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  • Be Who You Are - The Body Of Christ

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Aug 25, 2018

    when we celebrate communion, we ARE the body of Christ

    John 6:41-58 Let us pray: Creator of us all, we believe in you with all our hearts. We trust in your infinite goodness and mercy. Thank you for so patiently guiding us along the pathway to everlasting life. We love you and offer you all that we have and all that we do, for your glory and the more

  • The Lord's Guarantee Of Eternal Life Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 15, 2019

    Eternal life comes: 1. from the Bread of Life. 2. through our belief in God. 3. from the boundless power of God. 4. from the unbreakable promises of God.

    The Lord's Guarantee of Eternal Life The Gospel of John John 6:28-51 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - October 26, 2016 (Revised August 15, 2019) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to John 6, and think about God's guarantee of eternal life. Most of you know that this more

  • Cool! Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 18, 2019

    A priest was once kneeling as a congregant at Mass and noticed a little five-year-old child in the pew behind. . .

    John 6 “Cool” It’s pretty well known among Catholics that Flannery O’Connor, one of the 20th century’s greatest authors, once was invited to dinner when she was young and unknown by a more famous writer at the time, Mary McCarthy. The conversation was a bit stilted due to O’Connor’s fabled more

  • The Eventual Exposing Of False Faith Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Aug 22, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    This is part 21 of an on-going sermon series from the Gospel of John. In this sermon we contrast true, saving faith, with false faith that cannot save.

    The Eventual Exposing of False Faith (John pt. 21) Text: John 6:28-68 Ok, so we’re in the Gospel of John, and we have a big chunk of text this morning, so I’m going to just get right in to it… Let’s take our Bibles, and open them up to John chapter 6 (READ TEXT). Now basically, what’s happening more

  • Why They Turned Down The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Dec 15, 2020

    This section is lengthy and confusing. There is a lot going on. This message unpacks it by focusing on five of the key reasons the crowd rejects Jesus here.

    - A couple things up front. - First, there is a lot in this passage, yet the passage needs to be taken together. A lot of ideas are brought out, but it’s all a cohesive whole. So we are going to cover a lot of ground this evening. - Second, there is so much in this passage that there are more

  • A Homily For Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Dec 17, 2020

    The Jews ask at Passover: :what is the most important day of they year? How does the Christian answer this?

    A Homily for Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service “And this shall be a sign unto you; you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:12) We have now come to the evening we celebrate the greatest gift ever given. We remember on this holy evening the birth more

  • I Am The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Paul Werling on Dec 26, 2020

    Jesus is the bread of life born in Bethlehem the house of bread. We need to learn to believe, trust and obey even when we don't understand.

    So you know I really like to give a course rationale when I begin a new series. So keep this in mind as we pursue the purpose of these sermons over the next few weeks. I know I usually would be preaching a sermon on New Years' and time. But this year I want to keep the Christmas theme going more

  • Jesus Feeds His Hungry People

    Contributed by Reuben Bredenhof on Mar 15, 2021

    When we go to God through Christ, we will never walk away hungry. When we draw near to God with our whole heart, we will never walk away, disappointed. Because for us, our faithful Saviour will always provide enough—more than enough.

    If you’ve recently prayed the Lord’s Prayer, then you made the request to your Father in heaven that He would give you this day “your daily bread.” I wonder if that’s a petition we make with a lot of sincerity. Are we really concerned about getting what we need to maintain our bodies? Is there more

  • A Perpetual Promise And The Broken Bread.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 12, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    The bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. John 6 verse 51.

    A PERPETUAL PROMISE AND THE BROKEN BREAD. John 6:35, John 6:41-51. Jesus said, ‘I am the bread of life: he that comes to me shall never hunger; and he that believes on me shall never thirst’ (John 6:35). “I AM” is, of course, the name of God (Exodus 3:14). Jesus identifies Himself with God, more

  • I Am The Bread Of Life – All You Ever Need In This World And The Next - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 31, 2022

    Why have we descended into this spiritual mess? Why? It is because we have lost our appetite for the Bread of Life and prefer rather, the onions, cucumbers, leeks and garlic of Egypt. We have dishonoured the Lord of the churches, and despised the Bread of Life.

    I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE – ALL YOU EVER NEED IN THIS WORLD AND THE NEXT - PART 2 This is PART 2 of the Message “I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE” one of the magnificent truths spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ when on earth. We ended the first PART looking at The Bread for Christian Sustenance, and were more

  • The Father Is A Provider Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Feb 24, 2022

    This is the most famous camping trip in the history of the world!

    God is … The Father is a Provider February 27, 2022 This is the most famous camping trip in the history of the world! Genesis 22:9-14 NIV When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the more

  • The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Mar 18, 2022

    The feeding of the five thousand reminds us that Jesus is the Bread of Life.

    INTRODUCTION • Who doesn't love bread! • Breadsticks, hamburger buns, rolls, cinnamon rolls, French bread, Italian bread, white bread, wheat bread, whole grain bread, I would even eat glutton-free bread! • Along with pasta and sweets, I LOVE ME SOME BREAD! • Hungry yet? • I am not picky more

  • Our Passion Drives Our Change Readiness Series

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Jul 10, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Encounters with God can fail, if we are not prepared for the change that follows any encounter. In this concluding part of the series Dr. Madana Kumar explores the dynamics all of us face when we are faced with change.

    Encounters With God Series Part 7 Our Change Readiness decides the outcome of the encounter on our lives For a video/ audio version of the message, please visit Good morning. This is the seventh and concluding part of this series of messages on Encounters with God. more

  • Jesus In Exodus

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 28, 2022

    The old covenant was a lengthy preparation to teach the need for Jesus and a new covenant. Let’s look at Jesus in the book of Exodus.

    The old covenant was a lengthy preparation to teach the need for Jesus and a new covenant. Let’s look at Jesus in the book of Exodus. Did all the prophets speak of Jesus? “Then Jesus said to them, ‘You foolish people! Your dull minds keep you from believing all that the prophets talked about. more

  • Do You Understand What You Are Reading?

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 30, 2022

    We read Scripture because we want to know more about God and His plan for us. But do we really understand?

    Thursday of the 3rd week in Easter It is no surprise that whenever someone is reading from the OT during NT times, he is probably reading from an Isaiah scroll. The only time that Jesus gave His disciples an extensive Bible lesson, He began with Moses and then the prophets and asked “was it not more

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