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Sermons on imprudent:

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  • Sermon On Imprudence

    Contributed by William Meakin on May 21, 2022

    Imprudence is defined as the quality of being unwise, because you fail to consider the possible results of your actions.

    Matshona Dhliwayo, a Zimbabwean-born and Canadian based philosopher, entrepreneur and author once remarked: “Making money is intelligence; saving money is wisdom. Squandering money is imprudence. Sharing money is virtue.” Proverbs 14:8-10 confirms: ”The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way, more

  • Recapture

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Feb 23, 2024

    Sometimes due to a wrong marriage, disobedience and unwise decisions, imprudent business dealings, many such things can take you to utter chaos and destruction; however, God does not leave you there to rot, He wants to connect with you, help you join the dots.

    JOSHUA 8: RECAPTURE Joshua 8: The Conquest of Ai 1 “Now the LORD said to Joshua, "Do not fear or be dismayed. Take all the people of war with you and arise, go up to Ai; see, I have given into your hand the king of Ai, his people, his city, and his land.” Outline: 1) LISTEN TO THE more

  • Passing The Buck

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Apr 16, 2023

    Only cowards sidestep and evade responsibility, give 1000 excuses but the challenge is to accept responsibility and complete it.

    Passing the buck Matthew 27:24 When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!” When the uproar was high and eerie, Pilate the more

  • Integrity Of Heart!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 30, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Even today God is sending a warning signal for everyone through this devotion, who have plugged their ears from hearing the Word of God!

    Integrity of heart! 1 King 9:2”….the LORD appeared to Solomon a second time as he had appeared to him at Gibeon.” Don’t tell me the Lord did not warn you! Umpteen signals are sent from God; yet, due to their numbness, dumbness and blindness, people fail to understand it. more

  • More Divine Warnings Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 8, 2001
    based on 10 ratings

    exposition on Matt ch 7

    MORE DIVINE WARNINGS Matthew 7 v. 1 - 14 1. God’s warning against censoriousness or "mote hunting" in God’s work v. 1 " Judge not that ye be not judged." (a) Negatively - v. 1 "judge not"or critize or condemn others (b) Positively v. 1 "that ye be not judged" v. 2 explains why:- (c) Instructively more

  • From Barrenness To Fruitfulness

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Aug 24, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    From Barrenness to Fruitfulness

    From Barrenness to Fruitfulness Scripture Luke 13:1-9 Reflection Dear sisters and brothers, The world today witnesses increasing incidents of killings, shootings, assassinations, slayings of heads, lynchings, mobs, hangings, and so on. As soon as it happens, there is breaking news on our news more

  • Tame The Tongue (James 3)

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Apr 4, 2019


    TAME THE TONGUE (JAMES 3) Grammar Bible (English) Tatabahasa Alkitab (Indonesian) Biblia de Gramática (Spanish) Gramatika Bibliya (Filipino) more

  • Piety: The Family Virtue Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 15, 2012

    The Christian has special duties to family. This is an important way to image Christ in our lives.

    Monday of 3rd Week in Advent Gaudium et Spes The outpouring of grief around the world over the murder of twenty-six innocent people, twenty of them children, in Connecticut has generated a number of Internet videos featuring one or the other version of the Pie Jesu, a text of the Requiem Mass. more

  • Judges 10 Jephtha Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 2, 2023

    Jephthah was the son of a harlot, he was thrust out of his family by his half-brothers, became a soldier, then a military commander, and lastly became a Judge. The Lord used this person from a lowly position to deliver Israel from her enemies.

    Text: Judges 10:6-12:7 Theme: Jephthah Episode Life of Jephtha: Jephthah was the son of a harlot, he was thrust out of his family by his half-brothers, became a soldier, then a military commander, and lastly became a Judge from 1087 to 1081 B.C. The Lord used this person from a lowly position to more

  • The Witness Of Francis Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 1, 2011

    Francis stands out as an example of radical following of Christ, and an impulsive drive to rebuild the Church.

    Monday of 27th week in Course Testimony of the Saints Saint Francis of Assisi 3 October 2011 (one day early) Tomorrow we celebrate the day of St. Francis of Assisi, and on this note I will take a long break from this series on the Testimony of the Saints, and, God willing, begin next week a series more

  • Cana And Boundaries

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Dec 26, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus had his personal boundaries- He remains slightly aloof from the situation. He told Mary, “Not our job,..."

    Jesus had his personal boundaries-- He remains slightly aloof; reluctant to get involved in the situation of the shortage of wine. He told Mary, “Not our job,” and “Not my hour for what God has called me to do!” Lesson for us-Watch out for “Caretakers disorder.” -e.g. “No one else on the more

  • The Need For Good Financial Administration Series

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Dec 2, 2004
    based on 45 ratings

    (Part 2) This passage shows Paul’s desire and strategy for good financial administration.

    THE NEED FOR GOOD FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION (Part 2) (8:16) But thanks be to God who puts the same earnest care for you in the heart of Titus. (17) For he not only accepted our appeal, but being himself very earnest he is going to you of his own accord. (18) With him we are sending the brother who more

  • Sermon On Pride

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jan 4, 2021

    There is a recurrent saying: "Pride goes before a fall."

    Clive Staples Lewis, (C.S.Lewis) a British writer and lay theologian once remarked: “A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.” Luke 14:11 and Matthew 23:12 both agree that: “For those who more

  • Revival (Section 5) Hindrances To Revivals (From Charles Finney’s Lectures) Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Mar 28, 2019

    It has always been the case, whenever any of the servants of God do anything in His cause, and there appears to be a probability that they will succeed, that Satan by his agents regularly attempts to divert their minds and nullify their labors.

    Revival (Section 5) HINDRANCES TO REVIVALS (From Charles Finney’s Lectures) Nehemiah 6: 3 I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you? Nehemiah had journeyed from Babylon to rebuild the temple wall. more

  • Luc 10/25-378

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Mar 30, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    D’abord, regardons la scène de cette histoire. La route de Jérusalem vers Jéricho était une route notoirement dangereuse. Jérusalem est de 2.300 pieds au-dessus de niveau de la mer ; la mer morte, dont près Jéricho tenu, est de 1.300 pieds au-dessous de n

    D’abord, regardons la scène de cette histoire. La route de Jérusalem vers Jéricho était une route notoirement dangereuse. Jérusalem est de 2.300 pieds au-dessus de niveau de la mer ; la mer morte, dont près Jéricho tenu, est de 1.300 pieds au-dessous de niveau de la mer. Tellement puis, en more