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  • Balm Of Gilead

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Feb 6, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Yes, there is a Balm in Gilead for our day to heal all of humanity’s ailments, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Learn more from Jeremiah’s question if there is such a balm and physician.

    Balm of Gilead Jeremiah 8:21-22 Watch: Today I’d like to share what many people refer to, but really don’t know much about, and that is the Balm of Gilead. They talk about Jesus being the Balm of Gilead, but really don’t know how it applies. more

  • In The Hands Of The Potter

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Aug 3, 2021

    Jeremiah saw these things when he went to the potter's house. Clay; symbol of the human life. Wheel; symbol of human history. Potter; represents God.

    1. Here is a bible truth illustrated. A truth that every Christian needs to learn. 2. John 10:27-29; Romans 8:28, 35-39 3. There comes a time in the life of every person, family, and church, when you need to know where you are. 4. There will come a time when you must have a word from the Lord. more

  • The Truth About The Truth!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Jul 18, 2015

    Focussing on how truth liberates one from shackles imposed by lies!!!

    THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUTH !!! Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”-John 8:31-32 Nothing quite like a more

  • Truth And Nothing But The Truth!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Jan 5, 2015

    To focus on the liberating action of truth vis-a-vis three Christian doctrines of Justification, Sanctification and Glorification!!!

    TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”-John more

  • The Living Church

    Contributed by Greg Waddell on Feb 3, 2003
    based on 57 ratings

    This sermons draws out the similarities between a human body and the Body of Christ (the Church).

    The Church is a living body . . . the body of Christ. Upon close examination, we find that the Church shares many characteristics with the physical human body. I. A BODY IS UNITED. A. The members of a healthy body work together to accomplish things. 1. The brain sends commands to the more

  • Finding Yourself & God In The Burning Light Of Divine Pronouncement Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Apr 2, 2023

    Have you ever heard of someone trying to “find himself or herself”? They might quit their job and travel the world in an effort to figure out their core values and their purpose on earth...

    Have you ever heard of someone trying to “find himself or herself”? They might quit their job and travel the world in an effort to figure out their core values and their purpose on earth. As we continue the sermon series “Moses: Made for More” we’ll see how the burning bush incident sheds light on more

  • The True Spirit Of Giving

    Contributed by Antonio Torrence on Nov 25, 2000
    based on 107 ratings

    This sermon is about the gift of God’s mercy upon the crippled lives of humanity

    "The True Spirit of Giving" 2 Samuel 4:4,and chapter 9) -Rev. A. L. Torrence, Pastor of The Cross of Life Lutheran Church “It’s the hard knock life for us. It’s the hard knock life for us. Steada treated, we get tricked. Steada kisses, we get kicked. It’s the hard knock life!” Those words more

  • Standing In The Freedom Of The Gospel:

    Contributed by David Taylor on Jan 23, 2014

    Introduction to Galatians

    Standing in the Freedom of the Gospel: Introduction and Overview Galatians 1:1-5 Introduction to Galatians Galatians is unique among Paul’s epistles. His normal greeting is abrupt, with no prayer or thanksgiving for the evidences of grace, or some other prayer (see Eph 1; Col 1; and Phil more

  • The Relevance Of Wonders

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 23, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Many churches are asking why they are not growing and why their outreach efforts seem so ineffective. Evangelism is most effective when the proclamation of the gospel is accompanied by a demonstration of signs and wonders.

    Ministry and evangelism can be difficult in a country like America that holds a western worldview. The reason why is because people’s skepticism and unbelief concerning “the unseen” and “the miraculous” can limit church growth. God has bestowed on His people authority and power to see souls saved more

  • Brought To Life; Brought Together

    Contributed by David Taylor on Sep 3, 2024

    Paul continues the theme of God’s work in our salvation.

    We are in our series, Brought to Life; Brought Together, from the New Testament letter to the Ephesians, looking at chapter two today so if you have your bibles, turn to Ephesians 2:8-10. Paul continues the theme of God’s work in our salvation. So far in chapter two he has described the human more

  • Joy To The World Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Dec 10, 2007

    Joy is evidence of the presence and applause of God.

    JOY TO THE WORLD Advent 2007: “Christmas in Song and Story” Week #2 Psalm 98:4-8 Sermon Objective: Joy is evidence of the presence and applause of God. This is our second week of Advent. This year’s theme is “Christmas in Story and Song.” We will use a different Christmas Hymn/Carol each week more

  • The Starting Point Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Feb 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    In John 3:1-10, Jesus exposes the danger of false assurance and presents the “Starting Point” in the possession of eternal life. It came through 1) The Point of Inquiry (John 3:1–3), 2) The Point of Insight (John 3:4-8), and 3) The Point of Indictment

    With Pope Benedict XVI’s shocking resignation this week, Evangelical Christians might be tempted to see this the way a college football fan might view the departure of his rival team’s head coach. But the global stakes are much, much higher. As Pope Benedict steps down, I think more

  • Grace Is About Hope Series

    Contributed by Bob Gillchrest on Jan 28, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    You can

    For literally thousands of years, perhaps longer, Christians have faced attempts by those outside the faith, or those with little understanding of the Christian gospel, to make the grace of God only partially sufficient for salvation. As Paul and Barnabas began their first missionary journey to more

  • Stepping Into God's Blessings

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Dec 1, 2014

    Moses talked about the watering of the land, the need to depend on God's provision, and the watching of the land, to need to depend on God's protection.

    The people stands at the brink of a new life, in a new land that God is giving them. • Moses ends “his career” here with a series of sermons, before he makes his final climb up Mount Nebo and passes on from there. • These are important, final words from a great leader, more

  • The Shrinking Power Of Binary Thinking

    Contributed by Mark Foreman on Jul 23, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    This message explains why "either/or" thinking doesn’t work in the Kingdom of God, and we should expand our perspective to include "both/and" thinking.

    We are discovering the ways we shrink Jesus in our own minds, from the robust love and nature that is truly His. ? The great "I Am" is calling you and is with you to transform you and this world. ? Either/or thinking often shrinks Jesus in our minds and in our lives. * Trip to the more

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