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Sermons on John 1:2:

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  • So, Christmas Is Over, Huh?

    Contributed by John Beehler on Dec 26, 2001
    based on 67 ratings

    Christians are polarized by Christmas. We battle against the commercialism and secularization of one of the two most holy days for Christians.

    So, Christmas is Over, huh? I have a poem I’d like to share with you. It’s called "The Month After Christmas." ‘Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house, nothing would fit me, not even a blouse. The cookies I’d nibbled, the fudge I did taste, all the holiday parties more

  • God With Us

    Contributed by Russ Sharrock on Jan 2, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    The great truth of the incarnation is that God became one of us.

    God With Us John 1:1-14 (NIV) During this time each year children begin dreaming of the gifts they’ll find under the tree on Christmas morning, while their parents are running from store to store fighting the crowds and spending money on things they hope will bring happiness to those they more

  • Who And Why

    Contributed by Devin Hudson on Jan 11, 2002
    based on 405 ratings

    Intro sermon to John’s Gospel

    Who and Why? John 1.1-5 We begin a new sermon series today from the Gospel of John. I am very excited about preaching through this wonderful book. I have wanted to preach through John for some time, and I am glad that God allowing us to take this journey together. I pray that we will learn and more

  • Jesus-The Word Of God

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 22, 2002
    based on 145 ratings

    6 characteristics of Jesus that qualify Him to be the one who finally bridges the communication gap between us and the Father.

    January 30, 2000 Jn 1:1-4, 14 Jesus – the Word of God INTRODUCTION [begin with one full minute of silence standing completely still] Silence. How do you react to silence? Most of you were probably wondering what in the world was going on. “Did Chris forget was he was going to say? Has more

  • Study 7 - Jesus At The Centre Series

    Contributed by Eric Sellgren on Feb 8, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    Study 7 - St. John`s Gospel and his letters countering false teaching about Jesus

    The Jehovah`s Witnesses have vacillated in their teaching down the years between calling Jesus a man, and calling Him a god. It is quite evident that the Bible sees Him as far greater than just a man (although it does see Him as totally and completely Man), and present day Witnesses accept this, more

  • In The Beginning

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Aug 29, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    Our God is the Creator

    IN THE BEGINNING GENESIS 1:1-2 INTRODUCTION I think it is very appropriate that the first book of the Bible is titled Genesis. Genesis means “beginnings” and this book contains many origins and beginnings. The book of Genesis records for us, by Moses (yes I do believe he was the original more

  • Starting Off On The Right Foot Series

    Contributed by Ed Lucas on Aug 31, 2001
    based on 20 ratings

    John prepares his readers by laying down the groundwork as to who Jesus is

    Starting off on the Right Foot John 1:1-18 INTRODUCTION: When I arrived at the Gray Avenue Christian Church in Yuba City, the summer of 1990, as the new Youth Minister, I did not start off on the right foot with the youth. I don’t know why, I just didn’t. I had a great interview. I was chosen more

  • Down To Earth Series

    Contributed by Mark Neilly on Sep 5, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    This was the first of a series of sermons from John’s Gospel.

    John 1:1-18 Down to Earth The story is told about General Schwarzkoff during the gulf war, that he loved nothing more than to sit down and eat with the ordinary soldiers. How wonderful it was to see a 4 star general coming down to the level of an ordinary private. He was much admired for the fact more

  • Introduction To The Gospel Of John Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on Sep 19, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    First in Series in a detailed study of the Gospel of John. An Introduction to the Gospel of John, The Prologue is a part of the first "P" in the Gospel of John. The Three P’s found in the Gospel of John.

    Note to reader: This is the first lesson in a series of Bible study on the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John Introduction to the Bible study on the Gospel of John: The Gospel of John is a document written for a first century audience. The stories that Jesus told in His ministry were not more

  • Divinity Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Oct 2, 2001
    based on 28 ratings

    Does the Bible plainly state the divinity of Jesus?

    Doctrine of the Trinity Why didn’t the apostles plainly state doctrine such as the Trinity? In epistles, we only get a snapshot of doctrine. The apostles spent most of their energy planting and building churches and discipling leaders. Their primary method of teaching doctrine was personal more

  • John 1

    Contributed by Bryan Richardson on Dec 2, 2000
    based on 98 ratings

    John 1

    THROUGH THE NEW TESTAMENT JOHN 1 10-31-99 INTRO: He came from the bosom of the Father to the bosom of a woman; He put on humanity that He might put on Divinity; He became the Son of Man that we might become the Sons of God;’ He was born contrary to the laws more

  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

    Contributed by Gerald Cornelius on Dec 13, 2000
    based on 330 ratings

    This is a Candlelight service using different candles and narrative to tell the Christmas story.

    Christmas Eve Candlelight Candles needed Joseph – red Mary – blue Jesus – gold Two shepherds – green Three angels – white Three Magi (Wisemen) – silver ----Only the 1st and last stanzas of the hymns are to be sung---- Prelude – Instrumentalist plays Christmas music In the beginning was the more

  • What's The Word?

    Contributed by Doug Warren on Dec 25, 2000
    based on 146 ratings

    When we say we "preach the word", what do we mean? Just what IS "the Word"?

    Intro: Ministers are often admonished to "preach the word" by members of their flock. Just what are they asking? What IS the Biblical definition of the Word? From John and other passages, we can discover I. The Word is SCRIPTURE *2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrew 4:12 A. It is inspired more

  • The Exclusive Savior

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Dec 26, 2000
    based on 59 ratings

    Jesus is the exclusive and universal Savior.

    Cary Grant, the movie star, once told how he was walking along a street and started to pass by a man who began staring at him with a look of excited recognition. The man said, “Wait a minute, you’re... you’re — I know who you are; don’t tell me... uh, Rock Hud... No, you’re....” The famous more

  • Incarnational Ministry

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Dec 29, 2000
    based on 132 ratings

    A challenge to fulfill the Great Commission

    “In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God, and he was God. He was in the beginning with God. He created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didn’t make. Life itself was in him, and this life gives light to everyone. The light shines through the darkness, and the darkness more

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