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  • The Significance And Meaning Of The Transfiguration And Substitutionary Atonement

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Jul 9, 2019

    The transfiguration of Jesus both connects Jesus with Moses, and, at the same time, marks the end of the Old Covenant. Paul's commentary on the transfiguration helps us understand our call, as Christians, to transformational ministry.

    (If you have found this sermon helpful, please visit us at or Today is the Sunday of the church year that is referred to as "Transfiguration Sunday". Like Christmas, Easter, and other special days, this particular Sunday more

  • Matthew 17:1-3 - What Is The Transfiguration Of Jesus About? Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Aug 14, 2014

    What significance does the Transfiguration of Jesus have for me? Why did it all take place? Matthew 17 speaks about this spectacular event in the life of Jesus, but what does it all mean? What is the transfiguration all about?

    Matthew 17:1 – ASCENDING THE GREATEST MOUNTAIN OF ALL I was so intrigued by the fact that he had named himself. His father neglected to name him and so in his early teenage years he chose his own name; the name of a mountain. Mt Taraksh means Great One, and in keeping with his name, Taraksh more

  • A Great Deliverance

    Contributed by Chris Layton on Oct 5, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Israel’s bondage in Egypt is really a physical representation of our spiritual bondage in sin.

    A Great Deliverance Exodus 12:13 Israel’s bondage in Egypt is really a physical representation of our spiritual bondage in sin. What I would like to do today is look at how alike both experiences really are. I. Israel’s Bondage in Egypt. A. The Children of Israel were brought into Egypt by more

  • The Transfiguration Series

    Contributed by Tyler Edwards on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus revealed in glory

    16. Who is Jesus? December 05th, 2010 The Transfiguration God made man to exist in community with Him. Out of His love for us He desired to be loved in return. Love cannot be forced it has to be chosen. So God knew that in order for us to love Him we had to be able to choose not to. Sadly we more

  • Moses On The Mountain With The Lord - Part 10 Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Sep 4, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    I. God speaks about our service (vs. 1-11): -Appointments, abilities, accomplishments. II. God speaks about His Sabbaths (vs. 12-17): -A serious thing, a sign, our strength.

    Moses on the Mountain with the Lord - Part 10 Exodus 31:1-17 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - August 25, 2010 BACKGROUND & INTRODUCTION: *Tonight we are near the end of Moses’ fifth meeting on Mount Sinai with the pre-incarnate Lord Jesus Christ. (1) *This fifth meeting lasted more

  • Where Moses Got The Genesis Account?

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 15, 2024

    The verification of the Bible; how Genesis is actually the record of eyewitnesses. Shem was a link to the preflood world and passed those details to his descendants.

    WHERE MOSES GOT THE GENESIS ACCOUNT? Gen. 11:10-27 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A preacher had to get his teeth pulled and the dentist fitted him with dentures. The first Sunday afterward, he preached 10 minutes. The second, he preached 20 minutes and the third, he preached 1½ hours! 2. Some more

  • Moses On The Mountain With The Lord - Part 8 Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 30, 2011

    God uses earthly things to teach us eternal truth. 1. The Ark: God’s law and love (Exo 25:8-22). 2. The showbread: God’s life (Exo 25:23-30). 3. The lampstand: God’s light (Exo 25:31-40). 4. The tabernacle: God living in His saints (Exo 26:1-27).

    Moses on the Mountain with the Lord - Part 8 Exodus 25:8 - 26:27 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - July 28, 2010 pm BACKGROUND & INTRODUCTION: *Tonight we continue looking at Moses on Mount Sinai with the pre-incarnate LORD, Jesus Christ. We will continue to study Moses’ 5th more

  • Moses On The Mountain With The Lord - Part 7 Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 23, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    God has 3 messages from the mountain for us tonight: 1. God wants us to be generous givers (vs. 1-8). 2. God wants to stay close to His saints (vs. 8). 3. God uses earthly pictures to teach us about heavenly places (vs. 8-22).

