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Sermons on Isaiah 14:27:

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  • The Epitaph Of Tyranny

    Contributed by Spencer Miller on Mar 29, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    The Ultimate Defeat of Evil

    An epitaph by definition is an inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the one buried there. For instance, Frank Sinatra’s epitaph reads,"The Best Is Yet To Come", and the Unknown Soldier’s reads, "Here rest an American Soldier known but to God"; and then there’s an anonymous more

  • Satan Can't Win And I Got Proof!

    Contributed by Wendell Blackburn on Mar 14, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    How satan can’t win this battle.

    Satan can’t Win And I Got Proof Isaiah 14:12-27 Lucifer was the name that satan was known Before his fall! He was once the highest of all created intelligences, standing as the anointed cherub. Ezekiel 28:14 says Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth And I have set thee so: thou wast upon more

  • The Power Behind The Man Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jul 1, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A study of chapter 14 verses 1 through 32

    Isaiah 14: 1 – 32 The Power Behind The Man 1 For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will still choose Israel, and settle them in their own land. The strangers will be joined with them, and they will cling to the house of Jacob. 2 Then people will take them and bring them to their place, more

  • Hurricane Sandy The Inside Scoop Series

    Contributed by Pastor Rubino on Jan 7, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon examines how relevant The Ten Commandments are for believers, focusing on the first commandment.(Exodus 20:1)

    Sermon Outline for Sunday November 4th, 2012 Fellowship Baptist Church Senior Pastor R. Rubino 2929 West 20th Street (718)-372-5022 "Hurricane Sandy: The Inside Scoop" The Ten Commandments, God's Perfect Law- Part 3 1) The first commandment sets up a foundation of righteousness. Without the first more

  • Fulfilling Destiny According To God's Plan And Purpose 2

    Contributed by Nnaemeka Durueke on Feb 14, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    For every Divine plan, there is Divine purpose.

    FULFILLING DESTINY ACCORDING TO GOD'S PLAN AND PURPOSE 2 TEXT: ISAIAH 55:10-11, ISAIAH 14:26-27, 3 JOHN 2 As we pursue to fulfill our destinies this year, let us bear in mind that we must consider God and His plan for us. God is eternal and so is His plan. The plan was established in eternity more

  • Perseverance

    Contributed by Dennis King on Oct 25, 2022

    Perhaps you've been lucky and haven’t had to endure a lot of life’s common trials and tribulations. If so, “persevering or perseverance” might not resonate much with you?

    Perseverance Perseverance means various things to different people at different stages of their lives. Let's rethink some of the situations we encountered where we demonstrated tenacious determination before we discuss biblical characters that displayed exceptional perseverance. What does the more

  • Wonderful Counselor Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 16, 2023

    Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor! Listen to His supernatural, sure, and saving counsel, and let it begin to change you forever like nothing else ever could.

    Several years ago, Billie Burke, a famous actress, was on a transatlantic ocean liner, where she noticed a gentleman sitting at the next table suffering from a bad cold. She asked him sympathetically, “Are you uncomfortable?” The man nodded. Then she said, “I’ll tell you just what to do for more

  • "the Dogs May Bark, But The Gospel Train Rolls On."

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Hulse on Mar 28, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    This message uses the metaphor of a train and wild dogs, representing gainsayers, including institutions and world governments, attempting to stop the train, illustrating God's plan and purposes through the earth.

    SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES (Psalms 33:11) "The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations." (Proverbs 16:3-4) [3] "Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts more

  • Sermon On Divergence

    Contributed by William Meakin on May 21, 2024

    Divergence is defined as a situation in which two things become different, or the difference between them increases.

    Charlan Jeanne Nemeth, a female professor of psychology at the University of California once remarked: “Consensus, while comforting and harmonious as well as efficient, often leads us to make bad decisions. Dissent, while often annoying, is precisely the challenge that we need to reassess our own more