOU THINK IT IS? "Well, not too many people I know sound like this!" "I SHOULD HOPE NOT" "Come on now, more

  • Justin - The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Phil Smith on Jan 19, 2009

    "Justin" is a boy from the streets who was adopted by a foreign king. Sound familiar?

    I shared a little story with the Bible Study group that I want to elaborate upon now. Justin I want to tell you about a 12 year old boy we’ll call Justin. Justin never knew anything good. His parents, if you want to call them that, were completely without qualifications to birth the boy, having more

  • Half-Time Talk Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 27, 2007
    based on 69 ratings

    The Disciples had experienced one or two Passover Meals with Jesus before this. Why did Jesus wait til this last one to refer to how it applied to Him?

    OPEN: There is a part of a basketball game that no spectator gets to see. No matter how important the ticket holder may be. No matter how much he’s paid for his seat. There is one event he will NOT be INVITED to observe. And yet this one event can change the entire course of a game. I’ve read of more

  • The Martyr’s Cry Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Aug 22, 2010

    Anything old is seen as negative, traditions that once served as a backbone of stability are discarded as hindrances, leadership positions are going to innovators and rebels and the voice of time tested truth is exchanged for the noise of cultural demand.

    Dakota Community Church Church History Sunday - 1 August 22, 2010 The Martyrs Cry Introduction Today we will start the first of a series of messages that will be spaced out, Lord willing, over the next few years approximately once every three to four months. My goal in creating “Church History more

  • For All The Saints

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Nov 1, 2023

    It is right to remember those who have gone before us in the faith. They serve as witnesses to the faith we should have.

    For All the Saints Hebrews 11:32-40 We come to what should be a very important day for us on the Christian calendar, the day known as “all Saint’s Day or the Feast of All Saints. It is a day in which we are to remember those in the faith who have one before us, many of whom suffered great hardship more

  • Eating With The Troops Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 4, 2009
    based on 57 ratings

    The early church "gathered together to break bread." Why was this activity so critical to them and what can it mean to us?

    OPEN: There’s an old saying: “An army marches on… (its stomach).” What that means is: if an army doesn’t feed its men it’s not going anywhere. Without food the troops eventually can’t march, they can’t maneuver, and they can’t fight. So one of the logistical problems for armies has always been - more

  • Justin - Let Us Remember Series

    Contributed by Phil Smith on Jan 19, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Using the "Justin" story to illustrate simple Christianity. Christians forget where they came from. Evidence? I give three (there are more).

    I. Introduction Last week I read a story to you in an attempt to clearly illustrate our position before God. In the next few weeks I will continue to use that story to illustrate in more detail how our relationship with God should work. This process is important because the gospel can become more

  • Restoration! Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 9, 2011
    based on 82 ratings

    How do we go about "contending for the faith once delivered to the saints"?

    Bobby Bowden, (former football coach of Florida State University) said that when he was in college, he played college baseball. During one game he managed to hit a ball right down the right-field line, into the corner. He rounded 1st and looked to the 3rd base coach. He turned at 2nd, was more

  • The Marks Of A Martyr

    Contributed by Steven Kellett on Mar 18, 2002
    based on 146 ratings

    Three characteristics of Stephen - the first Christian Martyr - that should be true of all believers.

    One dark January evening in 1944 Bruce Porterfield sat down in his home in Lansing, Michigan, to read the paper after a hard day’s work. The story of how five missionaries had presumably been killed by Stone-Age Indians in Bolivia caught his attention. That evening he committed himself to follow in more

  • The Memorial Of A Martyr

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 14, 2000
    based on 204 ratings

    A message for Memorial Day

    The Memorial of a Martyr Selected Passages from Acts Focus text Acts 7:54-8:1 May 28, 2000 Introduction I. The purpose of Memorial Day A. The start of Memorial Day 1. Henry Welles – Waterloo, NY: Day to honor the patriotic dead of the Civil War. The first appeal was ignored. 2. Welles brings the more

  • The Cry Of The Martyrs

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Oct 18, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    Week 16 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    WEEK 16 “ The Cry of the Martyrs” Date: October 2, 2002 Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Revelation 6: 9-11 Introduction As we looked last week, we saw what is the beginning of the Great Tribulation. The 1st seal was opened and the white horse is seen with the rider we said is the great more

  • The Martyr's Testimony Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 10, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    God is very good at confusing us and leaving our heads in a spin, but He knows what He is doing, even if we can’t figure it out. But eventually his plan becomes clear, either in the distant future (eternity) or in retrospect (in this life).

    The Martyr’s Testimony (Acts 7:51-8:4) 1. According to an AP article yesterday (Nov. 8), "WASHINGTON – The nation’s jobless ranks zoomed past 10 million last month, the most in a quarter-century, as piles of pink slips shut factory gates and office doors to 240,000 more Americans with the holidays more

  • The Word And The Martyrs Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 11, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    In the witness of the martyrs we see the Word of God made visible and effective in the world; the martyrs give the ultimate testimony to the Truth.

    August 13, 2012 Blessed Jakob Gapp Verbum Domini “The interpretation of sacred Scripture would remain incomplete were it not to include listening to those who have truly lived the word of God: namely, the saints. Indeed, viva lectio est vita bonorum. The most profound interpretation of more

  • Leaders & Martyrs Series

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Oct 25, 2013

    We have gotten so used to novelty in the church that a common response to this theme, was a rather sympathetic gesture inferring, “What, have you run out of good ideas?” Preaching and prayer just don’t seem that innovative and frankly to many, are the boring part of church.

    For the first few chapters of Acts we have heard about the beginnings and growth of the early church in Jerusalem after Pentecost. This was done almost exclusively through prayer and preaching. And Satan was working hardest through the religious leaders, not to stop miracles and such, but to stop more

  • Leaders & Martyrs Series

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Oct 11, 2013

    For the first few chapters of Acts we have heard about the beginnings and growth of the early church in Jerusalem after Pentecost. Now we start to see some of the growing pains and the spread of the church over the next several chapters.

    Alistair Begg, one of my favourite preachers who spoke daily in Chicago when I was there in May, shared a story from a pastor’s conference he held at his church last year. The theme of the conference was, from our passage today, “we will devote ourselves to the preaching of the word and more

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