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Sermons on Isaiah 14:8:

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  • How To Defeat Satan's Plans

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 8, 2001
    based on 36 ratings

    To lead the people to understand where Satan came from and what he did to cause God to kick him out of heaven along with the rebellious angels.

    Unit 15 – Satan and His Demons Lesson 40 – Where Satan Came From and What He Did – Isaiah. 14:12-20; Ezek. 28:11-18; Gen. 3; Job 1 Preparation for the Teacher 1. Aim: To lead the people to understand where Satan came from and what he did to cause God to kick him out of heaven along with the more

  • Satan: How To Resist Satan In Times Of Trouble Series

    Contributed by Rick Long on Feb 12, 2004
    based on 114 ratings

    Third in the series "Meet the Cast." So often when we think of Satan we think of scary movies or evil atrocities in society. Though these may be evidence of Satan’s work, he does his best work looking good.

    I had the privilege of attending a screening of “The Passion of the Christ for Pastors only and was audience to an interview with Mel Gibson regarding his movie. He stated one of the most profound insights I have ever heard from any theologian, let alone a movie star. Mel was asked “Why was the more

  • The Epitaph Of Tyranny

    Contributed by Spencer Miller on Mar 29, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    The Ultimate Defeat of Evil

    An epitaph by definition is an inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the one buried there. For instance, Frank Sinatra’s epitaph reads,"The Best Is Yet To Come", and the Unknown Soldier’s reads, "Here rest an American Soldier known but to God"; and then there’s an anonymous more

  • Hurricane Sandy The Inside Scoop Series

    Contributed by Pastor Rubino on Jan 7, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon examines how relevant The Ten Commandments are for believers, focusing on the first commandment.(Exodus 20:1)

    Sermon Outline for Sunday November 4th, 2012 Fellowship Baptist Church Senior Pastor R. Rubino 2929 West 20th Street (718)-372-5022 "Hurricane Sandy: The Inside Scoop" The Ten Commandments, God's Perfect Law- Part 3 1) The first commandment sets up a foundation of righteousness. Without the first more

  • The Power Behind The Man Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jul 1, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A study of chapter 14 verses 1 through 32

    Isaiah 14: 1 – 32 The Power Behind The Man 1 For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will still choose Israel, and settle them in their own land. The strangers will be joined with them, and they will cling to the house of Jacob. 2 Then people will take them and bring them to their place, more

  • "Pride And Punishment"

    Contributed by Bishop Johnathan Hester on Jul 9, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    I want to speak to you under the heading 'Pride And Punishment'. Some of you know 'Pride and Prejudice', well, this is 'Pride And Punishment'.

    "Pride And Punishment" Isaiah 14; 4,15 I want to speak to you under the heading 'Pride And Punishment'. Some of you know 'Pride and Prejudice', well, this is 'Pride And Punishment'. Isaiah 14, beginning to read at verse 4 please, Isaiah 14 verse 4: "That thou shalt take up this more

  • "Off The Chart” Egos Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Sep 12, 2022

    Isaiah prophetically recalls the fall of Lucifer while addressing God’s judgment upon Babylon. Lucifer, whose name would be changed to Satan (“the adversary”) is conceptually linked to the arrogance of the King of Babylon.

    “Off the Chart” Egos Isaiah 14:3-20 1. Today’s joke is short, but one of my funnier jokes. I think I shared it last in 2005. Here goes. There is an old story about a pastor leaving a church. At his farewell dinner, he tried to encourage one of the pillar members, “Don’t be so sad. The next pastor more

  • Satan’s Fate Series

    Contributed by Jenny Franklin on Dec 22, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible tells us about Satan’s fate in Genesis and through the ancient prophets and the apostles. God assures us that Satan and evil will be defeated.

    Satan's Fate 1. Bruised a. After the serpent deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden, the Lord God said to the him, “Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field. You will go on your belly, and you will eat dust all the days of your life: And I will more

  • Sermon On Divergence

    Contributed by William Meakin on May 21, 2024

    Divergence is defined as a situation in which two things become different, or the difference between them increases.

    Charlan Jeanne Nemeth, a female professor of psychology at the University of California once remarked: “Consensus, while comforting and harmonious as well as efficient, often leads us to make bad decisions. Dissent, while often annoying, is precisely the challenge that we need to reassess our own more

  • The Beast From The Earth: The False Prophet And His Diabolical Work (Revelation 13:11-18)

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on May 24, 2024

    The False Prophet uses false "miracles and signs" to convince the world that the Antichrist is the leader for whom they have been waiting. He is a tool of Satan used to draw people away from the truth of the Gospel and towards the certainty of hell.

    The Antichrist, who was introduced in Revelation 13;1-10, will not rise to power alone. His success will result from a worldwide spiritual deception perpetuated by the man referred to in Revelation 13:11-18 as, "the beast from the earth", known as the False Prophet. He will be a more

  • The Showdown In The Desert (Matthew 4:1-11)

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Nov 6, 2024

    After being baptized in the Jordan river, Jesus was driven into the Judean wilderness by the Holy Spirit to face forty days of hunger, thirst, and a supernatural battle with His archenemy and ours, the devil.

    The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness of Judea, a barren, dry, and desolate area. It would be a place of severe testing where He would encounter the works and wiles of the devil, a real being whose aim was to try and tempt Jesus to abuse HIs power, lose His faith, or submit to the more