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  • Put Those Stones Down!

    Contributed by Alan Krieg on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 65 ratings

    Introduction: Do you have steel toed shoes on?!! I have four points this morning and I’m sure one of them is going to step on your toes.

    Introduction: Do you have steel toed shoes on?!! I have four points this morning and I’m sure one of them is going to step on your toes. I got my toes stepped on preparing this message. If all four points get your toes this morning then you need to get to the alter real quick! Now listen! Did you more

  • Pet Rocks

    Contributed by Richard Mcnair on Oct 27, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    It is the rock of ages that gives us grace to lay down our rocks. Even Jesus was almost stoned. Have you thrown any rocks lately?

    Lay down your rock Hand out or had the ushers pass out stones to each person in the church. ILL>>> Pet rock, rock hound, quartz, silver, arrowhead An elementary school , recently had a problem with students throwing rocks. The principal made an announcement over the intercom warning students more

  • Go, Sin No More!

    Contributed by Mario Incerti on Nov 13, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    Nicky Cruz turns with almost spitting anger, twisted and bitter from the abuse of cigarette burns on his body and scarred physical beatings he had from his childhood’ Get out of my face or I will cut you up’ Nicky was never loved by his parents, a voodoo

    Go, sin no more! John 8:1-11 As pastor Wilkinson confronted Nicky, (a known criminal, drug lord and gang leader) he tries to reach out to him, Wilkinson, a skinny preacher man who has real guts finds himself in a tense and dangerous situation, but he was determined to reach him with the love that more

  • Mercy-Week 3 Series

    Contributed by Jeremy James on Nov 21, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    How do we live lives of mercy.

    Matthew 23:23 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. It is these you ought to have practiced without neglecting the others. Reality TV shows I am reminded of a couple of more

  • The Sensitivity Of Grace Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Apr 29, 2003
    based on 124 ratings

    This morning, we’re going to encounter someone who was in desperate need of grace. She came face-to-face with her sin ­ and with Jesus ­ and drank deeply of the “Sensitivity of Grace.”

    The Sensitivity of Grace If you’ve been with us for the last four weeks, you’ll know that we’re in the middle of a series called, “Grace Encounters.” As we look at how Jesus interacted with people, we’ve been learning about how grace can change our lives. In the first message entitled, “The more

  • A Brave Grace

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Apr 30, 2003
    based on 130 ratings

    We can experience and exhibit a brave grace.

    A BRAVE GRACE John 8:1-11 S: Grace Th: Brave Hearts Pr: WE CAN EXPERIENCE AND EXHIBIT A BRAVE GRACE. ?: Inductive KW: Movement TS: We will find four movements in the narrative found in John 8:1-11 that demonstrate how Jesus handles conflict. The _____ movement is… I. CRIME (1-3) II. more

  • A New Beginning

    Contributed by Thomas Dibble on May 13, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    We have all made mistakes in our walk with God. None of us are perfect. This sermon will help those who desire a new beginning in the Lord.

    A New Beginning JOHN 8:1-11 1Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. 2And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them. 3And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in more

  • Canceling Our Debts Series

    Contributed by Dale Harlow on Jan 14, 2003
    based on 86 ratings

    Finding the ability to leave the past behind.

    Canceling our Debts John 8:1-11 In Max Lucado’s book, He Still Moves Stones he writes of this incident we find in John 8:1-11, and he begins with this illustration I’ve used before. But it is so powerful, it is worth using again. Rebecca Thompson fell twice from Fremont Canyon Bridge. She died more

  • Judah And Tamar

    Contributed by Paul Long on Feb 21, 2003
    based on 148 ratings

    Narrative preaching of the story of Judah and Tamar

    JUDAH AND TAMAR Genesis 38 Introduction: I’ve been a Christian for 20 years now and I want to say that I have never heard the story of Judah and Tamar preached or taught. Every story and major character of this first book of the Bible is taught - from the stories surrounding Adam and Eve, Noah, more

  • Neither Do I Condemn You Series

    Contributed by Louis Bartet on Feb 23, 2003
    based on 60 ratings

    If we fail to practice the gospel we preach, can we expect our preaching of the gospel to be effective?

    TITLE: Neither Do I condemn You TEXT: John 3:16-17; 8:2-11; Romans 8:1 Preached by Louis Bartet at Point Assembly of God, February 23, 2003 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God more

  • Condemned Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Feb 25, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    6th in the series "Conversations With Jesus." The woman caught in adultery was shown mercy and empowering grace by Jesus.

    Aaron Patterson, Sentenced to die for the 1986 murder of a Chicago couple. In one of his last official acts as the Governor of Illinois, George Ryan pardoned Aaron Patterson on 10 January, 2003. It’s the stuff of movies. The appeal goes before the governor. The prisoner waits on death row as more

  • Celebrate Jesus Series

    Contributed by John Harvey on Apr 28, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    To celebrate Jesus and all that He does in our lives.

    Celebrate Jesus! 05/02/04 THEME: Jesus Christ is worth celebrating INTRO: Today we begin a month of celebrations. Over the next few weeks we will be celebrating moms, volunteers, life and heroes. We celebrate a lot of things in our lives. Weddings, birthdays and anniversaries are all reasons more

  • It's All In The Seeing Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on May 10, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    4th in series of 5. Two different views of this woman (John 8:1-11) The crowd saw her as damaged and worthless. Jesus saw her as damaged and valuable.

    “Honor your father and mother” is one of the Ten Commandments. It seems a bit strange to me when you look at it set along side the other commandments. Why is this so important? Why, because parents have been given such a high and worthy charge – a living soul has been placed into their care. more

  • Encounter With An Adulterous Woman Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on Feb 23, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    Sometimes we respond to people’s sin and think we are responding the way that God would have. The best way to see how to deal with sin is to see how Jesus dealt with people’s sins during His life.

    “Encounters with Jesus: An Adulterous Woman” Introduction: I heard a story of a girl and a guy who were dating; they were a very religious couple. They went to the local Christian church and were there every time the doors were open. They tried very hard to center their relationship around more

  • Caught In The Act Of Compassion

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jul 27, 2003
    based on 134 ratings

    The lost don’t need another critic; they need someone who cares. Like Christ we must not condone their actions, but extend to them loving compassion for their soul.

    Caught In The Act Of Compassion Text: John 8: 1-11 Intro: Of all the accounts mentioned in the New Testament concerning Christ’s dealings with people, the account just read from our text is among my favorites. Not only was this woman’s life being wrecked by her sin, but she was forced to more

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