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Sermons on Josue 6:16:

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  • Don't Stop On Six!

    Contributed by Ken Ritz on Mar 1, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Use the story of Jericho to talk about perseverance.

    Don’t Stop On Six In my second year of college, I had a good friend of mine who had joined the lightweight crew team. The crew team was the guys who rowed those long skinny boats that look kind of like a cigar with 8 legs. And my friend talked me into joining the crew team. Now, I'd more

  • Didn't See The Walls Fall, But I Heard Them!

    Contributed by Charles Jones on Feb 24, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Like most things in life that are worth having, we find that it doesn't come cheap!

    Didn't See The Walls Fall, But I Heard Them! Joshua 6:1-21 Israel has just crossed the River Jordan. They have prepared themselves spiritually and they have prepared themselves mentally, thus far, following God's orders to the letter. Now, they are ready to begin their conquest of the more

  • Bringing Down The Walls Lesson 6 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Mar 31, 2017

    Walls don’t automatically fall down by obeying one time.

    A. APPROACHING THE BATTLE 1. Our battle plan comes from God. “I have given you Jericho, its kings, and all its mighty warriors” (6:2). “Joshua told the priests to carry the Ark of the Covenant around the city. Have seven priests walk in front carrying a ram’s horn. Have more

  • Jericho's Shout Series

    Contributed by Todd Pope on Nov 16, 2013

    Part #3 of "Josh's Journey" series which looked at 3 different scenes from Joshua's life. This message has a bottom line of "Obedience is Trust Tested"

    This is week #3 in a 4-week series on the Old Testament character, Joshua, called “Josh Journey”. • He was one of the 12 spies that checked out Canaan. • He was the one that led the Israelites into the Promised Land. • The Jordan River parted for him • He led more

  • Marching For A Miracle

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 13, 2021

    “Without God man cannot. Without man God will not.” God is a user of means, and men are His major means, and the marching of men is one of those means. It is one of the ways we cooperate with God to make a difference.

    We don’t sing Onward Christian Soldiers marching as to war very much any more, for we seldom see the relevance of being soldiers of the cross fighting the forces of darkness. Marching seems irrelevant also, for even in the military world the real force is now in the air and on the sea. more

  • The Battle Belongs To The Lord

    Contributed by Gary Holt on Apr 30, 2021

    God's people had to trust God's plan and they did just that. God gave them the victory and no man could take credit for the fall of Jericho. It was God's plan and God's victory.

    “The Battle Belongs to the Lord” Jericho: Joshua 6 Joshua sermon 4 The battle of Jericho wasn't much of a battle: According to Joshua chapter 6, Joshua and the people did what God told them to do and God did the rest. The Israelites merely: more

  • Dedication-5

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 27, 2019

    5 of ? The children of Israel were to dedicate the city of Jericho to the LORD. God’s people are to wholly devote themselves & their world to the Lord. But how are we to do that? Dedicating you & your world to the Lord recalls/demands...

    DEDICATING/DEDICATION-V—Joshua 6:15-27 The Task Of Dedication Attention: Pastor Bob on summer vacation & visited a small country church—Congregation hot, sleepy, dozing largely because they had no air conditioning. Their preacher says, “The best years of my life have been spent in the arms of more

  • The Wall Will Fall-Wwf

    Contributed by Sajayan Chacko on Jan 24, 2024

    How we face the challenges of life will determine whether we are overcome or become overcome-ers

    How we face the challenges of life will determine whether we are overcome or become overcome-ers. • Book of Joshua is the sixth book of the Old Testament and it records the entry of the Jews into the Promised Land . . . the land they still occupy to some extent. • We are going to look at this more

  • Take Off One Sandal-- The Place Your (Two) Feet Touch Is Holy (Joshua 5:13-6:27) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Dec 23, 2021

    Why one sandal? And what does "holy" mean here, and in general?

    Last week, AJ (Author of Joshua) began chapter 5 by messing with us. He reminded us that all the kings of the land were terrified by the Israelites, and their hearts had melted. It was then, at that time, that Yahweh commanded Joshua to make swords. We were all excited, thinking, NOW. NOW more

  • Canvassing The Perimeter Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Jan 5, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    In order to possess the Promised Land, it begins by tearing down the walls one stronghold at a time. You must walk the length and breadth of a target area, encircling it repeatedly until you have saturated every part with faith-filled prayer.

    If you want to possess the Promised Land of what God has called you to do in ministry, it begins by tearing down the walls one stronghold at a time. Whether you are seeking to claim a city, or looking to impact just a small group of people, you will need to canvass the perimeter. The phrase more

  • Demolishing Strongholds: Jericho Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on May 17, 2024

    More than 5,000 years ago, God promised the Israelites a homeland – it was already occupied by the Palestinians and the Canaanites. And to get there in one piece would be a dream and a miracle if they were successful.

    ? Many of us are facing strongholds in our lives, they seem like immovable walls … Opening illustration: An incredible story of one of the most heroic rescues of modern times, an incident that has become a virtual legend without equal in the archives of anti-terrorist operations. There can be few more

  • Decisions

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on May 2, 2022

    Joel 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decisions.

    DECISIONS, DECISIONS INTRODUCTION: Joel 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decisions. Surely, there must be someone here who needs help making a decision. How many are good decision makers? On what basis do you make your more

  • Being Prepared For Battle Series

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 18, 2022

    How do you prepare yourself for an impending struggle/altercation?

    In chapter 1, we see God's charge to Joshua and how he prepares the people to enter the Promised Land. In chapter 2, we learn how Rahab protects the spies. In chapter 3, the children of Israel cross the Jordan River. In chapter 4, the people build a monument to God. In chapter 5, the nation of more

  • How Do We Prepare Ourselves For Spiritual Struggles? Series

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Nov 7, 2022

    We are to prepare ourselves for battles that we will soon face.

    In chapter one, we see God’s charge to Joshua and how Joshua readies the people to enter the Promised Land. In chapter two, we learn how Rahab safeguards the spies. In chapter three, the children of Israel cross the Jordan River. In chapter four, the people assemble a monument to God. In chapter more

  • All In; Are You All In?

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Nov 2, 2024

    The people of Israel had just crossed the Jordan on dry land; God their General was now asking them to take the city of Jerico. How by following his instructions. The walls came tumbling down.

    Well today we are looking at Joshua chapter six. I won’t be speaking on the whole chapter, but let’s have a look at these verses: 2-11: 2And the LORD said to Joshua, “Behold, I have delivered Jericho into your hand, along with its king and its mighty men of valor. 3March around the city with all more

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