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  • Never Too Old Or Intelligent To Learn: 9 Principals From The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Stephen Smarowsky on Jun 20, 2008
    based on 25 ratings

    The Holy Spirit reminds, teaches, speaks, reveals, instructs, exposes, convicts, rebukes, corrects, and works to help us grow in more wisdom and live pleasing to God.

    Introduction: Have you ever received a gift that you wanted for a long that had great sentimental value to it? What did you do with this gift once you had it? You probably utilized it for whatever uses it was for, until it was unusable of course. God gives every believer the gift of the Holy Spirit more

  • The Ministry Of The Word In Evil Days

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jul 2, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Modern churches often fail to worship because they do not recognise the centrality of preaching for worship. We would do well to recall the instruction Paul gave Timothy.

    2 TIMOTHY 4:1-5 THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD IN EVIL DAYS “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience more

  • Strive To Enter Through The Narrow Door, For All Of Life Is War Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jan 13, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus gives us very clear instruction on the way to God directing us to seek the 1) Right Door 2) at the Right Time 3) by the Right Way

    In Jerusalem this week, President Bush and Prime Minister Olmert met as well as other mid-east officials to work on yet another middle-east peace process. As one commentator said, there is a lot of process and very little peace. This process is important for Mr. Bush, for in many ways he sees this more

  • Lessons For The Disciples

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Jul 18, 2007
    based on 41 ratings

    Jesus is still travelling towards Jerusalem. Along the way He gives instruction to the crowd and to the disciples. Luke 17: 1-10 contains four challenges to the disciples.

    Lessons for Disciples Luke 17: 1-10 Jesus is still travelling towards Jerusalem. Along the way He gives instruction to the crowd and to the disciples. Luke 17: 1-10 contains four challenges to the disciples. 1. A disciple must avoid putting stumbling blocks in front of others (17: 1-3a). more

  • Knock, Knock. Who's There? Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Oct 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is instructing us to be persistent in prayer. We should keep on asking, keeping seeking, and keep on knocking. Do we really ask? Are we really seekers?

    Knock, knock. Who’s There? Series on the Mount Matthew 7:7-8 September 30, 2007 I’m going to start off with an apology. A couple of months ago I preached a sermon entitled, “Clothing is optional.” Well, apparently I was wrong. Check this out: A survey of 1,000 American women found that most valued more

  • Judging Others

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Jun 10, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    There are appropriate and inappropriate times and ways to judge others. Christ though instructs his disciples to pay more attention to their own faults than to the judging the faults of others.

    GUILTY AS SIN the headline read just a few years ago. The banks in New Jersey had been robbed systematically, one after the other. What made the robber stand out was his politeness. He just gave the tellers a note which said, “Please place your money in this bag. Thank you.” The newspapers more

  • Trouble, Troube, Trouble Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Jun 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Sometimes we don’t understand much of our instructions. If we take the small step towards God we know, God will light the rest of the way.

    Introduction: Jesus meets a man with a need. * Read text. I. The Purpose * The man was blind from birth. Never experienced sight. * The disciples knew who had an answer to the riddle of the day. * Did this man sin before he was born (in the womb) or was it because of a sin of his parents that he more

  • Believing Is Knowing

    Contributed by John Deaton on Mar 25, 2014

    The believer in Christ, through the instruction from God's word and the direction of the Holy Spirit can be confident in his salvation and equipped in his walk with God through this world.

    1.) The Believer Can Know He Has Eternal Life 1Jn_5:13-15 A. Security in Jesus v.13 John writes that those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ can Know that they have eternal life and have their faith increased by this knowledge. ETER'NAL, a. 1. Without beginning or end of existence. 2. more

  • Remember To Do This... Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 25, 2014
    based on 49 ratings

    As soldiers of Christ, this passage gives us our marching orders. What can we learn from what Jesus instructed His disciples to do on their mission?

    OPEN: I read the true story of a newly married flight engineer with the Air Force who had planned a weekend getaway with his new bride. But on Friday, his squadron called and told him he was to leave the next afternoon for an eight-day mission. His wife was obviously disappointed. "Don't you more

  • Preach The Word

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Aug 24, 2013

    To show that as a preacher of the WORD, we preach it because we are commanded not when it's convenient for us, we correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you preach the WORD? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that as a preacher of the WORD, we preach it because we are commanded not when it's convenient for us, we correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction IV. TEXT: 2 more

  • Final Thoughts

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Nov 8, 2014

    In John's final thoughts and instructions as he closes this epistle, we see encouragement to pray for each other, admonishment for sin in our lives and a warning about the future.

    Final Thoughts 1 John 5: 16-21 Intro: Don’t you just love this time of year. The air is brisk and there is a sense of cleanliness in the air this time of year. . Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. Tis the season to be jolly and happy. . There is another holiday that is more

  • Discovering Genesis, Part 9 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Oct 19, 2011

    Part 9 of this series displays the instructions given to Noah at the completion of the flood and shows us how living rightly for God continues even after a great disaster.

    Discovering Genesis, Part 9 Genesis 8:15-22 IMPORTANT: Prayer Walk on Wednesday, October 19, 6:30 pm – BE HERE! Introduction - Last week, we set up the foundation for what mankind had done - Simply stated, we provoked God’s wrath through disobedience and rebellion - God sent men more

  • God Came Near

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Sep 2, 2014

    God instructs Moses to build the tabernacle. God wants to be with His people. God wants to connect with His people. God provides all that is required for His will to be done.

    We come to church every Sunday and that makes us feel (sometimes) that we are the ones coming to God. • But the truth is, it’s the other way around. God is the One coming for us. • He came to us and He came for us in Jesus Christ. And He is the One who wants to be with us more

  • Christmas Focus In Matthew: Joseph Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Dec 7, 2015

    Joseph is a righteous man. Even before he is put into a hard position with a pregnant fiancée he is a righteous man that wants to live his life as God instructs.

    CHRISTMAS FOCUS IN MATTHEW: JOSEPH MATTHEW 1:18-25 SEGMENT 1 Lies. It had to be a lie. How could she be pregnant? What good would come of this? How could she put such a thing on God? What possible reason could she have for spinning a tale of an angel messenger and pregnancy and the Messiah? more

  • When Common Knowledge Fails Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Nov 12, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    "Everyone knows" can become an excuse for our bias in the church. The Apostle instructs us to see our strength as imposing responsibility rather than conferring privilege.

    “Concerning food offered to idols: we know that ‘all of us possess knowledge.’ This ‘knowledge’ puffs up, but love builds up. If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if anyone loves God, he is known by God. “Therefore, as to the eating of food more

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