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  • Acts 9 - Chosen For A Purpose Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jun 22, 2013

    Disciples are chosen for His purpose. Disciples are products of God's grace. Disciples are willing to obey God.

    How do you feel if someone comes up to you and say, “You’ve been chosen…” – chosen to represent the school, represent the company, or the country… • We feel good. It is an honour to be chosen. Yet the truth is we are all chosen – chosen by Jesus to more

  • Acts 12 - Enduring Hardships Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jul 5, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Be prepared for challenges. We can expect hardships in life. We can stay on course by praying.

    The moment the disciples put their faith in Jesus, they were declaring war against the devil. They have chosen to make a stand for the truth. • The authorities and the people come against what they preach, sometimes out of selfish reasons, sometimes out of intolerance, and at other times, more

  • Acts 15 - Resolving Conflicts Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jul 14, 2013

    Learn from the Council in Jerusalem. Unite around the essentials. Make concessions in non-essentials. Show love in everything.

    We have been looking at troubles and persecutions from without. • Today, we are going to look at problems from within - disagreements among believers. • Christians will quarrel. Nothing wrong with that. If you had never had an argument with a brother or sister, I’m more more

  • Acts 17 - Make An Impact Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 7, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    Go public with your faith. Touch lives where you are. Believe you have the answer the lost world needs to hear.

    If God leads us, and leads us to where He wants us to be, so that we can share what we know about Him and Christ, and thus allowing His Spirit to work in the hearts of the hearers, then it goes to show that all of us can make an impact in someone’s life. • We may not have planned for more

  • Acts 18 - Stand Firm Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 7, 2013

    Believe that your labour is never in vain. Ministry is an investment. Sow and expect to reap a harvest. Believe you are never left alone. Discouragement cannot defeat you unless you allow it.

    Paul was able to stand firm despite the oppositions and the difficulties he faced. • He experienced fatigue, frustrations, fears and failures but he did not give up. • Paul weathered through all these and stood firm. This is what we can learn from him. 1 Cor 15:58 “Therefore, my more

  • Acts 27 - Anchors For The Soul Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 12, 2013

    Paul has a few anchors for his soul. He knows the presence of God, the purpose of God and the promise of God.

    Last week we read about Paul in Corinth, where he worked for a moment as a tentmaker, with Aquila and Priscilla. [See Map] • From there he went to Syria and then to Ephesus with the tent-making couple, and subsequently left for Antioch. That concluded his 2nd journey. End of Acts 18 more

  • A New Hope--Act 3 Series

    Contributed by David Heflin on May 17, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    God did not abandon his creation after the fall in the Garden and the flood, but rather initiated a covenant through Abraham that would one day save the world.

    A New Hope—Act #3 Gen. 12:1-3 and various others 3KCOC 4/17/11 Intro: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Most of you have seen this (PP or Youtube of Star Wars Opening). I am sure that George Lucas must have had reasonable confidences that audiences would love his story, but more

  • Blessed By Simple Acts Of Kindness

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Dec 4, 2014
    based on 45 ratings

    Notice the simple responses our Lord noted in the actions of the righteous. Giving someone a drink of cold water, something to eat, clothes to wear a visit. These are simple and basic acts of kindness. No pomp, no plaque, no prestige.

    Michael Jordan considered by some be the greatest basketball player... of all time. For most of us, ...... the scenes we remember ....... are the slam-dunks ....... while taking off ......from the free-throw line. The fame, ... the popularity, ... the commercials, ... the more

  • It Starts With One: Acts 1 Series

    Contributed by Michael Monica on Jul 6, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The mission found in the Book of Acts

    The Promise of the Holy Spirit 1In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, 2until the day when he was taken up, after he had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen. 3He presented himself alive to them after his more

  • Because Of The Extraordinary Act Of God

    Contributed by Efren V. Narido on Jul 27, 2017

    Every child of God enjoyed the extraordinary blessing from His Father. So, he could also accomplish at least three extraordinary things.

    “Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls” (1 Peter 1:8-9, NIV). It is an ordinary thing for a man to more

  • Real Transformation Acts 9

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Feb 28, 2018

    Seven characteristics of real transformation in a man who comes to the Lord Jesus Christ based on the transformation of Apostle Paul.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Everybody in this world is looking for a need to change. We believe that men more

  • Mighty Acts Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Mar 14, 2018

    Shows how much Christ did for you I.

    MIGHTY ACTS OF JESUS CHRIST (1) He is the life giver. John 5: 21 For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. (2) He is the liberator. John 8: 35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but more

  • Introducing The Acts Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Steve Jameson on Sep 19, 2020

    In this series of sermons, my goal will be to unfold the text, to open the Word for you, to show you the significance of Acts in our lives today, and to demonstrate to you that God is on the move in His Church today.

    Sermon Text: The Book Of Acts Please join me in prayer. God our Elector, Father just and true, we give you thanks for Your Holy Word, inspired, inerrant, infallible. Open our minds to receive your teaching today. God our Savior, Lord Jesus, living Word of God, we give you thanks for showing us the more

  • What Is The Greatest Act Of Love?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 22, 2020

    Let us consider what demonstrates love to others the best? Kiss? Hold hands? How about considering LISTENING SKILLS?

    THE GREATEST ACT OF LOVE… By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I ask the question what is the greatest act of love? May say “THE KISS” or MAYBE HOLDING HANDS? THE KISS CAN BE DECEIVING. The kiss can be deceiving. The kiss could hid motives and could lead to lust and hurt. Luke more

  • Clean Up Our Act

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Aug 3, 2022

    God told Israel you need to clean up your act by washing yourself and make yourself clean.

    “Clean Up our act” Isaiah 1:1-20 1. God expects not meaningless sacrifice (The ritual stuff) but sacrifice that are meaningful (sincerity) • 11 “The multitude of your sacrifices— what are they to me?” says the LORD. “I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened more

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