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  • Staying Close To Jesus Series

    Contributed by Brian Williams on Dec 17, 2023

    As a believer God is already in my life, but when I abide in Him, when I spend time with Him, He gives me the desire to be like Jesus. He reassures me of who I am, empowers me to love God and others with the love that has been extended to me.

    1 John 2:28-3:24 2:28 And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming. 29 If you know that he is righteous, you may be sure that everyone who practices righteousness has been born of him. 3:1 See what kind of more

  • The Maniac, The Miracle And The Mission

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Sep 29, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The power of Jesus to change lives

    “The MANIAC, The MIRACLE AND The MISSION” Mark 5:1-20 Scripture Reading (18-20) What is a friend? A British publication once offered a prize for the best definition of a friend. Among the thousands of answers received were the following: "One who multiplies joys, divides grief, and more

  • Jesus Christ--The Cornerstone Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 25, 2013
    based on 8 ratings

    A spiritual temple requires a very specific kind of building material. It is to be built of living stones—the very lives of those who have become spiritually alive through faith in Jesus Christ. Such building must begin with Jesus for He alone is the foun

    1 PETER 2: 4-6 [Renewing Hope Series] JESUS CHRIST--THE CORNERSTONE [Matthew 7: 24-27 / Ephesians 2:20--22] God has called us to the life of building, not destroying. After Peter has instructed us to rid ourselves of evil and to grow up in our salvation, he proceeds to tell us how to do that. more

  • Joy In Jesus Despite Suffering PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 23, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages believers to find joy and strength in God amidst trials, knowing that personal suffering can advance the Gospel and draw us closer to Christ.

    Good morning, dear friends. As we gather here today, we find ourselves in a world that often seems to be spinning out of control. We face trials and tribulations, heartaches and hardships, and sometimes, it feels like there’s no end in sight. But, my dear brothers and sisters, I want to remind you more

  • A Life Changing Touch Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Mar 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Leprosy was a dreaded disease, that led to a slow and painful death apart from divine healing. Jesus touched a leper, bringing healing and hope to his life. Leprosy pictures sin, and the saved have experienced such a touch from the Lord.

    A Life Changing Touch Mark 1: 40-45 Today we read of one of the greatest miracles Jesus performed while here on earth. Leprosy was a dreaded disease without a known cure. Apart from a divine touch of God, those who contracted the disease faced a slow and painful death. There is only one other more

  • "First Sign" Changing Water Into Wine Series

    Contributed by Dr. Rich Denning on Apr 20, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    This message is part of a series in the Gospel of John.

    INTRODUCTION: The gospel of John is the gospel of belief. The purpose for this fourth gospel is expressly stated, “And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son more

  • Jesus And The Demon Possessed Man Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jul 9, 2014

    Talking with Jesus changed people’s lives in the Bible. Have you talked to Jesus this week? Has it changed your life? We need to make time to talk to Jesus and learn from His conversations with others in the Bible because it has the potential to transform our own lives

    Theme: Let’s Talk Summary: Over the last few months we have explored conversations that Jesus had with others. I believe we have learned things about Jesus we never knew. Could you imagine yourself having a talk with Jesus face to face – one on one? What would He say to you? What would more

  • Gospel-Centered Living Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 28, 2015

    It's costly to follow Christ, but the price is worth paying.

    Gospel-Centered Living Mark 1:12-20 Rev. Brian Bill September 26-27, 2015 Song: “Holy Spirit” Holy Spirit, you are welcome here Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere Your glory God is what our hearts long for To be overcome by Your Presence Lord I sensed the power and more

  • Where Is Jesus-Jesus Is Here

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Apr 15, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    When we recognize the presence of Jesus, it produces a change. To have the presence of Jesus is to be willing to endure rejection and persecution.

    Where Is Jesus—Jesus Is Here Luke 22:47-22:62 4/13/2013 Palm Sunday OT Zech 9:9-10 Luke 19:28-48 If someone were to run up to ask you and say, “where Is Jesus.” What would you say. How many would say, what on earth is wrong with you? He’s seated at the right hand of more

  • Living Water PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, emphasizing how Jesus, as the living water, satisfies our spiritual thirst and hunger.

    Good morning, everyone! It's so wonderful to see your faces in this blessed gathering. Today, we are going to dive into a beautiful passage from the book of John, specifically John 4:5-42. It's a story that's as relevant today as it was two millennia ago. It tells us about an encounter between more

  • Life Change - The Power Of Christ In Me Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Oct 6, 2016

    The Gospel changes our lives.

    The following story reminds us that the gospel has the power to change lives. It is from an interview with Jim Cymbala, pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle. “Down and Out on Easter Morning” David Ruffin was one of the thousands of homeless men in NYC. Left his home in Greensboro NC more

  • Look And Live Series

    Contributed by David Lewis on Dec 20, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Look to Jesus

    In April 1988 the evening news reported on a photographer who was a skydiver. He had jumped from a plane along with numerous other skydivers and filmed the group as they fell and opened their parachutes. On the film shown on the TV, as the final skydiver opened his chute, the picture went berserk. more

  • Strong And Courageous Thru Change Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Nov 11, 2015

    Remember, the same issues that Joshua and the Israelites faced we also face. We face change in our lives. We face stress. We face sorrow. When we face these times in our lives, God is commanding us to be strong in our actions and deeds and also to be

    STRONG AND COURAGEOUS THRU CHANGE JOSHUA 1:1-9 INTRODUCTION “After the death of Moses” “Moses my servant is dead” The book of Joshua begins with these two phrases that probably will catch our attention here at NBCC today more than it would have a few months ago. The first more

  • Prayer Is The Key To Kingdom Living Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jan 9, 2023

    There is incredible power and potential in prayer. Through prayer, we invite the God of the Universe into a situation and into our lives. Prayer changes things, but even more prayer changes us. Lord teach us to pray!

    Sermon: Prayer is the Key to Kingdom Living Scripture: Matthew 6:5-13 “When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get. 6 But when you pray, go more

  • Epic - Live The Adventure Series

    Contributed by Brian Gordon on Nov 7, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon Series based on the John Eldredge book

    I. Introduction A. Epic – heroic, majestic, impressively great a. It was the word of 2010. b. Used so much it was put on the list of one of the top 5 most overused words in 2010. B. But what is epic, and why am I wasting time describing it? a. Epic, historically, is a word that is used to more

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