Christ The King
Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Description of how great Jesus is
“Christ the King”
Hebrews 2
Intro: One of the great truths of scripture is that God reveals himself to man. Hebrews 1 tells us of this truth. Let’s read there. Read Chapter 1.
We have a God who reveals himself and his will to his creation. It says in verse 1 he has revealed himself through the ages. Remember in the Garden of Eden he walked with Adam and talked with him. Yet, because of sin that relationship was broken. With Noah, he warned of the coming flood. With Abraham, he promised him a descendant. With Moses he brought him up on the Mount and gave him his commands for the people to follow. With Elijah, he sent fire down out of heaven and kept the rain from falling for three years. Yet, God’s greatest revelation of himself was yet to come.
Vs.2-3 - In these last days he revealed himself through his Son.
This morning, I would say to you that
I. Jesus is far greater than the prophets.
*He is the personal revelation of the Father.
If you wanted to know about my father, David Rhine, I could write you a book, you could talk to his friends, neighbors, co-workers. But the best way to learn would be for me to come and talk with you about him.
I could write a report about Billy Graham. I could read the books. I could look for magazine articles. But the best way, apart from having him come personally, would be to have his son come and tell about him.
Jesus is the personal revelation of the Father. He said, “I and the Father are one.” He said “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.”
*He is the heir of the universe and all that it holds.
Prince of Egypt: Ramses to receive all of Pharaoh’s kingdom.
The King and I: son to receive complete reign of Father.
Jesus is heir to all of this world. It belongs to him. He will rule. Every knee will bow before him.
*He is creator of all.
He created the earth, moon, sun, sky, stars, planets, comets, all that there is. He spoke it into being. This baby in the manger was the one who made the manger. He made the earth that he walked on. There was a time when he existed and it did not.
*He is the exact replica of the Father.
Mt. of Transfiguration - they saw Christ in just a portion of his glory.
Mayflower II - exact reproduction of the original
Frederick Meijer - Da Vinci horse - 2 made - exactly to Da Vinci’s plans. One in Michigan.
*He is the sustainer or all - he holds everything together.
Why is it that this Bible holds together? Why not fall apart? Attraction of molecules?
Col. 1:15-17 - He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together
*He was completely obedient to the Father’s will.
Earthly prophets disobeyed - Moses not enter prom. land, Abraham lied bout wife, Elijah want die
Not only is Jesus greater than the prophets,
II. Jesus is greater than the angels
We have a lot of talk and excitement and books and focus on angels in our society today. But Jesus is far greater than the angels. Lets read on in verse 4. Read 1:4-14
*He has a greater name than they - His title is “Son” and “Lord”
Titles of deity, titles of royalty, titles of honor. God bestows all honor on his son.
Remember the baptism of Jesus, the voice from heaven spoke, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
*He has a better relationship than they. - He has a father/son relationship, not just a servant/ master relationship. The angels are just servants. But Jesus is the son. Jesus is given all respect, while the angels are given tasks of service.
*He has an eternal reign, while they eternally serve - We read that angels surround the throne day and night giving God praise. Yet Jesus, we are told, will reign as king and Lord for ever.
Jesus is greater than the prophets. He is greater than the angels.
III. Jesus was made like us.
Read 2:8-9. Jesus was made like us, so that he might suffer the death that we deserved. He was made like us so that he could save us.
##Story of man - becomes bird to save birds from dying trying to get out of room, smacking into window.