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  • Jesus Christ Is King Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 24, 2015

    The world has changed, and the culture is anti-Christian, but there are reasons for optimism in Christ.

    Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King Last Sunday in October Extraordinary Form 2015 Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat! On this Feast of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and King, let’s take some time to reflect on the reign of Our King and our celebration of the Holy Mass according more

  • Christ Is King

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Oct 23, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. As followers of the King we are His subjects and should live every minute of our lives in faithful submission to the lordship of Jesus Christ realizing His preeminence and sovereignty.

    Christ is King Revelation 19:1-15 Countless millions throughout the world may live as if Christ is not King, but that does not change reality. Christ is King over all. Christ is King over the atheist. Christ is King over the good. Christ is King over the bad. Whether or not more

  • Personally Anointing Christ As King Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Apr 9, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    When Christians grasp the truth of Jesus Christ being King as well as Savior they want to live a life that says, “I care about Jesus’ Kingship in my life.”

    Turn your Bibles to John 12:1-13 Title: Personally Anointing Christ as King Theme: Examining Truths in the Triumphal Entry Series: Easter Season Messages Listen as I read John 12:1-13, “Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from more

  • Christ The King Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Stations of the Cross, Pt. 5

    CHRIST THE KING (JOHN 19:19-22) 19 Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. 20 Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek. 21 The more

  • Jesus Is The King Of Kings

    Contributed by Christopher Raiford on Nov 24, 2002
    based on 50 ratings

    Sermon for Christ the King Sunday

    Matthew 27:27-31 27 Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him. 28 They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, 29 and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand and more

  • Crown Him King

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Apr 1, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus Christ is the King of kings, but He also wants to be the King of our lives.

    [To receive free sermons each week by email, please contact] KING OF KINGS When I say “the King,” who comes to mind? Elvis Presley? Elvis is often referred to as the “King of Rock and Roll.” He is the best-selling solo artist in the history of popular more

  • Christ The King

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Nov 23, 2007

    How intriguing that it is the Cross of Jesus that reflects the Kingship of Christ

    Christ the King Sunday – LK 23:33-38 Advent begins next week and so today – the Feast of Christ the King - is the last Festival in the Church’s year. It is particularly fitting that we begin the Church’s year - by reflecting on Jesus’ coming to earth 2000 years ago. We call this advent Then he more

  • Christ Our King!

    Contributed by Jaco Bester on Feb 13, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A reflection on the Kingship of Christ and what this means for our lives in a contemporary world.

    CHRIST OUR KING! MATTHEW 25:31-46 Introduction: Today is a wonderful day in the Liturgical Calendar of the Church, an opportunity for a very deliberate focus on Christ and the fact that he is our King. Unfortunately it is also one of those Sundays that most modern churches have neglected, thinking more

  • Jesus - King Of Kings

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Dec 21, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Early in America's history, tax collectors asked for that which belonged to the king of England, and colonists frequently said, "We have no king but Jesus". I ask you:"Is Jesus still our King?"

    ILLUSTRATION Let me present you with a portion of the speech John Ashcroft gave at Bob Jones University back in 1999. Ashcroft said: “A slogan of the American revolution which was so distressing to the emissaries of the king that it was found in correspondence sent back to England, was the more

  • King Jesus

    Contributed by Daniel Owens on Jan 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    From the very beginning of the ministry God has entrusted to me, I have been convinced that Jesus is the focal point of our faith, the reality of any real ministering. You see, in John 12:32 Jesus said, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men to myself.” J

    It seems most appropriate today, being my first time here, to establish common ground. To briefly talk to you about something that is near and dear to my heart, as well as yours would do us both good. From the very beginning of the ministry God has entrusted to me, I have been convinced that more

  • Christ The King

    Contributed by Stephen Becker on Nov 24, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Using the Nicene Creed (in addition to Luke 23:27-43), we look at Christology and Who Jesus is, how He saves us, and how He and the Father are one. The sermon is Christological in nature, but also looks at the Trinity.

    CHRIST THE KING Luke 23:27-43 Stephen H. Becker, M.Div. St. Peter’s Lutheran Church—Elk Grove, CA Christ the King Sunday, November 25, 2007 Grace and peace to you my friends, from God our Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ! Today is Christ the King Sunday. Most of us Christians have often more

  • Anointing Christ Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Mar 29, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Christians grasp the truth of Jesus Christ being King as well as Savior they want to live a life that says, "Hosanna, Blessed is he comes in the Name of the Lord!" Anointing Jesus as the king of their lives."

    Title: Anointing Christ Theme: Truths in the Triumphal Entry Series: Easter Season Messages Listen as I read John 12:1-13, “Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. more

  • Christ The King

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Dec 9, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Description of how great Jesus is

    “Christ the King” Hebrews 2 Intro: One of the great truths of scripture is that God reveals himself to man. Hebrews 1 tells us of this truth. Let’s read there. Read Chapter 1. We have a God who reveals himself and his will to his creation. It says in verse 1 he has revealed himself through more

  • Christ Is The King Of Kings

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Jan 8, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    Epiphany Sermon - how Solomon described the prerequites of true Kingship

    Psalm 72 After our former mayor was forced out of office, it wasn’t too long ago that about twenty to thirty people put their names and pictures in our paper declaring to us their candidacy to be the new mayor of Topeka. In order to apply, they had to write what they would do as more

  • Christ The King

    Contributed by John Quigley on Dec 8, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Holy living and discipleship mean following Jesus.

    There was also an inscription over him, "This is the King of the Jews." (Luke 23:38 ESV). Today is the last day of the Christian Year, it is known as Christ the King Sunday, we recognize today that Christ is indeed King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Of course for many of us there is a distinct more

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