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  • The Man Who Is The Issue Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Aug 25, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Th Apostle’s Creed - I Believe in Jesus Christ

    By Danny Saunders A few nights ago Ali & I watched the third Matrix move, Matrix Revolutions. And at first we had no idea what was going on. We had to stop the video and talk about what had happened in the first 2 movies and where the story was up to before we could go on. Luckily we had more

  • A Man Born Blind Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on May 17, 2013

    There is more than one form of blindness. Are you looking to see God at work in the world? Are you pointing out those works of God to others so they too can see?

    Blindness is a terrible thing isn’t it? We rely on our eyes so much for experiencing the world, for enjoying life, for perceiving reality. If your eyes are failing or you know someone with poor eyesight you’ll know what a loss it is, how many restrictions it puts on your life. But you more

  • David: Man Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Aug 30, 2024

    In this talk we look at how David prayed when he faced enemies or storms in his life. He cried out to God. But he also remembered vital things about God - things that enabled him to overcome his enemies and stand firm in the storms.

    INTRODUCTION How do we pray? Could we pray better? If I asked you, who in the Bible is an expert in prayer, who would you say? You might say David. The psalms are prayers and at least 75 of the 150 psalms in the Book of Psalms were written by David. We’re in a series on David, the shepherd more

  • Zacchaeus The Transformed Man

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jun 21, 2016

    There's an interesting story in Luke about a man named Zacchaeus who just wanted to see Jesus as He passed through Jericho but Zacchaeus got much more than he expected. and it transformed his life. Have you pursued Jesus. Has Jesus transformed your life?

    Luke 19:1-10 (Please look this up in your Bibles and follow along) As we take a look at the salvation story of Zacchaeus it is always good to turn the attention inward and examine our own heart and our own motives. Luke19:1 NIV “Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through.” Jesus more

  • The Healing Of The Man At The Pool PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To explore the transformative power of Jesus, both in physical healing and spiritual transformation.

    Good morning, church! I hope you're all feeling blessed and highly favored. Today, we're going to delve into a remarkable passage from the Book of John - chapter 5, verses 1 to 15. This story is a powerful illustration of not only the healing power of Jesus, but also His ability to transform our more

  • Jesus: Son Of God And Son Of Man Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 28, 2002
    based on 81 ratings

    Jesus’ trial before the Sanhedrin as a confessional sermon seeking powerful Christianity

    Jesus: Son of God and Son of Man. “Portraits of Christ” series February 9/10, 2002. Steve Simala Grant Intro: I haven’t been doing particularly well this week. If you were here last week and noticed my absence, you also heard it was because we were in the hospital with my 16 month old son, more

  • What It Means To Be A Fully Devoted Disciple

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Sep 18, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    There is a difference in the life-style of a fully devoted disciple and one who is not fully devoted.

    What it Means to be a Fully Devoted Disciple Luke 9:23-26 Luke 9:57-62 There is a difference in the life-style of a fully devoted disciple and one who is not fully devoted. When I think of my life as a new Christian I was like a roller coaster. I was up and down in my spiritual life. I had more

  • What Manner Of Man Is This?

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Feb 14, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    This message brings out three traits of Christ found in Matt.8: 23-27, that remind us once again of His deity, giving us ample reasons for our devotion to Him.

    What Manner Of Man Is This? Text: Matt.8: 23-27 Intro: Have you ever tried to imagine what Christ Jesus must have been like in person? Have you ever wondered how He must have carried Himself, or how His voice must have sounded? It must have been wonderful to walk and talk with the Savior, when more

  • Seven Choices For A Fully Fueled Faith Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Aug 26, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Today we conclude our series by thinking about how the choices we make can give us a fully fueled faith.

    Seven Choices To a Fully Fueled Faith  Philippians 4:4-13 John Maxwell said, “Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.” As we have studied Philippians we have noted the choices that make us into disciples of Jesus. To live in the shadow of His return. To never let more

  • The Perfect Man Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Feb 25, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    As the one and only perfect man, Jesus dignified, identified with, and justified humanity.

    The Perfect Man Hebrews 2 SCRIPTURE READING: Hebrews 2:5-9 INTRODUCTION: People have a lot of ideas about what a “perfect man” would be. · According to that Bowflex commercial that comes on … oh, approximately once every 10 minutes … all it takes to be the perfect man is 20 minutes, 3 days a more

  • Easter: Jesus The King - Fully Prepared To Fail (In The Eyes Of The World)

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Mar 29, 2010

    Prepared for Palm Sunday 2010 but also focusing on the Cross and beyond, this sermon affirms the fulfilment of prophecy on ’Palm’ Sunday and suggests that Jesus was fully prepared to fail in the eyes of the world, as he knew God would ultimately vindicate

    About six years ago a friend of mine said, “The trouble with being a leader today is that you can’t be sure whether people are following you or chasing you.” Jesus was in his early 30’s and he was heading towards Jerusalem (19:28). Three years of ministry had catapulted Jesus into the limelight. more

  • When The Time Had Fully Come Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Apr 14, 2010
    based on 51 ratings

    When the time of God had fully come, what happened? 1- When the time had come God sent His Son 2- When the time had come God sent His Spirit

    INTRO.- ILL.- A time management expert at a conference was to give a speech about her success in business and how time management plays a huge part of business success. She engaged the crowd and they seemed to love her. She was giving tips and sharing success stories. Suddenly, she realized she more

  • The Significant Man Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 28, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    We think of Jesus being on trial before Pilate, when really it was Pilate who was being challenged by Jesus. What did Jesus say to Pilate that shook this governor and challenged his entire view of life?

    Eight years ago (2013) Time magazine featured a study that proposed to name the 100 most significant people in history. This study's authors filtered through over 9000 names and came up with this list, and these are the TOP 10 of that list: 1 Jesus (it’s intriguing that Time magazine would more

  • The Carnal Man PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 12, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Encourages Christians to reflect on their spiritual growth, overcome hindrances, and strive for maturity in likeness to Jesus.

    Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters in Christ, I stand before you today with a message that is as timeless as the faith we share, as profound as the love our Savior has for us, and as vital as the spiritual breath we draw each day. It is a message that resonates with the heartbeat of our more

  • The Son Of Man Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on May 3, 2024

    Jesus is the Son of Man who was to come!

    INTRODUCTION - Daniel is the last message in our Hidden Hope series within Core 52. - As stated before, the entire Bible points to Jesus. In some pages, He jumps off the page at us, and in others, He is between the lines. - For those who lived in the Old Testament, Jesus was hidden between the more

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