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Sermons on James 1:20:

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  • Be Slow To Speak

    Contributed by Nettie J Pennington on Jan 28, 2022

    Death and life are in the power of the tongue.

    Father God, we humble ourselves before your mighty throne and honor your holy name. We thank you for your presence in our life. Lord, we know our tongue can enslave our minds and damage our hearts if we allow it. We repent from thoughtless actions that may harm others. We regret words spoken in more

  • Chronos: James #3 Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Feb 28, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Being a Christian requires consistency in our relationship with Christ, our actions for Him and our concern for others.

    Last week, we started a year-long journey chronological study of the New Testament today. Hence the reason we are calling this message series Chronos. It's a word that means “time.” We will be journeying through time back to the start of the early church. We will be doing this by walking more

  • The Gift Of Amnesia.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Mar 4, 2022

    God’s word shows us the worse of humanity, but it also shows us His redeemed. It gives us a picture of Eden. It also shows us a picture of hell. And then, after the fall of Adam. God’s word shows us the—Abraham’s, Noah’s, Moses’, Esther’s, Ruth’s, Daniel’s, Elijah’s, Etc.

    The Gift Of Amnesia. James 1:22-25AMP Amnesia could be a gift to those who would like to forget the last 5 or 10 years, maybe even the last day or two. Only bad thing about that is, you might just do it all again. Lol. For every believer, Amnesia isn’t a gift at more

  • Anger

    Contributed by Stephen Weatherby on Aug 16, 2021

    Sermon about Anger

    There are so many things that the world believes you should know. From the moment you are born, your progress begins to be tracked to make sure you are learning and growing and developing properly. When you begin public schooling, the teachers make sure you know all the skills and knowledge that more

  • 03 - James 1:16-25 Series

    Contributed by Michael Collins on Aug 22, 2021

    This is the 3rd of 11 Studies on the Book of James and it talks about God being the giver of all good gifts, the importance of being careful with our words in conflict and the importance of being doers of the word, and not hearers only,

    James 1:16-18 16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of more

  • Living The Gospel.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 24, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    The practical outworking of our relationship with the Father of lights

    LIVING THE GOSPEL. James 1:17-27. James has already indicated that our God is a generous Giver (James 1:5). Here he cites God as the inexhaustible source of “every good act of giving, and every perfect gift” (James 1:17a). There is not so much as a shadow cast as a result of any more

  • 15th Sunday After Pentecost. September 1st, 2024. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 24, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Year B, Proper 17.

    Song of Solomon 2:8-13, Psalm 45:1-2, Psalm 45:6-9, Deuteronomy 4:1-2, Deuteronomy 4:6-9, Psalm 15:1-5, James 1:17-27, Mark 7:1-8, Mark 7:14-15, Mark 7:21-23. (A). THE SPRINGTIME OF MY LOVE. Song of Songs 2:8-13. The date and time of your next meeting is set: outside the Department store more

  • Avoiding Anger: Doers Of The Word, Series

    Contributed by Amiri Hooker on Aug 26, 2021

    Avoiding Anger: Doers of the Word August 29, 2021, FOURTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST, YEAR B, While anger might not be the center of this text, it is one of those distractions that often keeps us from being doers of the word.

    Avoiding Anger: Doers of the Word August 29, 2021 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST, YEAR B text James 1:17-27 While anger might not be the center of this text, it is one of those distractions that often keeps us from being doers of the word. Throughout this series, we are reflecting on how well more

  • Do You Like What You See In The Mirror?

    Contributed by Roy Fowler on Aug 28, 2021

    Looking at ourselves in a mirror and then walking away and forgetting what we saw.

    Sermon Title: Do you like what you see in the mirror? Scripture Text: James 1:17-27 ILLUSTRATION: How is it that the sunlight gives us such joy? Why does this radiance when it falls on the earth fill us with the joy of living? The whole sky is blue, the fields are green, the houses all white, more

  • Rethink Religion

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Sep 1, 2021

    When we say "religion" what do we really mean?

    Rethink Religion Walk in Wisdom / James 1:17–27   • When we say “religion” what do we really mean? • Bible dictionary calls it Religion: “A relationship of devotion or fear of God or gods.” • Various types of conduct or ritual practices are included in that concept. • Those rather scholarly more

  • Is Sin A Test?

    Contributed by Dennis King on Apr 20, 2022

    Are the Ten Commandments merely guiding thoughts or God's hard and fast rules? At one point or another in our lives, we all may have given in to every one of the seven sins labeled as envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath.

    Are the Ten Commandments merely guiding thoughts or God's hard and fast rules? At one point or another in our lives, we all may have given in to every one of the seven sins labeled as envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath. Had you ever been an abomination to God for having more

  • What Does God Desire For Us? (James 1:12-27) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on May 24, 2022

    The good news, is that God gave birth to the church-- a people/kingdom who live rightly toward God, and others. God doesn't want us to sin.

    Let's start today by simply rereading last week's verses. James 1:1-12: (1) James, of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, a slave. To the twelve tribes-- to the ones in the dispersion: Greetings. (2) All joy consider it, my brothers, whenever various testings/trials you encounter, (3) more

  • Is Your Best Offense Really A Good Defense?

    Contributed by Darian Catron on Mar 17, 2022

    Why are so many so offended by everything today, and are we exempt from this problem? What is the best response (the Christlike one) when things are offensive to us?

    INTRODUCTION: Illustration- There’s an old saying – “The best defense is a good offense.” It’s been used in sports, in business, and in war. It’s also known as the strategic offensive principle of war. The theory is that being proactive with a strong offensive action will make your opponent so more

  • "Are Your Words Flames Or Flowers?”

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 28, 2022

    I want to preach about what many believe is the number one problem in many homes today…THAT IS COMMUNICATION.

    If you do the research most marriage counselors will tell you that 85% of the problems they deal with in marriages today has to do with communication. Some believe the reason for the problem with communication has to do with the difference between the male and female brain. Illus: Did you hear more

  • Be Quick To Listen Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Oct 5, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    When communications fail, relationships will fail.

    Let’s continue our worship of God by listening to what He has to say to Christians through James. Open your Bibles to James in the New Testament…. About 2000 years ago, God spoke through James to Christians persecuted in the MidEast. They were persecuted for their faith in Christ by more

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