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Sermons on judged by their works:

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  • A Living Faith - Judged By Works

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 6, 2023

    If we're justified by faith not works, why are we judged by works? Are good works evidence of a living faith?

    If we are justified by faith not by works, why are we judged by our works? Are works proof of a living faith? … The dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works. The sea gave up the dead who were in it. Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in more

  • Justified? Or Judged? Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Sep 30, 2017

    Is there a way for us to make ourselves acceptable to God? The Apostle Paul teaches that such a thought is an impossibility.

    “We know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God. For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin.” [1] “So that more

  • Here Comes The Judge!

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Oct 20, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    When Christ returns He will return as our Lord and our Redeemer. But when Christ returns, He also will being returning as our Judge. You and I need to understand the reality, the reason, and the result of standing before Christ and His judgment seat.

    Here Comes the Judge 2 Corinthians 5:6-12 Heaven is a free gift that cannot be earned or deserved. But when we get to heaven, we will be judged on the basis of the life we live after coming to Christ. Jesus Christ is returning to call His bride to be with Him in fulfillment of the promise that He more

  • The Two Judgments

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Dec 27, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The two judgments of the Bema seat judgment vs. the great white throne judgment. One will be the judging of our works while the other will be a damnation for the unconverted.

    The Two Judgments Introduction: In basketball there is what is called a shot clock, it is a clock that counts backwards allowing a team a set amount of seconds to shoot the ball. Life's “shot clock” began when we were born. God knows what year, month, day, hour, minute, second our more

  • To Judge Or Not To Judge Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Aug 7, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In this text Jesus is like "when it comes to judging others the world and the religious do it this way, but I say to you do it my way"

    “To Judge Or Not To Judge, Now That’s A Really Good Question” Matthew 7:1-6 OKAY - I want to start off our time together this morning by reading 2 passages of Scripture, and then I will pray us into our time of study. The first passage is in Luke 18 beginning at verse 9... To some who were more

  • To Judge Or Not To Judge

    Contributed by Don Jaques on Apr 13, 2004
    based on 87 ratings

    Christ instructs his disciples to pay more attention to their own faults than the faults of others.

    To Judge or Not To Judge Luke 6:37-42 February 15/16, 2003 MAIN IDEA: Christ instructs his disciple to pay more attention to their own faults than the faults of others. OBJECTIVES: Listeners will be instructed on the appropriate and inappropriate times to judge others according to the more

  • To Judge Or Not To Judge; That Is The Question

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Aug 15, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    “Judge not, lest ye be judged!” This is one of the most widely misused verses quoted among non-Christians and Christians alike. Passing judgment has a completely negative connotation to it. But there is such a big misunderstanding about this subject that

    TO JUDGE OR NOT TO JUDGE; THAT IS THE QUESTION INTRODUCTION: “Judge not, lest ye be judged!” This is one of the most widely misused verses quoted among non-Christians and Christians alike. It’s like our trump card. Whenever we hear someone addressing a sin in our life we want to more

  • Judge Not That You Be Not Judged

    Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Apr 2, 2011
    based on 19 ratings

    As Jesus looked at the religious situation of his day, he saw that judging others had become a great religious problem. The Pharisees and scribes sat in the place of the critic. They were quick to pass judgment on those who didn’t live up to their expe

    Mayor Gerardo Balmori The Salvation Army Introduction: As Jesus looked at the religious situation of his day, he saw that judging others had become a great religious problem. The Pharisees and scribes sat in the place of the critic. They were quick to pass judgment on those who didn’t live up to more

  • Judge Not That You Be Not Judged

    Contributed by Alan Smith on Aug 16, 2002
    based on 441 ratings

    Jesus’ words condemn a certain type of judgment, but there are limits to our tolerance.

    Introduction: A few years ago, a congregation of the Lord’s church in Oklahoma disfellowshiped a woman for immorality. When she filed a lawsuit against the church, the story made all the national news media. One of the shows to give the lawsuit coverage was Phil Donahue and on that show, I more

  • Judging The Judgement Of Judging

    Contributed by John Knight on Jul 15, 2002
    based on 57 ratings

    Short sermon on how and how not to judge

    Judging The Judgement Of Judging Matthew 7:1-12 People love to judge. Popularity of Talk-TV, Court-Tv, height of OJ trial, President Clinton’s trials. Even those who hold the opinion of, "You have your beliefs, and I have mine." make judgements upon those who form strong judgments by calling more

  • To Judge Or Not To Judge - That Is The Question

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Feb 23, 2016

    One of the most popular verse fragments recited by unbelievers or folks who claim to be believers but who are living in sin is, "Judge not, lest you be judged." Holy proof-texting! What does this teaching really mean to those who are called to be holy?

    Love, love, love. The world is infatuated with love! We who are called to be Christ's ambassadors need to be able to differentiate between what the world calls love and what the Bible describes as Christ-like love. Proper judgment is an integral part of Christ's love. What is love? (show video more

  • The Principles Of God's Judgement - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Nov 15, 2023

    Will believers be judged?

    Dr. Bradford Reaves CrossWay Christian Fellowship Hagerstown, MD We are continuing through Romans Chapter 2 in our study of this epistle. Last week, we started discussing the Principles of God’s judgment. In reviewing verses 1-5, we determined that every man stands fully more

  • Judge Not

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Nov 23, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    A time not to judge

    Judge Not! Romans 14:1-23 We are called to be work together, pull together, to serve together but we are all different, we all come from different backgrounds, we are at different stages of our life, we are at different stages of our Christian walk. No of that cancels out our need to dwell in more

  • Judge Not

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on May 26, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    It is not our job to judge.

    Judge Not Based on Francis Frangipane’s Holiness, Truth, and the Presence of God Introduction A Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matt 11:29 (KJV)Voice of creation describing Himself as meek and more

  • Judging

    Contributed by Stephen Carroll on May 1, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon deals with James’ exhortation to not judge.

    The Book of James is a short letter that is often over looked. Not just because it is short but there have been many who simply didn’t like what it said so they would glance over it quickly. Martin Luther, not the King but the great reformer who lived a few hundred years ago didn’t like James at more

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