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Sermons on hunger and thirst:

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  • Famous Last Words: I Thirst Series

    Contributed by Mark Hall on Sep 4, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Our thirst for Christ

    FAMOUS LAST WORDS: I THIRST BEFORE THE CROSS This morning, as we quietly and humbly stand before the cross of Jesus Christ, and as we hear His words tumble into our hearts, there is a challenge that comes to us from the Holy Spirit. That challenge is not to just hear Jesus words, but to let the more

  • From Wee Little To Great Big Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jul 13, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    In order to draw nearer to Jesus we need to make the effort.

    From Wee Little to Great Big Text: Lk. 19:1-10 Introduction 1. Read Lk. 19:1-10 2. Illustration: A certain man was troubled with dizzy spells. He went from one doctor to another and none could tell him what the problem was. He tried everything, it seemed. Finally, it was bothering him so more

  • Just Who Are The Saints, Anyway?

    Contributed by Christopher Martin on Nov 2, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    An All Saints’ Day sermon preached 11/1/2009 at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Audubon, Iowa. Some of the material is from a sermon by Rev. Tim Pauls.

    Today is November 1st on our calendars, but on the church calendar, today is “All Saint’s Day.” In the Lutheran church, we believe this is such an important day, that if November 1st doesn’t fall on a Sunday, we usually move it’s celebration to the first Sunday in November. It’s a day where we more

  • Happy & Passionate Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Dec 5, 2013

    A sermon on the fourth beatitude.

    Happy, Happy, Happy: Happy & Passionate Matthew 5:1-2, 6 You gotta’ love grandmothers, right? My grandmother, we called her Mama Kit, lived in Chatham, LA. It just so happened that I worked in Chatham, as did my older brother. I worked for the Sheriff’s Office and my brother more

  • Upside Down Kingdom PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 15, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the principles of the Sermon on the Mount, focusing on understanding and applying the Beatitudes and discerning false prophets in our lives.

    Welcome, beloved congregation. It is always a joy to gather together in the house of our Lord, to share in the warmth of fellowship and the nourishment of His Word. As we come together today, let us cast aside the cares and concerns of the world outside, and instead focus our hearts and minds on more

  • The Pure In Heart

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jun 18, 2021

    As we continue in the Beatitudes we come to the Pure in Heart. Can a person be pure in heart while on this earth? Will ONLY the pure in heart see God and if so how can we come to the point where we have a pure heart?

    The Pure In Heart Please stand with me as we go over our current memory Scripture: Matthew 5:6-8 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see more

  • Happy Are The Dissatisfied Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Sep 22, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    Jesus gives us his tips for being happy in life; but they sure are different than what you’ve always heard! The world says, "Happy is the man who has ever desire met..." but Jesus says... *HANDOUT INCLUDED*

    HOW TO GET ALONG WITH GOD AND OTHERS Mt 5:1 ¶ And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. 2 Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying: 3 ¶ "Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those more

  • The Beatitudes PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 20, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the profound wisdom of the Beatitudes, viewing them as divine promises for a blessed life and a guide for becoming a blessing to others.

    Good morning, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I am thrilled to be standing before you on this glorious day that the Lord has made. We gather here, not by coincidence, but by divine appointment. Our Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, has drawn us together to ponder the profound wisdom more

  • Discipleship Part 5 Character Traits Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Mar 29, 2011

    This message continues with the character traits of a disciple based on the beatitudes.

    Discipleship Part 5: Character Traits Scriptures: Matthew 5:3-11; Numbers 12; Matthew 11:27-30 Introduction This morning we will continue with the character traits of a disciple using the beatitudes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount as our reference. To date we have discussed three traits: more

  • The Bread Of Life PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 3, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To explore the profound truths about Jesus as the Bread of Life, the satisfaction found in Him, and the gift of eternal life He offers.

    Good morning, Church family! Aren't we blessed to gather together again to delve into God's Word? Today, we're going to journey through a familiar passage in the Gospel of John, Chapter 6, verses 25-35. You may know it as Jesus' Bread of Life discourse. As we unwrap this passage, we'll explore the more

  • Desire: "It'll Make You Or Break You” Series

    Contributed by David Yarbrough on Jan 28, 2002
    based on 67 ratings

    . Righteousness is not an optional spiritual supplement but a spiritual necessity. We can no more live spiritually without righteousness than we can live physically without food and water.

    Intro: “Mommy I’m so thirsty. I want a drink.” Susanna Petroysan heard her daughter’s pleas, but there was nothing she could do. She and four-year-old Gayaney were trapped beneath tons of collapsed concrete and steel. Beside them in the darkness lay the body of Susanna’s sister-in-law, more

  • The Beatitudes PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 19, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the Beatitudes as a call to character transformation, guiding Christians to embody Jesus' teachings in their daily lives amidst imperfections and trials.

    Good morning, brothers and sisters in Christ! We gather here today to immerse ourselves in the profound wisdom of the Sermon on the Mount, specifically focusing on the Beatitudes. These potent words spoken by our Savior, Jesus Christ, are not just mere moral guidelines; they are a radical call to more

  • "Stressed Or Blessed?" Series

    Contributed by Kendall Hicks on Apr 25, 2016

    This series is loosely based on a series by the same name offered by Life.Church. You can find their materials at There you will find videos, transcripts, outlines, and graphics.

    A pet store delivery truck was making its way through town when the other travelers couldn’t help but notice the peculiar behavior of the truck’s driver. Every time the truck came to a red light or stop sign, the driver would jump out of the truck with a baseball bat in his grasp, run more

  • A Healthy Appetite Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jun 27, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    The proper response to mourning over the reality of suffering and evil in the world, and the key to meekness, is not conquering desire, but learning to desire the right things.

    Are you one of the people who have been following the state of the Bronco cornerbacks’ hamstrings? Both Bailey and Alexander suffered injuries that kept them out of the Jacksonville game and snapped Bailey’s 99 consecutive-game streak, which is the longest in the NFL for a cornerback. However, more

  • The Beatitudes 2

    Contributed by Nnaemeka Durueke on Jun 21, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The study for today is on the teaching of Christ, where HE emphasized on the need for man to have the kind of heart that God has. These are the 4th, 5th and 6th beatitudes:

    THE BEATITUDES 2 TEXT : MATTHEW 5:6-8 INTRODUCTION The study for today is on the teaching of Christ, where HE emphasized on the need for man to have the kind of heart that God has. These are the 4th, 5th and 6th beatitudes: 1) Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: more

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