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Sermons on joy and sadness:

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  • Sadness To Joy

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Apr 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Trials and tribulations may bring sorrow, but Jesus brings us joy.

    Text: Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to Him, “Rabboni!” (which is to say, Teacher). Seven days before the resurrection, there were shouts of joy along the road from Jericho to Jerusalem. The crowd recognized Jesus as King and gave Him the glory that He so deserved. The people more

  • Sadness Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Feb 11, 2016

    We never quite know what to do with the emotion of sadness. Here's a biblical look at dealing with sadness.

    In the Disney Pixar film, Inside Out, we get to journey inside the mind of 11 year-old Riley Anderson as she wrestles with all the conflicting emotions that comes from a stressful move from a simple, stable life in rural Minnesota to a hurried, unknown life in San Francisco. Chief among these more

  • Be Sad, Mad, Then Glad! How To Worship An Emotional God!

    Contributed by Kelly Durant on Nov 1, 2014

    God desires our sadness and soberness to enter into a relationship with Him, then we get angry at our our sin, just as He is angry against sin, and after cleansing ourselves, we can then become authentically happy in Him.

    How to Worship Our Emotional God! Be Sad, Mad, then Glad! Worship God! We just got to visit out daughter and one thing very funny about her I that remember is that when she was little she was very emotional! Maybe something happened and she would cry big tears but then if I did few faces or more

  • God's Joy Also Comes In The Morning

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Feb 29, 2016

    This is a message given at the anniversary service of an inner-city church in Toronto, Canada.

    Anniversary Service - February 28, 2016 Well…Happy Anniversary to Church at the Mission! Hard to believe it’s been 18 years since we formally launched as Church at the Mission. Actually we didn’t have a name when we started. Two different members of the mission’s more

  • Happy Are Those That Are Sad Series

    Contributed by Edward Cook on Jun 11, 2003
    based on 84 ratings

    Only those who mourn over their sinfulness are truly happy.

    HAPPY ARE THOSE THAT ARE SAD! Scripture reading: Matt. 4:23 - 5:16. Text: Matt. 5:4. I propose to: I. Examine the setting of this verse: in a general way as part of the Sermon on the Mount, and more specifically as one of the Beatitudes. II. Prove that this mourning is of a specific kind, i.e. more

  • God’s Laughter, & Ours

    Contributed by Kelly Durant on Jun 2, 2015

    The conclusion here is that God is not happy with people that entertain their selves with laughter while they ignore cleansing their selves from their own sins indifferent to recognize the suffering in the world and how each of us need God.

    God’s Laughter, & Ours by Kelly Durant 7-27-14 Psalm 126:2 “Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them.” 2. A little more

  • Why So Sad?

    Contributed by Keith Peters on Jul 9, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Describes God's desire and provision for our Joy.

    Why so Sad? REFLECTION: Jesus clearly claimed that one purpose of His coming was to bring a fulfilling and abundant life to His disciples (John 10:10) ye most of us stumble along the narrow road too often defeated and dejected. We often excuse such attitudes by citing our circumstances, whether more

  • The Wedding Feast

    Contributed by James May on Jan 23, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins foretells both the joy and sadness of the Wedding Feast at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

    THE WEDDING FEAST by Pastor James May One of the most exciting and joyous events in life is the marriage of two people who have decided to come together as husband and wife and build a life together. Around the world, this is a time of celebration. Weddings can be as simple as standing before a more

  • A Sad, Sad Ending Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Mar 16, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    As we look at the death of King Saul we are confronted with the reality of our own death and the need to be ready. We also are reminded of the grieving that results from all losses.

    Introduction: A. If you bring up the subject of death and you will get many different reactions from people. 1. Some can easily and readily talk about it, and others cannot. B. When you ask children about death, they say some interesting things. 1. A 7 year-old boy named Alan said this, “God more

  • How Can We Fail To Share That Love Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 6, 2014

    Being a Christian is the result of an encounter with Jesus Christ, giving life a new horizon and decisive direction.

    Thursday of 23rd Week in Course and Commemoration of 9/11 Today we remember the events of September 11, 2001. That day, called nine-eleven, the whole world changed. In the Muslim world, it was an anniversary of the battle that raised the siege of Vienna, a huge defeat for the Muslim Turks, and more

  • Psalm 42 - Worship And An Honest Heart

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Mar 1, 2018

    Every human emotion is found at some place in the Psalms. From joy, to sadness, to celebration to anger - it's here.

    The Psalms - The Language of Our Faith Psalm 42 - Worship and an Honest Heart March 4, 2018 Every human emotion is found at some place in the Psalms. From joy, to sadness, to celebration to anger - it's here. Psalm 42:1-2 NIV "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O more

  • Joy

    Contributed by Thadius Sales on Dec 23, 2018

    We all suffer from seasons of sadness, but that does not mean joy is out of reach. In times of depravity, anxiety, pain and suffering, Jesus Christ awaits us to lay it at his feet so that we may be filled with joy.

    Season of Sadness (Headline) Have you ever noticed just how different people act during this time of year? There are some who are typically unappealing the entire year who turn into the most wonderful people to be around. And then there are people who are usually very delightful who start becoming more

  • Sorrow Turned To Joy - Jesus Valedictorian Speech

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Apr 21, 2024

    In John 16, Jesus explains to the disciples that they will face sorrow, especially as he will be leaving them. But he encourages them that in the future, this sorrow will be turned to Joy when they see him again.

    Good Morning. As we begin, I want to refresh you on a term you probably haven’t heard in quite a long time, the Valedictorian Speech. If you remember it, it’s a talk where someone stood in front of you, as you prepared to graduate from something, and gave you the final words you would hear before more

  • His Presence Makes The Difference

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Aug 28, 2003
    based on 98 ratings

    It’s not church that changes lives it’s Christ, His presence is the difference between life and death, victory or defeat, joy or sadness.

    1 And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; What we need in the united states of America more than anything else is Jesus in the house. More than social security, more than health insurance, more than wic, more than welfare, More than padded pews, and carpeted floors, more than good more

  • The Gladness Of Sadness Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 24, 2004
    based on 49 ratings

    In one of the most profound, and paradoxical texts in the Bible, Jesus declares in Matthew 5:4: “Blessed are those who mourn; for they will be comforted.”

    The Gladness of Sadness I like to begin my messages with something that makes us laugh when I can (though some of you probably wouldn’t necessarily call it humor). As we approach the second Beatitude however, I realize that frivolity isn’t called for today. In fact, this character quality is no more