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Sermons on hypergrace:

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  • Critical Grace Theory - Reflections On The Hyper-Grace Movement

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Aug 11, 2017
    based on 5 ratings

    What does Hyper-Grace mean to those who walk In it?

    There is a growing faction in the church that believes there is a very dangerous and twisted teaching on the grace of God, called “Hyper-Grace,” which in their estimation, takes God’s grace too far and preaches a license to sin because they don’t believe in repentance and are actually against God’s more

  • Feathers And Wings Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Nov 19, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. These days we see a lot of emphasis on Grace and a negligent attitude towards Truth. Here is an eye opener!

    Psalm 91 - Part 13 - Feathers and Wings We read in Psalm 91:4, “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge. His truth is your shield and armor.” (GW) There are two words that I wish to highlight from the above mentioned verse, feathers and wings. Often we don’t more

  • Pergamum, The Compromising Church Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Sep 1, 2024

    Continuing the series, a sermon defending the objective truth found in the bible versus the experience-driven church services of today.

    The Compromising Church- Pergamum 7 Churches Of Revelation Series CCCAG, September 1st, 2024 Scripture: Revelation 2:12-17 Introduction- Brief Review 7 church’s PPT- talked about the two coastal cities, now going to the interior. I will have to apologize in advance, because I know I’m going to more

  • Epiphany—ambient Scent And Music.

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Dec 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    And I am not talking about retail atmospherics of pumping in scented candles and evergreen, with Christmas carols.

    Epiphany—Ambient scent and music. In the beginning, Christmas was connected to music and scent. And I am not talking about retail atmospherics of pumping in scented candles and evergreen, with Christmas carols. In Heralding the birth of Jesus, angels sang and wise men provided fragrant gifts to more

  • Rooted In Jesus

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 25, 2024

    The fact that believers are in a state of being complete in Christ indicates that there is nothing of a higher spiritual blessing to be found anywhere else including, but not limited to, this false Gnostic philosophy found in Colosse.

    Opening illustration: There was once a farmer who went to town to purchase seeds for his farm. As he was returning home one of the squash seeds he had purchased fell from his pocket onto the ground. It happened that within a few feet was another seed of a different type. The place where the two more

  • Holiness Is Power

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Dec 15, 2018

    Church not growing? You're not growing? Church and your life is mundane? Check your definition and implementation of holiness.

    1 Peter 1:15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; 16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. 1 Peter 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by more

  • How To Be Found When Jesus Returns

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Dec 7, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    In Hebrews 10:19-39 we find three persevering actions that we should be found in when Jesus returns.

    How to be found when Christ Returns Introduction:  During the busy Christmas season, it is easy to lose sight of what Christmas is all about, which we will get into in the weeks to come.  We have family gatherings here and there and we have Christmas parties at our work places.  There are gifts to more

  • The Atonement

    Contributed by John Oscar on Oct 19, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Pastor John preaches on what the Hebrew Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, means for us today.

    The Atonement Yom Kippur 2023 CCCAG 9-24-23 Scripture- Lev 16:29-31 Last Sunday was a high holy day in the Jewish world called Yom Kippur. In English, it’s the Day of Atonement, when the high priest would enter the part of the tabernacle or the temple where the Shekinah Glory of God resided on more

  • Return To God Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Dec 2, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    See the blessing of repentance and seek His presence in prayer.

    Israel is weak, politically and spiritually. • Politically they have been suffering under the threat of the Philistines, for decades. • They are at war with them in chapters 4-6, and now 20 years later, in chapter 7 they are still at war. • How long do they need to fight on? more

  • Why Is The Gospel Of Christ Offensive?

    Contributed by Doug Gorman on Apr 14, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Why is the Gospel of Christ Offensive?

    Our Lord Christ said in Luke 7:23: “…blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.” JC Ryle wrote, “There is a common, worldly kind of Christianity in this day, which many have, and think they have enough; a cheap Christianity which offends nobody, and requires no more

  • Kingdom Of Heaven [part 3] Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Jul 15, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    As individuals and as a church where do we stand when it comes to being the leaven? Are we pursuing to build a strong communion with Jesus Christ or being lured by the leaven of legalism, liberalism and materialism?

    Introduction: This passage/verse may seem tricky because that was doubtless the reaction of the disciples when they heard this little story. Our Lord arrested them with this story and shocked them somewhat. When he told them that there was a woman who hid leaven in three measures of meal they must more

  • The Salvation Army In The 21st Century: Five Battlefronts We Face

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jun 21, 2021

    God is on the move! As we rally in The Salvation Army to build our base of soldiers, to enlist troops to fight on the frontlines of the battlefields of this world

    God is on the move! As we rally in The Salvation Army to build our base of soldiers, to enlist troops to fight on the frontlines of the battlefields of this world, with the cross of Jesus Christ as our banner, we gather our troops, across the frontlines of the salvation war, gathered in foxholes more

  • The Nature Of God And His People

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Jun 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Series on I John.

    Title: The Nature of God and His People Scripture: I Jn. 1:5-10 Type: Expository Series Where: GNBC 6-9-24 Intro: Thomas Aquinas called theology the “queen of sciences.” But the study of theology—the study of God—was gradually sidelined and now finds no place in the contemporary curriculum. more

  • The Man Of God Who Poisoned The Church

    Contributed by Jeremiah Menyongai on Apr 24, 2017

    No One Enriches Hell More Than False Pastors. And as Christ delays, they increase more and more.

    2 KINGS 4:38-41 38 Elisha returned to Gilgal and there was a famine in that region. While the company of the prophets was meeting with him, he said to his servant, “Put on the large pot and cook some stew for these prophets.” 39 One of them went out into the fields to gather herbs and found a wild more

  • The Ten Commandments

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Apr 13, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    This is from a series I preached on the Ten Commandments

    Title: The 10 Commandments: Part 4 Scripture: Exodus 20:14&16 Type: Expository Series Where: GNBC 10-27-19 Intro: Here is a great quote on the Moral Law of God by Dr. Steve Lawson: Can you imagine a Christian couple actually praying about living together before marriage? Can you fathom a more

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