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Sermons on john xxiii:

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  • The Word - John 1:1-2

    Contributed by David Tack on Mar 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus is the Word.

    The Word John 1:1-2: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (2) The same was in the beginning with God. (2) "In the beginning was the Word." (3) 1) LETS DEFINE BEGINNING – a) What it is not saying- That Jesus had a beginning. b) What it is more

  • How Does John Describe Love?

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Apr 17, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    How Does John Describe Love? (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: The Test of True Love: love is proved… sacrifice (vs 16) mercy (vs 17) actions (vs 18) The Results of True Love: assurance (vs 19-20) answered prayer (vs 21-22) abiding (vs 23-24) SERMON TEXT: Ill: • The US Treasury Department has a special more

  • Back-Story; The Birth Of John The Baptist Series

    Contributed by Rob Woodrum on Oct 21, 2010
    based on 18 ratings

    What to do with disappointments in prayer

    Luke 1:5-25 “Back-story; the Birth of John the Baptist” Who here has ever had a major disappointment in life? How many have prayed for something, but it just seems like heaven in silent? Let me ask did you feel because of that silence or lack of an answer to prayer? What more

  • What Made John The Baptist Great?

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Dec 12, 2009
    based on 45 ratings

    What made John stand out that Christ singles him out as the greatest human being born up to that point in time?

    WHAT MADE JOHN THE BAPTIST GREAT? MATTHEW 11:1-11 Introduction: When we think of the greatest men and women of the Bible, we think of Moses, Abraham, David, Sarah, Ruth, Elijah, Peter, and Paul. Yet, Jesus Christ said that no one had ever been born who is greater than John the Baptist. What made more

  • The Miracles In John: Lesson 1: Introduction

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Sep 20, 2005
    based on 58 ratings


    A. Why are there four gospels? To tell a complete story of Jesus. B. Why does Mark have the most miracles? To show a powerful servant. C. Why does John have the fewest miracles? Each has an explanation. D. John is a Jewish mystic who uses ¡§7¡¨ in his writings. There are ¡§7¡¨ miracles in John plus more

  • John Chapter 9 Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Sep 5, 2013

    Jesus heals the man born blind. Jesus sometimes accomplishes His miracles in unexpected ways and almost always requires our participation.

    John 9:1-12 “As [Jesus] went along, He saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked Him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the more

  • John Shares Where Jesus Lives

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jan 15, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    The text asks us, "Come and see" where Jesus lives or that s what Jesus told Peter and Andrew.

    John 1:29-42 “John Shares, Where Jesus Lives” • Home or the places we live seem to Take away stuff, It’s a Place we get breath again, • Havens of rest is home, we even call Heaven Home don’t we 1. John shares with us the ministry of Jesus • His ministry is to “Take Away” John declares more

  • (Study No. 1) John The Baptist Series

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Jan 30, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    John the Baptist is the first soul-winner of whom we read in the New Testament. He was a pioneer in every sense of the word. He prepared the way for the Lord (Luke 3:4),

    Soul winners in the New Testament (Study No. 1) John the Baptist John 1:19-37 We begin a new series on New Testament soul-winners .With these studies we hope to form a composite picture of the way in which we can all engage in this great task of bringing others to the Lord Jesus Christ. John the more

  • St. John Evangelist Vs The Gnostics

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 23, 2018

    John emphasizes that the Word was made flesh, and pitched His tent among us, in His Gospel, chapter 1.

    December 27, 2018 Feast of St. John the Evangelist Every human movement begins with high ideals preached by an effective communicator. Thus Luther began by noticing and preaching against the corruption he saw in Rome. Our democratic republic took its original light from Thomas Paine. Jefferson and more

  • Third Sunday Of Advent: John The Baptist

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Nov 19, 2019

    Advent 3, Year A

    There is a story of a Spiritual Master who went to China. There he gathered a group of disciples to prepare them for enlightenment. When they became enlightened, they stopped attending his lectures! The moral of the story: It is not credit to a spiritual guide that his disciples sit at his feet more

  • God's Sign Post - John The Baptist

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jul 5, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon focus on the life of John the Baptist. John was a man who was renowned for 1. His Humility 2. His Life of Repentance 3. His Integrity and Commitment His life shines as a sign post for all us to follow!

    Scripture: Mark 6:14-29 Theme: John the Baptist This sermon focus on the life of John the Baptist. John was a man who was renowned for 1. His Humility 2. His Life of Repentance 3. His Integrity and Commitment His life shines as a sign post for all us to follow! INTRO: Grace and peace more

  • John 3:16 & Our Calling

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Feb 24, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God loves us, and He calls us to love others the same way. This is impossible, but it is our calling, and with God, all things are possible.

    The Love of God For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16-17 God Who is God? —evolution or more

  • From John And Water To Paul And Fire

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Jan 6, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    Paul's first encounter with the twelve disciples. Paul's instruction and laying on of hands.

    Weekend Message/Devotion January 7, 2018 Reading: Acts 19:1-7 COMMUNION SUNDAY From John and Water to Paul and Fire We read here of Paul’s missionary trip to Ephesus. Without going into a lot of geographical detail, I just want to emphasize the lengths that Paul went to in traveling all over more

  • Who Is The Antichrist? The Witness Of The Apostle John Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on May 24, 2015

    Revelation 13 and 17 are John's two clear testimonies about the coming antichrist.

    5. JOHN: REVELATION 13 Have you ever considered just how much Daniel and John have in common? As young men, both had a personal relationship with the Lord. They were both considered beloved of God. Defiantly strong for the Lord as young men, they both grew into long-term servants of God whose more

  • The Testimony Of John The Baptist Concerning Himself Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Jan 10, 2015

    The Testimony of John the Baptist reveals that he has the privilege of announcing the Preeminent One at the commencement of Jesus' Ministry.

    The Testimony of John the Baptist Concerning Himself: John 1:19-28 We looked at verse 18 last week, and saw that Jesus is the only one who has ever seen the Father, and He is the witness of the fullness of the Father’s character and essence, having always existed with Him. Since ONLY God is more

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