Will Cornwell
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
No Belt=exposure
Contributed on Oct 17, 2002
The 2nd message in a series on living life in abundance and victory in the midst of a messed up world
How to Live A Victorious Life (Part 2) A couple of weeks ago I went with my roommates to a house out in Millbrook where I joined a group of Air Force Lieutenants in playing paintball. Now I have played paintball before, but this was different. This was more like real war than playing ...read more
Do You Believe?
Contributed on Aug 22, 2002
Are you a believer or do you just "believe"
God’s word for this evening is quite possibly one of the most well known bible verses in America today. It seems as though both churched and un-churched people alike are familiar with it and this evening we are going to take a closer look at it and hopefully deal with some of the mislead ...read more
Know Who You Are
Contributed on Aug 22, 2002
The reason for defeated Christians is that we get our identity from the wronng places. When you know who you are in Christ there is nothing that his world can throw your way that you cannot overcome.
How to live a victorious life (Part 1) I was sitting in my lazy boy the other day trying to remember exactly what it was like to be a teenager and what some of my toughest struggles were. I had to think real hard, not because I am old, but because I just don’t remember things very well. But ...read more
An Invitation To Life
Contributed on Apr 23, 2002
Jesus knows your hearts deepest longing. Come and join in on abundant life by responding to His open arms.
The text that I want to look at this morning is verses 35-39 of the first chapter of the gospel of John. In order to preface the chosen text I also read verses 1-18. I chose these scriptures as a preface for one reason. For the message I have prepared for you this morning, it is important for ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
How To Live A Victorious Life
Contributed on Aug 22, 2002