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  • Who Or What Is The Holy Trinity?

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Mar 1, 2025

    an attempt to define the 'Holy Trinity'

    John 16:12-15 As you know, Bishop Price was scheduled to make a visitation today, and I usually accompany him when there is not a deacon present. Unfortunately, Bishop Price became ill and has just been released from the hospital. I don’t know any details, but it appears he will have surgery in more

  • Matthew 17:1-3 - What Is The Transfiguration Of Jesus About? Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Aug 14, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    What significance does the Transfiguration of Jesus have for me? Why did it all take place? Matthew 17 speaks about this spectacular event in the life of Jesus, but what does it all mean? What is the transfiguration all about?

    Matthew 17:1 – ASCENDING THE GREATEST MOUNTAIN OF ALL I was so intrigued by the fact that he had named himself. His father neglected to name him and so in his early teenage years he chose his own name; the name of a mountain. Mt Taraksh means Great One, and in keeping with his name, Taraksh more

  • The Beast From The Earth:the Great Delusion Series

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Jan 10, 2014

    The false prophet deceives the world

    Today we return to Revelation 13, and this week we will finish the chapter. So far, we have identified the Beast From The Sea (13:1) as Antichrist, and to make a long story short, he will have the following qualities: That the rise of Antichrist will be mercurial in speed, brutally strong and more

  • Higher Ground

    Contributed by Randy Santiago on Jan 9, 2001
    based on 124 ratings


    Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish." The NIV translates it different but equally as powerful. "Where there is no revelation, the people cast of restraint." "Where there is no vision the people wander aimlessly." "Where there is no vision the people fall apart; they more

  • Role Of Veneration

    Contributed by Steven Ostrowski on Feb 11, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    The Role of Veneration to God, angels, men, and the dead. A Biblical study of veneration of worship.

    The Role of Veneration I propose a resolution to you the reader on the role of veneration in the Church. The veneration of saints and holy people of the Church should be permitted. Now to define what I mean. Veneration is defined as respect, honor, giving what is due, etc. It can be expressed more

  • Narnia: The Original Lion-King Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Ebert on Dec 22, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus is the great Lion King who cannot be caged or ignored. He comes into your life with awesome power and majestic love.

    THE ORIGINAL LION-KING Revelation 5:1-14 This Christmas season we have been using the children’s story of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe as a means of illuminating the life and mission of Jesus. The author of the book, C. S. Lewis, was a dynamic and prolific Christian writer. He created a more

  • The False Prophet And The Mark Of The Beast - Esg, Biotechnology, And The Internet Of Things (Iot) Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Aug 31, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    As the world moves closer to the return of Christ, you can be sure that we will also see increased efforts in Satan to implement his grab at world dominance.

    Dr. Bradford Reaves Crossway Christian Fellowship Watch this message at: Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercises all the authority of the first more

  • Consumer Or Worshipper? Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Mar 5, 2018

    Using Jesus reaction in the temple, the idea of being a consumer of a religion versus a worshipper of God is explored.

    Consume or Worship Gospel of John Series CCCAG March 4th, 2018 Scripture- John 2:13-22 Illustration- How many people here had a dad that was the disciplinarian of the house? The most dreaded words your mom could ever say is “Wait until your dad gets home!” That was a horrible thing to do to me. more

  • Consumer Or Worshipper? Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Mar 12, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Using the story of Jesus cleansing the temple, Pastor John teaches on the importance of pure worship

    Consume or Worship Gospel of John Series CCCAG March 4th, 2018 Scripture- John 2:13-22 Illustration- How many people here had a dad that was the disciplinarian of the house? The most dreaded words your mom could ever say is “Wait until your dad gets home!” That was a horrible thing to do to me. more

  • Collision Course With Reality Series

    Contributed by William Jewett on Nov 27, 2001
    based on 29 ratings

    Part 2 of 4

    Jack Chinn was on board the U.S.S. Princeton when that new aircraft carrier was launched at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in 1942. For two and a half years, the ship was home to Chinn and several hundred other men. More than just a military vessel, the Princeton was also a small town. Naturally, more

  • The Throne, The Scroll, And The Lamb Series

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Sep 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    We humans strive to create an extravaganza that blows us away ie. Olympic opening ceremonies. Maybe we’re trying to create our own experience of heaven’s spectacle. But even Hollywood couldn’t recreate what we hear about in these chapters of Revelation, w

    Probably the most spectacular sight I have ever seen was in Disney World this past winter, and it was a show called Fantasmic. Fire, music, water, lasers, holograms, lights, dragons, fireworks, battles. You couldn’t take your eyes off it, it was so spectacular. We humans strive to create an more

  • Rise Of The Antichrist Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Study #8: This study discusses the Antichrist's rise to power. Symbolism includes: Beast from the Sea, Seven Heads, Ten Horns, Lion, Bear, Leopard, Fatal Wound, Beast from the Earth, Image of the Beast, and Mark of the Beast.

    NOTE: This Bible study on the end times comes from the perspective of a pre-tribulation Rapture. Tonight, we are going to look at Revelation chapter thirteen. We left off with discussing the dragon, which we identified as Satan, who strives to make war on Israel’s offspring. Now, we are going more

  • A Study Of The Book Of Revelation, 10. Chapter 13,antichrist And His Helper Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Jun 21, 2015

    Man of Sin, Beast, Antichrist. Many titles, one man. Not a series of men. Not an office. A man. Read carefully, let no one deceive. He is coming. Chapters 13, 17, and 19 furnish a combined portrait of the man.

    Close-up : The man of sin and his helper (13, 17:7-17, 19:17-21) Perhaps the most obvious of the long-term background descriptions is the one regarding antichrist. It is proper so to refer to him, but John never does, in Revelation. He here calls him the beast. In Daniel 7, he is the little horn more

  • God Builds Our Faith Series

    Contributed by Bobby Oliver on Mar 5, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God strengthened the faith of Moses through signs, through his weaknesses, and through his doubts. God also strengthens our faith, even when we doubt.

    God Strengthens Faith Exodus 4:1-17 - We’re continuing our study through the book of Exodus. - As we go through this study, we’re asking the question, “What does this passage tell me about honoring God?” - Last week, we looked at the confidence we can have in God. - We have confidence because more

  • The Rise Of The Antichrist (Parts 1 & 2) Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Aug 17, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    True believers will know the difference between the real gospel and an imposter. It is all rooted in biblical literacy.

    Dr. Bradford Reaves Crossway Christian Fellowship Hagerstown, MD View These Messages at: Part 1: Part 2: 1 And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven more