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  • Jesus' Government

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Sep 27, 2016

    To show that GOD is Head of all governments.

    I. EXORDIUM: What is the future of government? Theocracy II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD is Head of all governments. IV. TEXT: Isaiah 9:7 (Amplified Bible) Of the increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of more

  • The Arrest Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Oct 6, 2016

    Jesus has completely surrendered Himself to these guards; He signifies that He is their substitute. We must take a moment to grasp this: He places Himself in front of them (and us) to protect them from the danger.

    The Arrest of Jesus John 18:1-14 Following Jesus’s prayer in the garden, the events unfold quickly (setup for Sun) Re: This is at night, following Passover supper; after time spent in prayer ∆ Jesus Identifies and Surrenders In the garden, where a powerful time of prayer is more

  • The Sentencing Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Oct 6, 2016

    With the crowd in a frenzy, and Pilate fearing for himself because he knows what he faces, he relents to a decision that he knows he will regret – “crucify him". This decision sets in motion the greatest redemption that every happened to and for mankind.

    Sentencing of Jesus John 19:1-16 This message can sometimes invoke different responses in many For some, it is sadness, others anger, and even some may feel justified (read) ∆ Roman Punishment Roman punishment always began with humiliation Flogging, crown of thorns, and mockery were meant more

  • Who Is Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Rodney Kelley on Oct 7, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    First sermon in the series on the Gospel of John.

    Who is Jesus? - John 1:1-13 The Apostle John had watched and examined the Lord for a few years. He has now lived for the Lord for many years. It is believed that this Gospel was the last to be written, about 85 A.D. By the time this book was in the churches, much of the New Testament had more

  • Jesus's Death Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Oct 12, 2016

    When sharing our faith, we must understand that we participate in both the cross and the grave; our sin was the cause of His death. We cannot get to the resurrection without the death of Jesus, and it's critical we remember to share that!

    Jesus’s Death John 19:17-42 Following Pilate’s decision to crucify Him (through God’s authority) Jesus is taken to the place of Golgotha to be executed Romans have dialed into this brutal method; they are skilled at it ∆ A Cruel Punishment He was placed between two more

  • The Birth Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Oct 14, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    We are ready for the part about Jesus’ birth. We’ve heard about Elijah, and David, and John. Now it’s time for Jesus.

    Luke 2:1-21 The Birth of Jesus 12/26/04 D. Marion Clark Introduction Christmas finally came! The Christmas season is fun as anticipation builds for the big day, but it is the arrival of the day that is best. Whether we are children longing for the day to open presents, or adults ready for all more

  • Who Is Jesus?

    Contributed by David Nolte on Oct 16, 2016

    Answers the question, "Who do men say that the Son of Man is?"

    “Who IS Jesus?” Matthew 16:13-18 David P. Nolte Any honest historian or any objectively thinking person has to admit that Jesus was a real man who lived in Judea and was credited with many astounding acts and was crucified under Pilate’s reign. The question is not, more

  • Jesus And Prayer

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Oct 21, 2016

    Jesus prayed to discover God's will.

    A. JESUS’ PRAYER INTENSITY 1. He didn’t consider prayer a light thing. “And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground” (Luke 22:44). 2. Jesus went through terrible struggles when He became our sin. more

  • Jesus Wept

    Contributed by Bill Walker on Oct 22, 2016

    God's love. The human side of Jesus. Relationship. Death and life eternal. Evil from even the well intentioned.

    JESUS WEPT John 11:17-40 In May 1897, the great American humorist, novelist and social critic Samuel Clemens — best known by his pen name, Mark Twain — was in London. It was one of the stops on a round-the-world speaking tour he’d embarked on in 1895. He hoped to use the fees more

  • "Following Jesus"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 2, 2016

    Following Jesus means going places we might normally not go.

    “Following Jesus” John 4:4-30, 39-42 I am in my 8th year of being Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church. That means you all have put up with me for nearly 8 years!!! I’d say, that’s amazing, and thank you. In all seriousness, there are real positive things more

  • Jesus Is Missing!

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Dec 5, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    "The Empty Manger" is about a guy who noticed the nativity display at his church was missing the baby Jesus. Everything else was there but the most important piece was missing. In life, everything else can be there but if Jesus is missing it's incomplete.

    JESUS IS MISSING! INTRODUCTION: The Empty Manger. "A number of years ago, the church I attend set up a very nice nativity set in the front of our sanctuary during the four weeks leading up to Christmas, when we observe Advent. The wise men, shepherds, livestock, angels, Joseph, and Mary had all more

  • The Genealogy Of Jesus

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Dec 15, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever wondered why Matthew put in his genealogy?

    The Christmas Story A Scottish farmer did not believe in the Christmas story. The idea that God would become a man was absurd. His wife however was a devout Christian and had raised their children as Christians. The farmer would sometimes mock her and give her a hard time about her more

  • The Name Of Jesus

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Dec 19, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    We have Authority in the Name of Jesus. There is healing, deliverance and victorious life through the name of Jesus!

    The Mechanics of a Miracle Part 2 “The Name of Jesus” Lakewood Church of God | Pastor Jonathan Vorce | 11-27-2016 Introduction Last week we talked about Faith & Boldness Today I want to talk with you about the authority that we have in the name of Jesus! Name means identity and authority We used more

  • Where Is Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Dec 26, 2016

    Do we really look for Jesus in every activity of Christmas?

    Show where’s wally pic…. It’s fun to try and find Wally isn’t it with all the stuff around him? By the way, Waldo is the same guy as Wally, who actually came from England. Besides the one on the sign, can you find Wally?? We’ll put the picture back up later again. What does this have to do with more

  • Chistmas Is Jesus

    Contributed by John Crowe on Dec 27, 2016

    This is a Christmas Eve service. I introduced each major point by taking an ornament from our tree.

    Christmas is Jesus Christmas Eve service December 24, 2016 River Bend Baptist Church Merry Christmas! - Peace on Earth - Good will to Man The story of Jesus’ birth starts long before Joseph and Mary were visited by the angel. Prophets, hundreds of years before Jesus was born told about more

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