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Sermons on Juan 11:14:

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  • "The Raising Of Lazarus"

    Contributed by Gary Smith on Apr 6, 2002
    based on 61 ratings

    The message deals with the Power & Authority of Jesus over physical death as well as spiritual death.

    This Sermon Was Prepared For Lexington Church Of God for use Sunday Night April 7th, 2002 “The Raising Of Lazarus” TEXT: John 11: 1-15 (NKJV) INTRODUCTION: A. I believe that there is more to this story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead than most realize. For this more

  • I Am The Resurrection And The Life

    Contributed by Robert Tomas on Apr 24, 2002
    based on 114 ratings

    An expository reflection on the Raising of Lazarus. Death seems to conquer, but the dying itself holds the seed of life.

    MARCH 19, 1999 WORSHIP SERVICE SCRIPTURES ·First Reading Ezekiel 37:12-14 ·Psalm Psalm 130:1-8 ·Second Reading Romans 8:8-11 ·Gospel John 11:1-45 or 11:1-4; 17, 20-27, 33-45 REFLECTION In preparation for the Paschal Mystery, the 5th Sunday of Lent brings us to our Lord’s most outstanding more

  • Why? Series

    Contributed by Ted Sutherland on Oct 21, 2001
    based on 104 ratings

    There is a new theology that says that one of two things is true: Either God is not all-powerful or God is not all-loving Some choose to serve a God who is all-loving, but not all powerful.

    "Why?" is an oft asked question El Tablazo looked so close. Too close. It happened so fast. Exploding into the jagged 14,000-foot peak, the DC-4 disintegrated with a metallic scream. What was left of the Avianca Airline flight bound for Quito, Ecuador, flamed crazily down the mountainside into more

  • The Lord Who Comforts

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Nov 26, 2001
    based on 38 ratings

    God is in control of time and circumstances to achieve His purposes, and He understands your life hurts and sorrows.

    Today we are going to look closely at one particular event in Jesus’ ministry. This event helps us understand the heart of Jesus for us. It had happened suddenly. In the town of Bethany, Lazarus, brother of Mary and Martha and friend of Jesus, fell sick. The sisters tried their best to help him more

  • Jesus Wept

    Contributed by Rich Hadley on Dec 12, 2001
    based on 96 ratings

    The Christian response to disaster and grief as modeled by Jesus.

    The World Trade Center...the Murrah building in Oklahoma City...Columbine High school... The list of names that fill the obituary columns daily... We try not to notice. But sometimes you can’t help but notice...when the tragedy is as big as the New York skyline or as close as the passing of a more

  • God's 3 Answers To Prayer

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 18, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    God always answers our prayers. But He may not answer them the way that we desire. This sermon examines some reasons for God’s response to us.

    September 23, 2001 John 11 “God’s three answers to prayer” INTRODUCTION 1. God says “yes” to some requests. We like that. We respond well to that. In the passage that we looked at last week, Acts 4, the disciples received exactly what they asked for. They asked for boldness to continue more

  • Death Stinks

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 22, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Regardless of how bad your situation might be, Jesus can take death and turn it into life.

    March 19, 2000 John 11 ¡§Death stinks!¡¨ INTRODUCTION How many of you in this room have ever had to deal with the death of someone who was close to you? Go ahead and raise your hands. I became acquainted with death at a very young age. I don¡¦t remember very much about my more

  • Climbing Mountains, Tripping Over Stones Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Jan 24, 2002
    based on 21 ratings

    We can step out in faith and climb mountains, or we can keep to ourselves and trip over stones.

    Climbing over mountains, tripping over stones 1 Sam 17:1-57 and John 11:1-50 The style of this is actually segmented narrative, telling three stories at the same time and bringing them together at the end. 1st Story: (1 Sam. 17:1) 1SA 17:1 Now the Philistines gathered their forces for war and more

  • The Fields Of The World Are Ripe Unto Harvest Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on Sep 19, 2001
    based on 76 ratings

    Picture # 12 in series: The 14 Candid Snapshots of the Maturing Christian as found in the Gospel of John. Lazarus in his tomb is a picture of the whole world lost, dead, and buried in sin, and condemned until Jesus comes.

    Picture # 12: Lazarus; the fields of the world are ripe unto harvest. John 11:1-44 The dead man, Lazarus, in the tomb, is a candid snapshot of the whole world lost and condemned until Jesus comes! Lazarus was in the tomb 4 days; the number 4 is the number of the world (John 11:17, 39). Verse more

  • Silent Answers

    Contributed by Bob Reish on Aug 8, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    God’s answers are often in His silence

    Silent Answers John 11: 1-44 Opening illustration: When Jenelle was born I expected a to ¡§feel¡¨ ¡§something¡¨. I did not ¡§feel¡¨¡¨anything¡¨. I was disappointed because I had unrealistic expectations about something that I did not know about. We often get disappointed in God because we more

  • Anatomy Of A Resurrection

    Contributed by Stephen Todd on Aug 9, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    The raising of Lazarus is a testimony to the power of Christ and His ability to rise from the dead.

    Sermon Notes Sunday, April 12, 1998 Introduction: Message: Resurrection Sunday 1. The anatomy of a resurrection. John 11:1-44 a. Scene one 11:1-16 Jesus hears of Lazarus’ illness yet purposefully delays till after Lazarus has died b. Scene two 11:17-37 Jesus interacts more

  • Lazarus Series

    Contributed by Alan Mccann on Aug 23, 2004
    based on 57 ratings

    Why do Christians still wear ’grave clothes’ when they ahve been raised from the dead?

    LAZARUS – JOHN 11 Even the most biblically illiterate person has heard the story of the raising of Lazarus. It is a very familiar story to many of us. Yet the truth is it is a story that we rarely read, fail to understand and more importantly I believe wonder how it actually applies to our daily more

  • An Eternal Celebrity

    Contributed by Bramwell Hayes on Aug 25, 2004
    based on 37 ratings

    Funeral sermon for a man who lived an ordinary life, but came to Christ in his final illness. He had no family or close friends and the funeral was paid for by the council.

    In every generation of human history there have been a small number of people who achieved fame or greatness. People who were talked about by their contemporaries, who set the agenda and the spirit of the age. An even smaller number of people are remembered by future generations, whose names and more

  • Bold Ways To Give Yourself To God

    Contributed by John Baggett on Sep 15, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    Bold Ways that believers can give themselves to God’s Kingdom and to the church. As A Leader, Follower, Mover & Shaker, and Loving Boldly

    BOLD WAYS TO GIVE YOURSELF Turn to Nehemiah 2 What comes to your mind when you think about boldness. One story is told of a very bold woman. An elderly lady was well-known in the community for her faith and for her boldness in talking about it. She would stand on her front porch and shout more

  • Graveside Service

    Contributed by John Hamby on Nov 5, 2003
    based on 576 ratings

    Short service used for a graveside only funeral.

    Funeral for Graveside Service Memorial Services are in reality for the living and on such occasions they serve a three-fold service! The First Purpose of a Memorial Service is to Remember the Deceased A. Obituary Reading The Second Purpose of a Memorial Service is to Comfort the more

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