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  • Together In Sin, Alone In Jesus

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 18, 2009

    Done as a pulpit dialogue between a spectator at the stoning of the woman taken in adultery and a prosecutor trying him for not sharing in the stoning. JMS, my initials; HM, initials of the church member who played the prosecutor.

    JMS: What are you doing to me? This is outrageous! You have no business putting me on trial! I didn’t do any more than anybody else did. Let me go! This is crazy! HM: You know exactly why I’m putting you on trial. That woman was as guilty as sin, and so are you. You were with her. You more

  • Our Enduring Confidence

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 20, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The writer exhorted his audience to recapture & retain their initial confidence. Effective Christians must recapture & retain their initial confidence in Christ. How is this done? Recapturing & Retaining confidence in Christ comes thru....

    OUR ENDURING CONFIDENCE—Hebrews 10:32-39 Attention: Gators! While sports fishing off the Florida coast, a tourist capsized his boat. He could swim, but his fear of alligators kept him clinging to the overturned craft. Spotting an old beachcomber standing on the shore, the tourist shouted, more

  • Gods Purpose Of Grace: Election And Eternal Security Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Dec 14, 2022

    Election is God’s purpose and initiative in man’s salvation. God is the one who acts. God’s initiative is there in revelation of His Word and in redemption. We balance election with human freedom.

    There is the funny story that a man died and went to heaven only to find out that heaven was divided into two groups. There was the predestination group whose main emphasis was God chose me. Then there was the free will group that emphasized their choice in coming to God. When he realized he more

  • Why Jesus Wants Us To Be Initiators Instead Of Remaining As Passive Recipients

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 25 ratings

    The Lord expects us to initiate opportunities with the power of the Spirit to bring others to a saving and growing faith in our Lord Jesus. It is not enough to passively receive what He gives freely. "Freely we have received, therefore, freely give."

    Illustration: We love because He first loved us. (I JOhn 4:10) Illustration:John Wesley traveled 250,000 miles on horseback, averaging twenty miles a day for forty years; preached 4,000 sermons; produced 400 books; knew ten languages. At eighty-three he was annoyed that he could not write more more

  • The Golden Rule Series

    Contributed by Matthew Rogers on Dec 10, 2001
    based on 123 ratings

    Jesus wants us to take the initiative to do something good for another person.

    August 19, 2001 If You Only Knew the Father – Part 5 INTRODUCTION Last year, a movie was released called “Pay It Forward.” How many of you have seen it? A couple of months ago, I finally took Greg Boldt’s advice and rented it. An evening well spent. In the movie, a boy, played by Haley Joel more

  • "Letters From Prison" Series

    Contributed by Phil Anderson on Aug 6, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    A general challenge to look at the way Paul initially challenged the church of Philippi and to respond to it

    “Letters From Prison” Philippians 1:3-11 PHP 1:3 I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry more

  • How To Keep The Faith

    Contributed by Bruce Howell on Apr 11, 2002
    based on 190 ratings

    How to keep from falling away from the initial commitment made to Christ.

    HOW TO KEEP THE FAITH 1 Pet 1:3-9 3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-- kept in heaven for more

  • Amazing Grace Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jul 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Boaz 1) Took the Initiative, 2) Encouraged Ruth 3) Protected & Provided

    On Tuesday, Bahia Bakari was left as the only known survivor among the 153 people on the Yemenia Airbus A310 jet which crashed off the Comoros. The obstacles she faced to survive were staggering. She had to overcome: A plane disintegrating at hundreds of kilometres an hour as it hit the water; more

  • Right!

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Feb 6, 2009

    Second sermon of initial 2009 series: ‘2 Things 2 B in 09’

    (Slide 1) Whoever said that politics is boring? It certainly isn’t these days, is it? We have seen this week a person, appointed by an embattled governor to be the next senator of that state, refused admission to the United States senate chambers. Why? Because his papers were not in order as they more

  • Right!

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Feb 6, 2009

    Second sermon of initial 2009 series: ‘2 Things 2 B in 09’

    (Slide 1) Whoever said that politics is boring? It certainly isn’t these days, is it? We have seen this week a person, appointed by an embattled governor to be the next senator of that state, refused admission to the United States senate chambers. Why? Because his papers were not in order as they more

  • Needing A Good Excusing...for What?

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Feb 6, 2009

    Third sermon of initial 2009 series: ‘2 Things 2 B in 09’

    (Slide 1) This is the time of year when we attempt to fulfill our New Year’s excuses… oops, I mean resolutions. And speaking of resolutions, oops, I mean excuses, I found several good ones this week as I prepared for this morning. I make no excuse for any of them. This is one from a man pulled more

  • Supernatural Process

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Jul 4, 2017

    Message examines how receiving a word from the Lord initiates faith for the supernatural.

    Mark 11:22-24 Richard Tow 3.16.14 I want to talk with you this morning on the subject: Supernatural Process. Is there a pattern in the way God brings His will to pass in our lives? Can I learn that pattern and by learning it, cooperate more fully with what God wants to do in my life? I want to say more

  • That Is Not Enough Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on May 3, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Our series that we have been dealing with is called: Life is a Journey. And indeed, life is a journey from here to there. Some of the journeys that we take are God initiated journeys and some were self-initiated journeys.

    Introduction: Our series that we have been dealing with is called: Life is a Journey. And indeed, life is a journey from here to there. Some of the journeys that we take are God initiated journeys and some were self-initiated journeys. And I told you we can tell the difference between a God more

  • Boaz - A Righteous Man Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Jan 29, 2001
    based on 141 ratings

    Faith is a combinatin of waiting for God and using initiative to bring about God’s will.

    It was Sunday morning and Harry was off. He pulled out of his driveway in his 2-seater convertible, with the roof closed because of typical Melbourne driving rain, and headed for church. But as he turned into the main road he saw ahead of him three bedraggled figures huddled under a single umbrella more

  • God Loves You And Wants You To Love Him Series

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Oct 26, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    God has initiated a loving relationship with you and wants you respond in love and obedience.

    God Loves You and Wants You to Love Him Matt. 22:37, 38 INTRO.: Moses was a very special person in the sight of God, Who revealed Himself to Moses as to no one else. When the children of Israel sinned against God by worshiping a golden calf, God threatened to remove Himself from them and send more

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