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  • The Jealousy Of The Leaders Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 14, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    But not everyone was happy with the success of the Church. The religious establishment that had opposed the ministry of Jesus, and then crucified Him, took the same hostile approach toward the Apostles.

    November 21, 2013 Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles By: Tom Lowe Topic #II: The Church in Jerusalem, Acts 2.1-8.3 Subtopic D: Struggle from Within and Without (Acts 5.1-6.7) Subtopic 2: The Sanhedrin and the Apostles (5:12-42) Lesson II.D.2.b: more

  • Jealousy In The World Series

    Contributed by David Jenkins on Oct 23, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Jealousy in the world

    Acts 6:8, "And Stephen, full of faith[a] and power, did great wonders and signs among the people." The key words here are full of faith and power. Stephen was a man moved by the Spirit’s leading to perform the miracles and signs that God wanted to do; too testify to His ministry through more

  • The Spirit Of Jealousy.

    Contributed by Drexwell Seymour on Sep 7, 2018

    The Spirit of Jealousy is a sin and can even lead to Murder. Recognize this Spirit and Do not Get Trapped with It.

    Introduction Many of us are so preoccupy or consume with the things that other people have until it reaches a point that the spirit of jealousy is activated. I believe at some point in our lives, all of us were faced with the spirit of Jealousy. However, some are mild while others are very more

  • Divine Jealousy Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Mar 6, 2025

    If you want to keep from being deceived, follow only a leader, who, like a father, jealously guards your pure devotion to Christ, generously cares for you, and genuinely shows you his true self.

    Pastor John Ortberg asks us to imagine picking your car up from the shop after a routine tune-up, and the technician says, “This car is in great shape. Clearly you have an automotive genius to take great care of your car.” Later that day, your brakes fail. You find out you were out of brake fluid. more

  • The Roots Of Jealousy

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 164 ratings

    The Roots Of Jealousy (Acts 13:42-52)

    The Roots Of Jealousy (Acts 13:42-52) Illustration:JEALOUSY It is the eyes of other people that ruin us. If all but myself were blind, I should want neither a fine house nor fine furniture. Benjamin Franklin. There is a fable of an eagle which could out fly another, and the other didn’t like more

  • The Root Of Jealousy

    Contributed by Unknown Bennett T Cortez on Apr 17, 2013
    based on 7 ratings

    Jealousy is that pain which a man feels from the apprehension that he is not equally beloved by the person whom he entirely loves.

    Introduction Joseph Addison says, “Jealousy is that pain which a man feels from the apprehension that he is not equally beloved by the person whom he entirely loves.” From the very begging of time jealousy has been a common more

  • Overcoming Jealousy Series

    Contributed by Tom Owen on Jan 14, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    verse by verse through Acts

    And now an inspirational reading from Shakespeare’s play Othello: O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on; That cuckold lives in bliss who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger; But, O, what minutes tells he o'er; who dotes, more

  • The Glory Of God In His Jealousy Series

    Contributed by Tyler Edwards on Apr 24, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God’s glory is seen even in His jealousy.

    Glory of God Series May 4th, 2008 The Glory of God in His Jealousy Odds are if you have ever really cared for another person you have experienced jealousy in one form or another. Some people experience it far more easily than others. So for those of you who might not be as familiar with what more

  • Dont Provoke God To Jealousy

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Jul 4, 2019

    Partaking in the activities and meals offered to idols is fellowshiping with devils and this provokes God to jealousy and offends Him

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. Topic: *DONT PROVOKE GOD TO JEALOUSY* 1 Corinthians 10:19-22 King James Version (KJV) 19 What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? 20 But I say, that the things which the more

  • God’s Great Love

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 5, 2022

    Let me ask you TWO questions:

    (1) WHY DOES GOD LOVE MANKIND? Why? Because the Bible says GOD IS LOVE! He can’t help Himself - GOD IS LOVE! (2) WHY DIDN’T GOD MAKE US AS ROBOTS AND CREATE US WHERE WE ALL WOULD HAVE TO LOVE HIM? Illus: Most of us, have seen some of these little doll babies that the toy companies make. As more

  • A Picture Of Jealousy- The Older Son Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jun 11, 2010

    The older son had his share of problems also!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Last week we saw a picture of a selfish son. The younger son had some real serious character problems, problems that he was not willing to acknowledge until he almost permanently ruined his life. • As you read the story of the Prodigal Son, it is so easy to spend all our more

  • The Point Of Phineas

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 1, 2013

    Phineas (Pinchas in Hebrew) made a significant "point" in his jealousy for God. He took initiative to honor Him.

    1. [Doors of Opportunity Video Clip ( 2. We Have the Opportunity to Become the Model for Someone "In 1926, a wealthy Toronto lawyer named Charles Vance Millar died; leaving behind him a will that amused and electrified the citizens of his Canadian province. Millar, a bachelor more

  • God's Great Love

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Nov 18, 2021

    Let me ask you TWO questions: (1) WHY DOES GOD LOVE MANKIND? Why? Because the Bible says GOD IS LOVE! He can’t help Himself - GOD IS LOVE! (2) WHY DIDN’T GOD MAKE US AS ROBOTS AND CREATE US WHERE WE ALL WOULD HAVE TO LOVE HIM?

    Let me tell you why… Illus: Most of us, have seen some of these little doll babies that the toy companies make. As these young girls hold these dolls in their arms, these words come from the play doll baby; “I love you!” God could have created us to be like that if He chose to do so! HE IS THE more

  • Jealousy's Harm To The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Rita Sims on Aug 5, 2001
    based on 107 ratings

    Instead of having jealousy, let us have gratitude and contentment for what God has given us.

    Those of us who have e-mail usually get little stories or sayings from our friends. Sometimes I really read them, other times I don’t. The other day one of my high school friends sent me one I want to share with you. We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a more

  • A Jealous God Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Mar 1, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God is “jealous” in the sense that He expects complete, exclusive devotion; not merely a partial, lukewarm, half-hearted religious observance. Worship belongs to God. He is worthy of worship and has a right to be “jealous” of it.

    The Bible clearly teaches that God is a jealous God. That doesn’t sit well with us; the very notion of the jealousy of God sounds offensive. We think of jealousy as an entirely negative quality--a sin. Yet God declares that He is jealous. God restricts allegiance to Himself alone: more