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  • Missional Minded Series

    Contributed by Josh Reich on Apr 16, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    What is the missional church? How does a church transition to being missional? What do missional Christians look like and act like?

    Last week we started a new series called an elemental church. We looked at God’s dream for a church and talked a little about the dreams that we have for our community. In the past few years, the word missional has picked up some steam and become somewhat of a buzz word among pastors and more

  • The Heart Speaks Series

    Contributed by John Gullick on Oct 7, 2015

    This sermon as part of a series on the ten commandment points out that the key to the third commandment is the heart

    The heart speaks 7 “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name. Names are important. What did the guy who got scratched by a cat get called. That’s right Claude!!! Names are important – Johny Cash used to more

  • Repentance And Belief

    Contributed by Anonymous Contributor on Nov 28, 2011

    Repentance and Belief

    Repentance and Belief Introduction: You don’t have to look very far to see that we are in a mess. Just look at the headlines for November 22, 2011: “Cardinal Bernard Law, who resigned in disgrace as Boston's archbishop in 2002 after the priest sex abuse scandal exploded in the United more

  • War Of Your Worlds Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 4, 2021

    When you see yourself as an alien and an exile with your citizenship in heaven, and God as your only Sovereign, you stop drifting with the current of the day. You ponder what is good for the soul and what honors God in everything.

    When is something worth nothing? Zimbabwe’s central bank will introduce a $50 billion note -- enough to buy just two loaves of bread – as a way of fighting cash shortages amid spiraling inflation. Zimbabwe is grappling with hyperinflation now officially estimated at 231 million percent, and its more

  • A Labor Shortage

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Aug 5, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    I want to discuss a related spiritual phenomenon that has existed for a long time and whose solution is one that I think we can all grasp and work towards. I want us to consider a spiritual labor shortage which is one that was pointed out by Jesus and continues to this day.

    TITLE: A LABOR SHORTAGE SCRIPTURE: ST. MATTHEW 9:35-38 / ST. LUKE 10:1-4 There has been a lot of talk recently about a current labor shortage, as many businesses find themselves short-staffed and unable to find or keep employees. I will defer to those with more expertise in the economic field more

  • United Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Aug 28, 2023

    As a church, we are in the process of transitioning from traditional Sunday School classes to home-based community groups. In this process, we are going to take a few weeks to consider what it means for us to be a biblical community. We begin with the consideration that we are united.

    Introduction Series on biblical community in preparation for the launching of community groups next month we will look at a variety of passages, but most of our time together will be in the book of Ephesians Background Diversity There were cultural, ethnic, and religious divisions in the city - more

  • Farming Our Faith

    Contributed by Numeriano P. Galgo, Jr on Oct 21, 2023

    Many people perceive farming as a lowly, backbreaking, and dirty work. But I am amazed because this humble and laborious job imparts valuable insights to help us cultivate a deeper trust in the Lord.

    FARMING OUR FAITH By: Atty. Numeriano P. Galgo, Jr. October 22, 2023 Tagum City, Philippines Part I. A. Greetings B. Overview of the message This morning’s message concerns farming or gardening and the lessons we can apply to increase our faith in God. Many people more

  • Hubris Or Humility Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Sep 16, 2024

    There are so many factors that come into play when we make plans, but how often does the Sovereign will of God affect our plan making? In this passage, James challenges us to avoid hubris and embrace humility by submitting to God’s sovereignty in making plans.

    Mistakes along the way? In February of 1995, nearly 30 years ago, the Holy Spirit spoke to me in a clear way that has impacted the course of my life - and yet it has not been without mistakes and missteps. He urged me to go to the church the Danielle grew up at and help out with the youth more

  • American Idols: Baal And Molech Today Series

    Contributed by Jamie Greening on Apr 27, 2004
    based on 68 ratings

    This sermon covers the background and current application of Baal and Molech worship.

    BC-Jeremiah 32:30-35 FC-Jeremiah 32:35 Motif-“Baal and Molech have long arms” Title-“American Idols: Baal and Molech in our Culture” Enhancer: Today’s we talk about two bad guys from the Old Testament; Baal and Molech. These guys were like old luggage—they never went away and were always a more

  • Facilitating Leaders

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 15, 2001
    based on 28 ratings

    Facilitating Leaders

    Facilitating Leaders I Cor. 3:5-9 Illustration:Labor mightily for a healing spirit. Away with all discriminating names whatever that may hinder the applying of balm to heal your wounds...Discord and division become no Christian. For wolves to worry the lambs is no wonder, but for one lamb to worry more

  • 1st Things 1st: "Salvation Is Found In Jesus Alone" Series

    Contributed by Jim Black on Aug 23, 2005
    based on 185 ratings

    Do Christians really believe that salvation is found ONLY through Jesus Christ?

    There were a lot of things one could believe in in the ancient world… • There were all manner of Greek or Roman ‘gods’ one could worship… just take your pick! Epicureanism was a common philosophy. So was Stoicism. There were all kinds of mystery religions and pagan worship ideas. • There were more

  • How To Multiply Conversions

    Contributed by R. Stanley on Dec 1, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    A Biblical response to the Anticonversion Bill promulgated by the Tamilnadu Government in India.

    How to multiply Conversions ****************************** This message is a sequel to my article, Can Conversions be Stopped? which was pasted on this website ( on 18 October 2002 and published in the November 2002 issue of Blessing monthly. I am humbled by the more

  • Why Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Sep 16, 2008

    Why Jesus? What makes Jesus unique is not only important to what we believe but it is at the heart of who we are as Christians. This sermon looks at the uniqueness of Jesus through four names associated with Jesus, names that Jesus either used of himself

    Why Jesus? Colossians 1:15-23 Who was Jesus video? Title Slide On the one hand we are part of a culture which has discredited Jesus and who he was. On the other hand, we live in a culture which has distorted and watered down the teachings of Jesus. We have been told that it doesn’t matter what you more

  • Lessons On Forgiveness

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on Sep 15, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    As God has forgiven us in Christ, so it is our responsibility to forgive those who have wronged us.

    Lessons on Forgiveness Matthew 18:21-35 INTRODUCTION One said, “Forgiveness is like the violet sending forth its pure fragrance on the heel of the boot of the one who crushed it.” For three days a fierce winter storm had traveled 1500 miles across the North Pacific from Alaska, more

  • The Unfinished Task

    Contributed by Jerry Falwell on Sep 10, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The unfinished task of the Great Commission.

    If you have never really accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, would you do it right now? Do not delay or put it off. If you would like to receive Christ by faith, pray this simple prayer in your heart: THE UNFINISHED TASK By Jerry Falwell I. THE GREAT COMMISSION IS A GREAT more

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