Stephen Schwartz
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Principles Of Prayer
Contributed on Oct 21, 2002
When speaking in regards to prayer, do you know of anything more valuable to a Christian than that of prayer?
Outline: Principles Of Prayer Luke 18:1 Text: “Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit.” When speaking in regards to prayer, do you know of anything more valuable to a Christian than that of prayer? Prayer is more valuable than the ...read more
God's Final Words
Contributed on Aug 22, 2002
What does Malachi have to say to our generation?
Prophecy To Our Age God’s Final Words Introduction: Malachi 4 The prophecy of Malachi, hence; ends with a curse. After this prophetic message from God, there is no direct message to the people for over four hundred years. With the close of the Old Testament what is found within the text of ...read more
The Remnant
Contributed on Aug 22, 2002
What does Malachi have to say to our generation?
Prophecy To Our Age The Remnant I. God has always called a people to be his witnesses to the truth who would obediently serve as his messengers to a lost world. A. God doesn’t call the biggest or the best; He doesn’t call the richest or those with the most finesse; he calls those who are ...read more
The Fathers Attitude
Contributed on Jul 26, 2002
Part 3 of the series in the Book of Malachi.
Prophecy To Our Age The Fathers Attitude Introduction: (Chapter1:1-2) Malachi was sent to the people with God’s all consuming power; the love of God. This is God’s burden for his people of every age, he addresses the condition of the people’s hearts from the love he has for them. In ...read more
God's Complaints Against His People
Contributed on Jul 15, 2002
Part two of Prophecy To Our Present Age
Prophecy To Our Age God’s complaints against His people Introduction: God, through the voice of his messenger Malachi, voices seven complaints against the people of Israel. Let’s summarize the complaints: Profanity, Sacrilege, Greed, Weariness of Service, Treason against Heaven, Theft and ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Part 5 Of The Study Of Malachi
Contributed on Aug 22, 2002
Part 4 Of The Study Of Malachi
Contributed on Aug 22, 2002
Prophecy To Our Age
Contributed on Jul 26, 2002
Study Of The Book Of Revelation
Contributed on Dec 18, 2001
Malachi's Message To Our Generation
Contributed on Dec 12, 2001
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Numbers Of The Bible
Contributed on Dec 17, 2001
Numbers of the Bible” One The number one is for God. We must begin with number one or we cannot have number two or any other number. Mathematically speaking we cannot get anywhere without the number one. We must begin with God. Two The number two is for man. Man as an individual. God ...read more