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  • 12 Christians With No Inheritance

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on Nov 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    After the death of Sarah Abraham took Keturah as his wife. Isaac received the promise and the inheritance of Abraham. From this wife Abraham had 6 children and 7 grand children. We will try to understand that the meanings of their names represent sins o

    Galatians 3:9,29 - We are spiritual descendants of Abraham After the death of Sarah Abraham took Keturah as his wife. Isaac received the promise and the inheritance of Abraham. From this wife Abraham had 6 children and 7 grand children. The meanings of their names represent sins of the more

  • These Three

    Contributed by Tarran Dookie on Jul 13, 2024

    God is triune and the Bible often has references to groups of three persons that God used to accomplish His purposes. Examples would be Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Peter, James and John. Let us explore some trios of men found in the Bible.

    THESE THREE (by brother Tarran Dookie) ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB Matt 22:31-32 But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of more

  • Go Find A Wife: A Christian Approach To Goal-Setting.

    Contributed by Jack Brooks on Sep 28, 2020

    In Genesis 24, we read the story of the servant's search for a wife for Isaac. There are historical incidentals here that don't apply to us today. But there are timeless principles that apply to discerning and achieving our goals, under the hand of God.

    The full video message can be found, starting at about the 210-minute mark: Not everything we read the Bible characters do are rules for Christians in modern more

  • Unearthing The Power Of Spiritual Wells SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Wells symbolize life, prosperity, and abundance. Many biblical figures, from Abraham to Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and even our Lord Jesus Christ, have stories related to wells. This sermon explores the significance of these wells and the types of wells we have.

    The Significance of Wells in the Bible Wells play a vital role in the Bible, as many important biblical characters had encounters or stories associated with wells. Wells symbolize life, prosperity, and abundance. From Abraham to Isaac, Jacob, and Moses, even Jesus Christ himself, wells have been a more

  • Unwavering Faith

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jun 15, 2021

    Genesis chapter 24 is packed with a lot of details, it is like a fairy tale, I felt ( I don’t know about you) because God wonderfully works in the life of Abraham, Isaac, Rebekah and Eliezer, let’s check it out:

    UNWAVERING FAITH: Genesis 24: A Bride for Isaac 1 Now Abraham was old, advanced in age; and the LORD had blessed Abraham in every way. 2 Abraham said to his servant, the oldest of his household, who had charge of all that he owned, "Please place your hand under my thigh, 3 and I will make more

  • The Man Who Sold His Future Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 7, 2011
    based on 117 ratings

    What’s wrong with being godless? If you can answer that question, you can avoid the tragedy that took Esau’s future away from him.

    OPEN: A man filled his car with gas at a self-service gas station. After he had paid and driven away, he realized that he had left the gas cap on top of his car. He stopped and looked and, sure enough, it was gone. He thought for a second and realized that other people must have done the same more

  • The Power Of The Name - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Feb 4, 2015
    based on 9 ratings

    In Christianity, the name of Jesus is powerful, not just for the name, but in Who it represents. For Christians, we carry the Name of Jesus Christ with us and with it comes power. What is that power available to us and how should it affect our life?

    The Power of the Name – Part 1 Acts 3:1-20 In the Name of Jesus there is the Power to Give and Gifts to use (Acts 3:1-10) to Speak Boldly and Truthfully (Acts 3:11-16) of Forgiveness and Refreshment (Acts 3:17-20) What’s in a name? In our culture today, we may not think that names more

  • Ie3a: The Imperfection Of The Earthly Sanctuary Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Oct 29, 2020

    Our subject is the priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ who is a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Presented to us are two ministries which are in sharp contrast. The Levitical service, the ministry of the Aaronic priesthood, was carried out in an earthly Tabernacle down here.

    4/21/20 Tom Lowe Lesson IE3a: The Imperfection of the Earthly Sanctuary (Heb. 9:1-10) Scripture: Hebrews 9:1-10 (NIV) 1Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary. 2A tabernacle was set up. In its first room were the lampstand and the table with its more

  • The Power Of His Presence

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on Jul 3, 2005
    based on 378 ratings

    No matter how confused and confusing a situation is, the presence of God will bring order into that situation. As Christians, we should carry His fire about anywhere we go.

    The secret of success, victory and unusual exploits that anointed servants of God’s achievements lie in the fact that God’s presence is always with them. Do you want to overcome great problems? Do you want to fulfill your divine destiny? You need the power of His presence. This eye-opening more

  • A Beautiful Mind

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Nov 17, 2005
    based on 57 ratings

    In this message we will talk about how to have a mind that will be in flow with the spirit, with the living waters inside of us so that those waters can carry us to new life.

    A Beautiful Mind I Am Jesus – part 23 John 7:37-39 (slowly type onto screen…) Then The River Video (Sermon Spice) 2,000 years ago God the Son – emptied himself… put on human flesh, left all the glories of heaven and walked the dusty streets of first century Palestine… AND UNDERSTAND – Jesus more

  • Prayer Is So Important For A Church

    Contributed by Gerald Steffy on Oct 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A church must remember that prayer is so important in preparing His people to live for Christ and to share His love with others as we carry out His Great Commission.

    PRAYER IS SO IMPORTANT FOR A CHURCH Colossians 4:1-18 Proposition: A church must remember that prayer is so important in preparing His people to live for Christ and to share His love with others as we carry out His Great Commission. Objective: My purpose is to challenge God’s people to be more

  • God's Answer To Disturbed Emotions Series

    Contributed by Vernon L Caruthers on Oct 12, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 3rd sermon from Psalm 23. It focuses on How God Restores Our Soul when it is carrying around mixed hurtful emotions such as guilt & grief & grudges.

    Sermon Series: Sermons from Psalm 23 Sermon #2: God’s Answer for Damaged Emotions: Scripture Ref: Psalm 23:1-6 Psalm 23:3 ‘HE restores my soul.’ Introduction: This morning we’re continuing the series from Psalm 23: In this most beloved PSALM we find 7 CAUSES of STRESS more

  • Strengthening The Family In Today's Society

    Contributed by Kelvin Parks on Jul 13, 2008
    based on 40 ratings

    This is in my opinion a very challenging task (not impossible). How do we carry out the demanding responsibility of raising a family in the world in which we live today?

    STRENGTHENING THE FAMILY IN TODAY’S SOCIETY Given on Saturday, 14 June 2008 For 1st Annual Family Life Conference At Shiloh Baptist Church Waukegan, Illinois I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sister Loretta Henton and the Mission Department for this awesome opportunity to speak at the more

  • Jesus’ Locums

    Contributed by Egerton Gbonda on May 30, 2011

    In the absence of Jesus' physical presence on earth, Christians are Jesus' locums here on earth- carrying out the tasks Jesus had been doing whiles he was physically here.

    JESUS’ LOCUMS Introduction I am sure most of us are familiar with situations where the permanent staff will be away for a day or so and an agency staff is booked to cover the shift. For example, in the teaching profession in UK we have supply teachers and the National Health Service has more

  • The Mystery Of Words--- Is No Mystery

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 16, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Few ever learn the power that words can carry. Little words can do great harm and bring danger deep in the heart. Pay back or pay forward?

    THE MYSTERY OF WORDS... IS NO MYSTERY? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. FEW PEOPLE CAN UNDERSTAND THE GREAT MYSTERY OF THE POWER OF THE TONGUE AND WORDS? PONDER WHY? James 3:3 Behold, we put bits in the horses' mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body. 4 more

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