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  • The War For America's Future

    Contributed by Jack Woodard on Sep 6, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Remembering who America's greatest enemy is and how the battle is to be won.

    THE WAR FOR AMERICA’S FUTURE!! ” The war for America’s future is not just against Islamic radicals on foreign soil, they are even greater threats to our Nation coming from within our own borders. There our those who are waging a war to make America a Secular people instead of a Spiritual people, more

  • Gifts In Unexpected Boxes

    Contributed by Jack Russell on Feb 9, 2019

    Forrest Gump's mother said: "life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get." Sometimes you don't even get what the box says is in it.

    Great Gifts in Unexpected Boxes A Christmas Meditation I like to buy my wife extravagant gifts for Christmas…like socks. You might laugh, but I’m not talking just any socks. I’m talking heavy winter socks, thick socks. You know, the kind where a single sock can block a dryer vent. Besides more

  • Eyes Like Jesus

    Contributed by Jack Russell on Mar 24, 2020

    Like Jesus, Lazarus would die and rise again. Jesus knew the reason for his sickness, and he knew the outcome. But still, he wept. Why?

    Eyes of Jesus In one of her short stories, writer Annie Dillard has a scene in which a family is sadly gathered at a grave to commit a loved one's body to the earth. At one point, the minister reads the familiar words from I Corinthians 15, "Where, O Death, is thy sting?" Upon more

  • Christ's Law Of Love Series

    Contributed by Jack Brooks on Apr 19, 2020

    Christ has a law of love.

    Christ’s Law of Love. Romans 12:9-21 There are lots of Christians who seem to think that because salvation is a free gift of grace, that there are no laws involved with the faith anymore. That there are no more commandments. They seem to think the New Testament is a collection of suggestions, more

  • The Believer And Falling Away

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Apr 27, 2020

    I broach this subject carefully because so much is at stake in being accurate.

    Conversation at Pastors Meeting – The reality that many are leaving church. Add to that the % of kids who walk away when going to College. There is a reality that we may have to come to grips with and that’s the fact that Scripture itself including Jesus warn of a growing cold of believers and a more

  • Faithfulness In A Parallel World Part 1 Made In His Image.

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Apr 27, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This series is intended to show the existence of 2 seperate worlds at the same time. One that honors God and one that supports Satan.

    Last week we journeyed together in part one of our Faithfulness in a parallel word series – The subject was Faithful in our giving. This morning we will explore Made in God’s Image, faithful to his plan. No other institution in the 20th century has under gone more

  • Faithfulness In A Parallel World Stewards Of Gods Blessings.

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Apr 28, 2020

    We are stewards of what the Lord gives us. Some don't see that and feel free to keep and spend all of what they have as they see fit. Others understand stewardship, and are faithful to the Lord with what they have. There are 2 world views co existing at the same time.

    Today we will start a 2 part series on “ Faithfulness in a parallel world.” This morning we will discuss: Faithfulness in a Parallel World - In our Giving • The Who, How, Why and What of Gods plan for us and what He has given us. Next Sunday: Faithfulness in a parallel Word – Gods Image more

  • Rejection And How To Over Come It

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Apr 28, 2020

    We all face rejection at some point in time, some because of some skill that we lack, but others simply because of their faith in Jesus

    Sermon Title – Rejection and how to respond to it. Definition of REJECTION 1 a : the action of rejecting : the state of being rejected ignored, denied attention. Theme: Rejection - The Goal: How do Deal With It Mark 6:1-6 (NIV) - The opening caption reads / A Prophet Without Honor 6 Jesus more

  • Ladies Please Help Us With Modesty

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Dec 5, 2023

    Men by design are stimulated by sight but left outside of God's purpose they lust.

    TITLE: “MODESTY LADIES WE NEED YOUR HELP!” In a few moments, I am going to show a video that I think will serve us best if we understand the heart of what it’s saying, and also what I will be attempting to convey to all of us this morning.. First off, it is important to know we were designed by more

  • Gods Love Vs Mans

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Dec 5, 2023

    There are 3 words for love but only Agape defines fully Gods love

    The love of God – seems those 4 words shouldn’t really be too difficult to understand. But the truth is more often than not they are, and more so today than in generation that came before us. Why is that? Well 1st off God’s love in any of our lives, or in any generation for that matter is more

  • Pastor Youre Responsible

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Dec 5, 2023

    Pastors are call to preach the full counsel of Gods Word

    Today is Pulpit Freedom Sunday The clip played at the offering closed with these words - In the face of Tyranny a silent pulpit is a complicit pulpit Ezekiel 33:6 Just what exactly does Ezekiel 33:6 say Ezekiel 33:6 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to more

  • My Retirement Sermon God Always Has A Replacement

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Dec 15, 2023

    Time for leadership Change

    First off I want to thank each of you for being out this morning. It’s a bit of a surreal feeling for me. I don’t suppose I will be long winded this morning so perhaps in my last message you can say that you saw a miracle. Something the Lord has reminded me of recently is that He always has more

  • Broken To Be Made Whole

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Jan 21, 2023

    Growing up in the 50’s – Many things were taught to us as young kids that if I am honest were inaccurate or for lack of better words wrong and potentially dangerous both physically and Spiritually.

    The Title for this morning’s message is - Broken to Be Whole (glow sticks) • I had done a series a few years back and one of the other topics was emptied to be filled. • Another was humbled to be exalted. Each actually a teaching of Jesus to his followers. My point is there are things more

  • Faithfulness In A Parallel World - Part 3

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Jan 21, 2023

    Understanding world views

    Today we will start a 2 part series on “ Faithfulness in a parallel world.” This morning we will discuss: Faithfulness in a Parallel World - In our Giving • The Who, How, Why and What of Gods plan for us and what He has given us. Next Sunday: Faithfulness in a parallel Word – Gods Image more

  • Go Find A Wife: A Christian Approach To Goal-Setting.

    Contributed by Jack Brooks on Sep 28, 2020

    In Genesis 24, we read the story of the servant's search for a wife for Isaac. There are historical incidentals here that don't apply to us today. But there are timeless principles that apply to discerning and achieving our goals, under the hand of God.

    The full video message can be found, starting at about the 210-minute mark: Not everything we read the Bible characters do are rules for Christians in modern more

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