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  • The Joy-Filled Life Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 21, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    Because we are secure, we can be satisfied with Christ, which should lead us to live a separated life, sanctified for His purposes so that we can saturate this world with His Word.

    The Joy-Filled Life John 17:6-19 Rev. Brian Bill 3/21/10 Some of you may know that I’m half Irish so St. Patrick’s Day has always been a pretty big deal for me. I grew up eating corned beef and cabbage on this special day and my Swedish wife Beth has humored me over the years by more

  • Joy Filled Life In A Troubled Filled World

    Contributed by Angel Caballero on Jul 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The more we know Him, the deeper we feel his love and joy in our life.

    Joy Filled Life in a Trouble Filled World Introduction: We will be starting a new series on the book of Philippians today This book has a practical wisdom for daily life and how to handle stress in day to day life. Of all the letters written by the apostle Paul, Philippians is perhaps the more

  • How To Live A Joy Filled Life

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Apr 4, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    Joy is one of the characteristics that the world lacks and Christians who possess joy have the potential of a strong witness in the world.

    Acts 3:1-10 “How To Live A Joy Filled Life” INTRODUCTION What is the difference between joy and excitement? When we become excited, are emotions are stimulated from outside of us. When we experience joy, we have an intense pleasurable emotion that is inwardly motivated. Joy is one of the more

  • Joy Filled Life In A Troubled Filled World (Part2)

    Contributed by Angel Caballero on Oct 19, 2009

    Happiness depends on the right happening, but even when things go wrong, you can still have joy. The person whose happiness depends on ideal circumstances is going to be miserable much of the time.

    Introduction: This is the 2nd part of our study on the book of Philippians. When you talk about joy, you have to go to the book of Philippians A little, short book in the New Testament – only four chapters long. But 16 times in four chapters, Paul says “Rejoice… Be joyful.” Sixteen times more

  • Living In A Season Of Joy Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jul 24, 2017
    based on 6 ratings

    Each of us experience the natural seasons of winter, spring, summer and autumn; and we also experience spiritual seasons in our lives. I want us to consider together how we can Live in a Season of Joy.

    We continue in our series on discovering our destiny and for the last few weeks across our group of churches we have been thinking about knowing what season we are in. Each of us experience the natural seasons of winter, spring, summer and autumn; and we also experience spiritual seasons in our more

  • The Joy Of The Spirit-Filled Life Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 30, 2014

    Romans 8 is all about how to live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. How as spirit-filled Christians we can make four wonderful affirmations.

    INTRODUCTION Some people like the 23rd Psalm or the third chapter of John or Hebrews 11 – you may have your own personal favorite chapter, but without a doubt, Romans 8 is my favorite chapter in the Bible. I’ve been looking forward to getting to this point. When I was in college, I more

  • Keys To Joy-- Thanksgiving 4 Of 4 Series

    Contributed by David Hodgin on Dec 2, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Living with joy is not easy, but if we pursue joy as God instructs we we can live the joy filled life!

    Bible verses mentioned in today’s message 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Hebrews 13:15 Jeremiah 2:32 Acts2:1-4 Romans 12:2 Proverbs 14:12 Matthew 5:21-44 Philippians 4:4-7 1Th 5:16 Be joyful always; 1Th 5:17 pray continually; 1Th 5:18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you more

  • Starting Out Right Series

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Nov 14, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Discusses the importance of God being first in your life & in your priorities if you are going to have the joy-filled life Jesus promised.

    RESTORING THE JOY Part 3: Starting Out Right I had to go and put some new tires on our truck this past week. That was fun, let me tell you. We had known for some time we were going to need new tires, because the tread was getting thin. We ended up getting them a little sooner than we thought more

  • "Joy: Against All Odds!" Series

    Contributed by Rick Finitzer on Jul 19, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Biblical joy comes from a heart yielded to God and the Holy Spirit understanding the One who rules our life loves and cares for us deeply using whatever we are going through to either perfect the image of Christ in us or to bring Himself glory!

    Cornerstone Church 7.19.15 “JOY: AGAINST ALL ODDS” Philippians 1:12-30 Last week we began our look at the Book more

  • Building A Joyful Life

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Jul 28, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is part of our discipleship series where we look at building up the House of God within us. Today we are looking at building up a joyful, or joy-filled life, from the imprisonment of Paul and Silas in Philippi.

    Building God’s House “Building a Joyful Life” Acts 16:16-40 You can listen to this sermon at!3dtiECzJ!Ts9z_AMtZvfgM7m9veVtEbT5n9YKmwHKHWTCFepqjts Whenever it comes to this topic of finding joy in the midst of life’s difficult circumstances, which is why we need to build up God’s more

  • How To Be Filled With Joy

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Dec 2, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    This message explores Jesus’ practical advice on the pathway to more joy in your life.

    - in John 15, 16, and 17, Jesus talks more about joy than anywhere else in the gospels/we’ll be looking at these passages over the next few weeks. - Eric Tissenbaum: prof who told the class that they didn’t have to take notes on everything in his class/when he was going to say something more

  • Filled With Excitement

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Sep 29, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon points us to neglected areas in many lives-Excitement, excited living and walking the Christian life with expectation.

    Filled with excitement PSALMS 122:1, “ I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the LORD.” INTRO: We sang a song some years ago that said: Get all excited, go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is King, Repeat…. Jesus Christ is the King of Kings. We have more

  • It's A Wonder-Filled Life

    Contributed by Mark Otero on Dec 21, 2010

    A Christmas message. Most people have no problem getting up for Christmas but what about the day after? This message is based on Luke 2:20 from what I see as the shepherds return to "normal" after God has broken into their lives.

    "It's A Wonder-filled Life" Luke 2:20 "Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them." Intro: Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life" is, by far, my all time favorite Christmas movie. George Bailey finds out that even more

  • Joy Filled Prisoner

    Contributed by Rich O' Toole on Apr 2, 2024

    Introduction to the Book of Philippians

    Joy Filled Prisoner Philippians 1:1-2 Good morning. Everyone sees life through their unique perspective, because of the assumptions or expectations that give them their own opinion about a specific situation. However, having an unhealthy, ungodly, or unproductive mindset can adversely affect more

  • Filled With His Joy

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Jan 9, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    How to have JOY that the world cannot take away!

    Filled With HIS Joy! Psa 122:1 “ I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the LORD.” INTRO: We sang a song some years ago that said: Get all excited, go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is King, Repeat…. Jesus Christ is the King of Kings. 1. We more