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  • How To Care For Pastors And Elders In The Church

    Contributed by Nathan Lozada on Sep 22, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    In a shared ministry in the church, the “elders who direct the affairs of the church… especially those whose work is teaching and preaching” deserve to be compensated. Leaders who are justly and properly accused and found guilty of any misconduct are to b

    How to Care for Elders / Pastors in the Church (1 Timothy 5:17-25) In a shared ministry in the church, the “elders who direct the affairs of the church… especially those whose work is teaching and preaching” more

  • Standing In The Midst Of The Lampstands

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Mar 16, 2012

    Christ appoints whom He wills to preach the message of life, and He holds those whom He appoints in His hand.

    “I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were more

  • On Another Level

    Contributed by Stephen Smarowsky on Aug 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    "But solid food is for the mature who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil."

    On Another Level: Hebrews 5:14 Introduction: As a pastor, teacher, or influencer, we need to teach on the level of understanding that our learners have. For example…I have a close friend who already has a doctorate degree and is working on her second. She is very intellectual and has spoken to some more

  • The Seven Major Themes Of The Bible

    Contributed by Alvan Lewis on Mar 7, 2022

    What are the major themes of the Bible that Christian ministers ought deal with in their preaching?

    The Seven Major Themes of the Bible Luke 6:17-26 Do preachers repeat themselves? The good ones do! Certainly, Jesus did. A good preacher repeats himself Sunday after Sunday. I’m not talking about telling the same stories repeatedly; nor am talking about using old, worn-out phases that everyone more

  • Is Showing Emotion During The Presenting Of God’s Word Acceptable?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Jan 16, 2023

    Just because we may have heard the word can we appropriately begin to speak? What has Christ brought you out of?

    In the verse before this one, Paul wrote that he would rather die than lose his reason to preach. Now that he has made the decision to preach the Gospel, he makes it clear that he is not boasting. He believes that he has no control over whether or not he will continue to preach about how faith in more

  • Paul Will Visit Rome Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Mar 4, 2024

    Paul has a long-standing desire to visit Rome and share the Gospel more deeply with the Roman church.

    1:8 “First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.” First order of business: thank you, God, for the Roman church. Note he is not thanking the church, flattering them. He is thanking God. But it is Paul’s way, in most every letter more

  • The World’s Most Dangerous Profession - James 3:1-2 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Sep 23, 2021

    This passage stands out because teaching is so highly valued throughout the New Testament. Why is it discouraged here? James considered himself a teacher and was teaching even as he penned these words about not many should be teachers.

    James 3:1 Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2 We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check. Introduction: We Talk a more

  • Being The Salt Series

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on Aug 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 2:Sermon on the Mount Series - We are commanded as believers, as followers of Jesus Christ to be the salt of the earth.

    The Great Commission Part 2 – Sermon on the Mount – Salt & Light Pastor Bruce A. Shields House of Faith – WELCOME INTRODUCTION TO SERMON † Jesus cleanses the Temple at the beginning of His ministry † Jesus explains the Holy Spirit to Nicodemus † Jesus explains Salvation to the more

  • There's Room For Everybody!

    Contributed by David Smith on Jun 18, 2009

    "When the day of Pentecost came, all of them were together in one place. Suddenly, a sound like the roaring of a mighty windstorm came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw tongues like flames of fire that separated, and

    Wind and Fire - the two elements of Pentecost - and a dynamic duo they are! In my naivety I had thought until recently that these two elements were natural opposites that cancelled each other out, such as when you blow on a birthday candle and the wind puts the fire out. And then we all more

  • Pray For Us Preachers Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 3, 2016

    The homily is the touchstone for judging a pastor’s closeness and ability to communicate to his people.

    Thursday of 13th Week in Course Today Jesus’s words are about preaching and service. They are directed to us, to the clergy leaders of the Church, primarily, but really to all Christians. Saint Francis lived out this vocation–he took with him on his journeys almost nothing. He more

  • The Pouting Prophet Series

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Nov 2, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The mercy of God towards the people of Nineveh makes Jonah angry.

    The mercy of God towards the people of Nineveh makes Jonah angry. Jonah delivered the message, but Scripture does not state if he gave assistance or encouragement. In verses 1-4: For what reason did Jonah turn out to be so furious when God saved Nineveh? The Jews would have rather not shared more

  • Handling God's Word Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Apr 16, 2016

    The message explores the familiar admonition to handle the Word of Truth rightly.

    “Remind them of these things, and charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers. Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. But avoid irreverent more

  • In Season Or Out Of Season!

    Contributed by Neal Gracey on Jul 28, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    We are not microwave cooks! We do not bring about “instant” Christians! We merely mix ingredients, and share receipts. In other words…We share the Gospel!

    Happy “Speak-Up” Weekend, Everyone! Amos, an Old Testament book that we don’t spend much time in is where we will be studying this Sunday. Amos is called one of the “lesser” books of the Bible, not because it’s less important, but because it’s smaller. Amos, like Hosea, Joel, Obadiah, Micah, more

  • A Pastoral Responsibility

    Contributed by William Wyne on Jan 30, 2012
    based on 15 ratings

    Preaching of the gospel should be an encouraging word.

    The world has much religion, but it has only one gospel. Religion in itself or in its own vacuum is man made. There lies the difference between religion and the gospel. Religion is man made, the gospel is God given. Religion is what man does for God; the gospel is what God has done for man. more

  • It's Praying Time

    Contributed by Levi Wright on Oct 6, 2007
    based on 83 ratings

    To pray means many things to many people, but basically prayer is simply talking with God. Jesus taught us to direct our requests to God, expecting Him to answer. Prayer is the most Powerful force that we have as Christians. “Prayer really do changes t

    Banner of Praise Ministries Rev. Dr. Levi Howard Wright, Pastor & Founder “It’s Praying Time” Scripture: Matthew 6:5-13 5And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of more

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