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  • Strong & Courageous

    Contributed by Walter Troup on Mar 29, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The Lord told the Israelites to be strong and courageous as he promised to finally deliver them into the Promiseland. What is the source of our strength and courage?

    What do we know about Joshua? • He was born in Egypt • He was part of the entire 40 years of the wilderness time • He was the commander of the army that defeated the Amalekites. That was the battle where Moses' hands were kept up, and as long as they were up, the Israelites were winning the more

  • Making A Commitment To The Church Series

    Contributed by Brett Crosson on May 10, 2019

    One of the greatest commitments we are called to make is to the local church, to the house of God, the fellowship of the saints. Through this sermon I hope to show you why, and I pray that you will commit.

    Joshua 1:1-9 God makes two promises to Joshua. God promises to be with Joshua v5, 9c God promises Joshua prosperous and successful and victorious over his enemies v2-5a. God gives two conditions to Joshua. He is to be strong and courageous v6-7a, 9a,b. In other words, to be full of faith. To more

  • Adversity To Joy Series

    Contributed by Lonnie Erwin on Apr 18, 2020

    God's people have been crossing the wilderness of sin for 4o years and now the leader they counted on has died, they are faced with the uncertainty of life. God reassures them that He hasn't brought them this far to leave them.

    God's people have been crossing the wilderness of sin for 4o years and now the leader they counted on has died, they are faced with the uncertainty of life. God reassures them that He hasn't brought them this far to leave them. Today we live in uncertain times. People today face a bleak more

  • The Lessons I Learned From Seeing Our Church Move From The Church House To The Parking Lot Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Apr 20, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    I remember in the beginning of March coming together and having church in the church house. And then here we are in the middle of April having church in our parking lot. We journeyed from the church house to the parking lot. It was not a long journey, but it was a journey.

    Introduction I remember in the beginning of March coming together and having church in the church house. And then here we are in the middle of April having church in our parking lot. We journeyed from the church house to the parking lot. It was not a long journey, but it was a journey. As I more

  • Be Strong And Of Good Courage Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Apr 6, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    In the face of a crisis, are instruction from God is the same as it was to Joshua, "Be Strong and of Good Courage."

    2020 will be remembered as the year of the world wide coronavirus pandemic. We have seen and experience entire countries close down, commerce slowed down to crawl, whole states, cities, and communities shut off and placed in quarantine. Every day, we hear the new infection and death count. Our more

  • Be Courageous Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Sep 8, 2020

    I will never leave you nor forsake you as the ‘Uninterrupted Presence of God’ in our lives. Do not ever pass any perilous comment about anyone's death. Dear Friends, do not worry about the loss you have incurred and hope you have lost, the opportunities you have missed.

    Joshua 1:1-9 Be Courageous Introduction: I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God willing we will meditate under the Theme: I will never leave you nor forsake you as ‘Uninterrupted Presence of God’ in our lives. Today we are meditating the advice given by God to Joshua more

  • Claiming Our Canaan Series

    Contributed by Pastor David Parla on Oct 1, 2020

    We’ve come “Out of Egypt” now into the wilderness. The deliverance of Israel from Egypt is a picture of our salvation. We were slaves, in bondage to sin, the toughest master you’ll ever serve. Now they are at the edge of the Promised Land.

    Joshua 1:1-13 INTRO: We’ve come “Out of Egypt” now into the wilderness. The deliverance of Israel from Egypt is a picture of our salvation. We were slaves, in bondage to sin, the toughest master you’ll ever serve. Sin takes us farther than we want to go, keeps us longer than we want to stay, more

  • Fulfilling Your Destiny - 7 Lessons From The Life Of Joshua

    Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Oct 31, 2020



  • Prepared

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Feb 8, 2022

    If there was one word that each of us would like used in describing us would be “success.”

    If there was one word that could be the foundation to success, I feel it would be the word “prepared.” I realize there are a lot of words that could come close to the word prepared in success such as the word work. 1. Work a. Physical work 1) The Bible has a lot to say about work. 2) 1 Timothy more

  • Be Strong & Courageous

    Contributed by Joshua Blackmon on Feb 19, 2022

    Joshua 1 contains God's charge to Joshua to be courageous, meditate on the words of the covenant that He has made with Israel, and the Promise of His Presence in His life.

    Be Strong & Courageous Introduction The Scriptures are filled with comforting words that encourage us to do these things and embrace what God has for us. Joshua 1:1-18 ESV The book of Joshua is an account of God keeping His Promise to Abraham of giving his descendants that land of Canaan for more

  • Joshua A Successful Leader Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Feb 25, 2022

    Many spiritual programs, activities, and events are not fruitful, not successful, and never yield the targeted result, not because of lack of money and personnel but lack of sincere prayer warriors. We get people to stand on the frontline but not on the kneeling.

    Theme: You will be Successful Text: Joshua 1:1-9 Greetings: The Lord is good and His love endures forever. Introduction: Joshua was known as the soldier of the Lord and a successor of Moses. According to the Dictionary of the Bible: “Four theological themes appear in the descriptions of more

  • The Anointing Today

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Feb 26, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The flow of the anointing can be seen throughout the Bible and every significant revival in church history. Simply put, if there were no anointing, there would be no revival. The anointing is the burden removing, yoke destroying power of God.

    Scripture Text: Acts 1:8 INTRODUCTION Revival & Anointing Go Together DEFINITIONS: Websters ANOINT', v.t. [L. ungo.] To pour oil upon; to smear or rub over with oil or unctuous substances; also to spread over, as oil. To consecrate by unction or the use of oil. • Thou shalt anoint the more

  • "Picking Up From What Was Started In This New Season” Pt. 1 Series

    Contributed by Sean Dees on Mar 3, 2022

    We have to share and write the vision in clear and simple ways so that the believers can see it and run with it. We have to get them to see what we are seeing from the Lord.

    Intro: This is the first message in a series entitled “Casting the Vision.” Today I want to begin with “Picking up from what was started”, the text I chose is in no disrespect to those that have formerly served behind this pulpit, but is commending those that have served in the past. Everything more

  • "Are You Plugged Or Unplugged” Pt.2 Series

    Contributed by Sean Dees on Mar 3, 2022

    We have to share and write the vision in clear and simple ways so that the believers can see it and run with it. We have to get them to see what we are seeing from the Lord.

    Intro: What is the vision of the house? My desire for this house is not to establish a legacy or spend money for self glorification. My desire; the vision of this house is to establish this church as a light for this city. I don’t want us to be classified as a traditional church that is not willing more

  • Be Strong And Courageous!

    Contributed by Glenn Newton on Dec 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    God has always called His people to live by Faith, not by Fear. This message will be a great challenge to live by Faith.

    Be Strong and Courageous! Joshua 1:1-9 Joshua Installed as Leader 1 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide: 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to more

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