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  • How To Get The Most Out Of Life

    Contributed by Randall Terrill on Nov 17, 2000
    based on 54 ratings

    How to honor Christ in difficult circumstances

    How To Get The Most Out Of Life I Thessalonians 5:16-18 Introduction: 1. The Rule of St. Benedict (The Love of Christ must come before all else) 2. Three admonitions to help us I. Be Joyful Always 1. Things that steal our joy 2. Things that bring us more

  • A Comfortable Church Series

    Contributed by Allen James on Sep 29, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Part 5 of 7 in our summer series exploring the letters to the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3. Today's message examines the letter to the Church at Sardis.

    INTRODUCTION: Churches today are filled with people of all ages who assume the church exists primarily to HELP them. Consequently, most churches are concerned only with those who attend being “OKAY”. I. Christ’s CONNECTION with the Comfortable Church (v 1a) II. The CHARACTER more

  • Lessons From The Donkey Christ Rode

    Contributed by Rodney Johnson Sr., on Apr 8, 2017

    This sermon reminds us that no one is unimportant to God.

    Introduction: Let's consider how Christ used a donkey en route to Calvary. I. The Donkey was Prophetic. Prophets spoke of him II. The Donkey was Picked Out. Only he was to fill that role. III. The Donkey was Prepared. He was there that day for that reason IV. The Donkey was Purposeful. The more

  • "Rulers Of The Darkness..." By Dr. Winson Butler

    Contributed by Winson Butler on Oct 19, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    Money can buy anyone a dog. but only love can make him wag his tail. Good intentions won’t work against the power of Satan. We have to have a plan. Ephesians provides this for us all. Let’s examine it together!

    Introduction When Flip Wilson said, "The Devil made me do it.." he was right. Satan is always behind the trouble that comes our way. That’s why Paul wrote to the Ephesians how good it would be for them to have a plan to protect themselves from the wiles and schemes of Satan. Let’s examine his more

  • "That Old Serpent...the Devil..." By Dr. Winson Butler

    Contributed by Winson Butler on Jun 14, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Satan is never too busy to rock the cradle of a sleeping Christian. In light of these last days let’s examine why!

    Introduction In these last days, Satan is working over time because he is on borrowed time! He knows if he is to be successful he must look ahead and peer into the possible future of our little ones. They are his target. He has used this generation long enough. He’s looking ahead. Let’s examine more

  • Peace 3d Series

    Contributed by Donald Marsh on Feb 22, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    The difference between the peace of God and the peace this world seeks and offers is that worldly peace is only in the mind (on a piece of paper or words). God’s peace is settled deeply in our hearts.

    TITLE: "PEACE" TEXT: Colossians 3:15 INTRODUCTION: Peace on earth? We are a nation that knows no LASTING PEACE. In the world around us: In our nation: There is a SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE between the peace the world seeks and the peace that comes from God. 1.) WORLDLY Peace. more

  • The Final Benediction

    Contributed by Rodney Johnson Sr., on Jan 1, 2013

    John closed the bible by invoking God to allow the grace of the Lord to be with His people.

    Introduction: In this final day of 2012, there is no greater need than the blessing of God on our lives. The word benediction carries the idea of seeking God for a blessing on behalf of others. I. The Favor of God. (Grace) II. The Fullness of God. (Lord Jesus Christ) Master / Savior / and more

  • The Eyes Of Your Heart

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Aug 1, 2012

    We need to understand who we are in Jesus.

    The Eyes of Your Heart June 8, 2008 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We need to understand who we are in Jesus. Focus Passage: Ephesians 1:15-23 Introduction: I. The Hope of His Calling a. We are who He will use II. Riches of the glory of His more

  • Life 2.0

    Contributed by Michael Monica on May 16, 2020

    Life after baptism

    INTRODUCTION Blessings come to those who respond to the gospel of Christ in baptism... 1. They receive remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38-39). 2. They experience a washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5-7). We are SAVED… From past sins. By more

  • God Is Not Dead...moses Is!

    Contributed by Chinita Richardson on Jun 22, 2016

    Does God specifically speak to you? This is a critical issue here at this point of the story because just like the commercial says: “when E.F Hutton speaks, everybody listens”. So is the case with God.

    Sermon outline: I. Salutation II. Scripture: Joshua 1:1-9 III. Subject: God is not dead, Moses is IV. Illustration V. Introduction of the message 1. God speaks to Joshua 2. Do you hear God when he speaks to you? VI. Joshua’s turn 1. The promise still stands 2. Ain’t nothing more

  • How To Work Out Your Salvation Series

    Contributed by William Rushing on Jun 20, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the fourth sermon in a series on Philippians. This sermon shows three ways to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.

    I. Introduction a. Work Out your Salvation (12-13) i. Paul was urging the church to obey his teaching. ii. Paul would urge us to do the same. II. The First Way is to stop Grumbling (14-15) a. Stop Grumbling for the purpose proving yourselves as being blameless. b. And for the purpose of being more

  • What A Christian Should Do? Series

    Contributed by William Rushing on Jun 20, 2002
    based on 10 ratings

    This is the fifth sermon in a series on Philippians. This sermon illustrates Paul’s two examples of what a Christian should do.

    I. Introduction a. People who are examples i. Michael Jordan – Basketball Player ii. Billy Graham – Man of God iii. Your Name -??? b. Paul wrote to the church at Phillipi and told them that should live like a Chistian. c. What should a Christian Do? II. The Example of Timothy more

  • "My Sheep..." By Dr. Winson Butler

    Contributed by Winson Butler on Apr 12, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    It’s when the fish opens his mouth that he gets caught. We can learn a lot from God’s creatures. Another great example is the lesson we all can learn from the relationship of the Shepherd & his Sheep. Let’s examine it together!

    Introduction It’s so intresting how God takes a little story and teaches with it some of life’s greatest lessons. E.G. As Jesus sat and talked with the multitudes it was never without the complainers. While planting the truth of the Gospel in the hearts of those willing to listen, He speaks a more

  • "But He Was A Leper..."

    Contributed by Winson Butler on Jun 7, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    There’s no place around the campfire for a quitter’s blanket. Naaman learned this lesson well when called upon by God to do the unusual. Let’s examine it together!

    Introduction Naaman. his name means "To be pleasant." However, there wasn’t anything pleasant about his situation. Let’s examine his background: Commander of the Syrian army. Described as a great man with his master. Honorable. Mighty man of valor. Lest I forget, He was a leper. Through his more

  • The Challenge To Persevere

    Contributed by Cecil Richards on Jan 20, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    An encouragement to all believers to keep the faith in the midst of the most difficult of circumstances

    INTRODUCTION I. PERSERVERE IN OUR ATTITUDE a. Demonstrate humility (phil 2:12) b. Radiate with joy (James 1:2) c. Exhibit trust (Ps. 91: 1-7) d. Develop resilency (Rom. 8:31 -39) II. PERSEVERE IN OUR RESPONSIBILITIES a. Worship God at all time (1 Thess. 5:16-18) b. Do not become weary more

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