    Moses on the Mountain with the Lord - Part 7 Exodus 25:1-22 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - July 21, 2010 BACKGROUND *The LORD God of the Old Testament who appeared to men was God the Son, the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ. We are studying these appearances because each of them more

  • Moses On The Mountain With The Lord - Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 3, 2011

    1. God sets holy standards for us (Exo 19:20-25). 2. We need Godly support (Exo 19:24). 3. God speaks so that we will believe (Exo 20:1-20 & 19:9). 4. We need a Savior (Exo 19:20-22 & Heb 12:18-26).

    Moses on the Mountain with the Lord - Part 3 Exodus 19:14-20:20 & Hebrews 12:18-26 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - June 16, 2010 BACKGROUND & INTRODUCTION *This summer are looking into the Word of God to see Moses on the mountain with the Lord. Most people think Moses only went more

  • Ted Turner Ain't Moses Series

    Contributed by Tom Dooley on May 21, 2001
    based on 112 ratings

    As I look at the world in which we live, the more convinced I become that there has never been a time when the Ten Commandments needed to be studied in detail and depth as they do in our society. These "Timeless Truths" touch on every problem we have in America.

    Timeless Truths For Troubled Times (A Study of the Ten Commandments) "Ted Turner Ain’t Moses" Exodus 20:1-3 This sermon was preached by Pastor Tom Dooley at the Harrison Church, Minford, Ohio, September 14, 1997 in the a.m. service. A while back, Ted Turner, who is the more

  • Moses On The Mountain With The Lord - Part 13 Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Sep 18, 2011

    1. God cares about our homes (5th & 7th Com; vs. 12&14). 2. God commands us to harbor life (6th Com; vs. 13). 3. God cares about our honesty (8th & 9th Com; vs. 15-16). 4. God commands us to be good hearted toward our neighbors (10th Com; vs. 17).

    Moses on the Mountain with the Lord - Part 13 (The Ten Commandments - Part 3) Exodus 20:12-17 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - September 22, 2010 BACKGROUND: *When Moses came down the mountain from his fifth meeting with the Lord, he carried something back with him: the Ten more

  • Moses On The Mountain With The Lord - Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 4, 2011

    1. God cares about our devotion to Him. 2. God cares about defending our relationships. 3. God cares about a greater degree of His goodness.

    Moses on the Mountain with the Lord - Part 4 Exodus 20:18-22:24 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - June 23, 2010 BACKGROUND & INTRODUCTION *The LORD Jehovah, God of the Old Testament was God the Son, the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ. Tonight we continue looking at the Old Testament more

  • Moses On The Mountain With The Lord - Part 6 Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 9, 2011

    Moses’ meeting with the Lord speaks to us: 1. About sprinkling of the blood (vs. 1-8). 2. About supper with the Savior (vs. 9-11). 3. About serving the Lord together (vs. 12-14). 4. About steadfastly waiting on the Lord (vs. 15-18).

    Moses on the Mountain with the Lord - Part 6 Exodus 24:1-18 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - July 7, 2010 BACKGROUND & INTRODUCTION *The LORD God of the Old Testament who appeared to men was God the Son, the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ. We are studying these appearances because more

  • Moses On The Mountain With The Lord - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    1. God confirms His salvation (vs. 1-4). 2. God challenges us to obey His voice (vs. 5). 3. God calls us to be His people (vs. 5-6). 4. God commands us to communicate His Word (vs. 6-7).

    Moses on the Mountain with the Lord - Part 1 Exodus 19:1-7 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - June 2, 2010 BACKGROUND &INTRODUCTION: *The Lord is with us here tonight. God’s Word makes that clear. And it is a wonderful truth of the Christian life. But one day, Christians, we more

  • Moses On The Mountain With The Lord - Part 9 Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Sep 3, 2011

    Earthly things teach eternal truth: 1. Bronze altar: price for our sins (Ex 27:1-8 & 29:37-43) 2. Earthly priests: our eternal Priest (Ex 28:1-43 & 29:1-30) 3. Incense altar: our prayers (Ex 30:1-10) 4. Bronze water basin: our purity (Ex 30:18-21)

    Moses on the Mountain with the Lord - Part 9 Exodus 27:1 - 30:21 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - August 18, 2010 *Tonight we get back to Mount Sinai with Moses as he met with the Lord God Jehovah, the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ. This is Moses’ 5th visit with the Lord, and it more

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