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  • How To Worship

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jul 6, 2004
    based on 57 ratings

    A message on the elements of worship.

    HOW TO WORSHIP Genesis 4:1-6 INTRO: What is worship to you? Is it attending church on Sunday? Is it praying and Bible reading? It is teaching a Sunday School class? Genesis four reports man’s first experience in worship. The acceptability of Abel’s worship revolved around his attitude. The more

  • How To Worship

    Contributed by Alvan Lewis on Sep 21, 2020

    God has given everyone of us something very special to worship Him with. Here we are given instructions on how to do that.

    It has 60 trillion cells most of which are dying. It has an on-board computer which functions at only 6%. It smells peculiar; it reproduces in a very strange way; it ingests dead animals and excretes fertilizer. It takes in oxygen and exhales a poisonous gas. It is subject to all manners of more

  • How To Worship Series

    Contributed by Rodney Barlow on Feb 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    There are four key ways to worship according to the Word of God. If you use these strategies to worship God you will see the glory of God in a new way.

    How To Worship Review from last week The Seriousness of Worship is that He is looking for worshippers, and the enemy wants to alter your worship He will withhold rain without Worship Zec 14:17 And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship more

  • How To Worship! Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Apr 21, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Answers the question, "Does God care how we worship?

    “How To Worship” Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 One writer says, “We (21st century) more

  • How Not To Worship God Series

    Contributed by Todd Riley on Feb 5, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    An exposition of Exodus 20:4-6

    Islington Baptist Church February 3, 2002 Exodus 20:4-6 Scripture reading: Exodus 32 Series: The 10 Commandments How not to worship God A few years ago I made a mistake. I was visiting an elderly Christian lady who happened to have a lamp, but no ordinary lamp. The lamp had a big fat more

  • How To Worship With Integrity

    Contributed by Greg Addison on Nov 5, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Worship of God has been described as the chief end of man’s existence. In order to be effective, however, man must worship God with integrity. That means we worship Him with our entire life and person and not simply out of ritual or habit. True worship c

    HOOK: Let me ask you a question: Why are you here tonight? Several layers to the question: Why are you here tonight? Why are you here tonight? Why are you here tonight? Man is a religious being. We live in a religious society. For all that religion, society isn’t much different or changed. To more

  • How To Worship God

    Contributed by Paul Shafit on Jun 9, 2014

    How much of your life is God centered and how much is self centered?

    "How To Worship God" (Psalm 65) The old song goes, "I don't know what you came to do; but I came to praise the Lord." How appropriate it is for us to think about the ways we can lift up God’s name and honor Him. He's shown His love for us by sending Christ Jesus into the world to deliver us more

  • How To Worship God

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Sep 2, 2022

    I am convinced that the most important thing in the life of a Christian is this matter of worshipping the Lord.

    I am convinced that the most important thing in the life of a Christian is this matter of worshipping the Lord. Why did you come to church today? Be honest. 1. Mom, a few hours of escape. 2. Dad, to please the wife. Please the preacher. 3. Kids, parents made me do it. Now adays it seems people more

  • How To Worship God Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Jun 16, 2022

    Psalm 100 shows how seriously worship was taken in Old Testament times. That in itself is enough to tell us we should take worship seriously today. There is a back and forth rhythm to this Psalm.

    Do you need to learn to do something new? How will you learn? You could read a how to book. You could watch an instructional video on the internet. But if you want to know how to worship God you should spend time in Psalm 100 the divinely inspired how to worship guide. Psalm 100 Shout for joy to more

  • Called To Worship

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Dec 7, 2013

    From the Old Testament right down to today, Worship of God is an important and powerful part of our lives as believers and as Church families.

    CALLED TO WORSHIP Pastor Eric J. Hanson June 30, 2013 Read I Chronicles 16:23-36 & Psalm 150. From the very beginning days of Hosanna Church, God has called us to embrace the Worship of God. Many years ago, we got past the so-called “Worship Wars” stage of such a transition. In 1970, more

  • Worship 101

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Oct 4, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    how to worship

    Worship 101 John 4:21-24 In Vancouver today, there is something stirring… the Queen’s visit. Excitement about it. On the news when the Queen arrived in Iqaluit, Nunavut, she was driven around in an SUV. Because of the height of the SUV, it was difficult for her to get off the vehicle. But the more

  • The Principles Of Public Worship Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Aug 8, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Five principles of public worship that are important for our understanding of worship.

    Scripture Last week I began a short, three-week series of messages on the subject of worship. In my first message I suggested that all of life is worship. So whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do, we are to do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). Today I would like to look at more

  • How To Worship Through The Spirit Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Oct 15, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    50 DAYS TO PENTECOST - part 5

    I like putting together puzzles. I use a simple strategy to put the picture together. I begin by sorting through the hundreds of pieces to find all of the edges to put the boarder together. Next, I will sort the pieces into groups with similar colors or patterns, then I begin to putting it all more

  • The Features Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on Jan 18, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Part 3 of a series on worship. This one talks about the features of worship found mostly in the Psalms.

    Title: The Features of worship This sermon is part 3 of our series on worship and was preached by Tony Hamilton worship leader at Calvary Assembly of God. This morning we are going to be looking at the features of worship or another way to say it, the facets of our Sunday morning worship time. more

  • 3 Ways To Put The Fire Back Into Worship

    Contributed by Clay Gentry on Aug 1, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    Sometimes our worship assemblies can be dull. But by turning to Psalm 84 we can learn how to put the fire back into our public worship.

    Sometimes a congregation’s public worship can just be downright cold and lifeless. Therefore, in an attempt to revive their dead services, many churches change worship styles, or songs books, or preachers. While these changes may perhaps bring life back into a dead service, they are temporary more