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  • Role And Responsibility Of Husbands Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 18, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    54th message from Ephesians discussing the role and responsibility of husbands.

    “Healthy Relationships” The Role and Responsibility of Husbands Ephesians 5:22-33 REVIEW I. The Role and responsibility of wives A. Role: Willing Support B. Response 1. Submit to husbands 2. Love husbands and children Titus 2:3-5 3. Respect Ephesians 5:33 It is interesting more

  • Role And Responsibility Of The Wife Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jul 22, 2018

    Message 23 in our study of Colossians exploring the role and responsibility of wives.

    Chico Alliance Church “The Role & Responsibility of the Wife” Introduction The condition of our relationships with others reveals a great deal concerning the level of spiritual maturity and relationship with God. Scripture invites us to check the people gage quite often. All sin has its roots more

  • The Role Of A Church Member Series

    Contributed by Josh Brown on Oct 9, 2021

    The Church is made up of attendees, volunteers and leaders and each role is vital to the health of the church body. It is important to understand how each of these roles are called to serve within the church.

    Introduction Welcome everyone! I hope your week has been well. It’s good to be with you on this fine morning. Today, we’re wrapping up a series where we are looking at the different roles within in the church. Next week, we’re going to kick off a new series on the After Life. We all have more

  • Joseph As A Role Model

    Contributed by Petter Kringberg on Dec 12, 2022

    A sermon for Advent 4, Year A

    “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit” ? In Nomine + ? Joseph and Mary were, for lack of a more accurate word, engaged. Most scholars believe that Mary herself was around 15 years at the time. They didn’t even live more

  • The Role Of Gatekeepers In The Bible SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Exploring the importance of gates and gatekeepers in the Scriptures.

    Gates play a significant role in the Scriptures, and at every gate, there are gatekeepers. In the Bible, gates and gatekeepers are mentioned frequently. For instance, in 2 Chronicles 23:19, it is mentioned that gatekeepers were appointed at the gates of the house of the Lord to prevent anyone who more

  • A Role Model For Believers PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 1, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores how to choose righteousness through studying, practicing, and communicating God's Word, drawing inspiration from the life of Ezra.

    Good morning, dear family of faith. It's a joy to gather together, isn't it? To share in the warmth of fellowship and the light of God's Word. As we open our hearts and minds to the Scripture today, we are reminded of the words of Charles Spurgeon, who once said, "A Bible that’s falling apart more

  • The Historical Fate Of The Seven Churches In The Book Of Revelation

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jan 26, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    There are many good studies and observations about the seven churches from a spiritual perspective that can be applied to churches today. However, this study will not address them, but rather review the actual history of the churches and where they are today (2024).

    In the Book of Revelation, Jesus sent a message to seven churches that were located in the western part of Asia Minor, directly south of the Black Sea. The word "church" is translated from the Greek word "ekklesia" which means the people of God, the whole collective body of more

  • Lesson 3: The Son Redeemed Believers In The Historical

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 14, 2017

    In Christ we have been delivered from the shackles of sin, from enslavement to Satan, and from all the misery associated with such enslavement.

    By: Tom Lowe Date: 12/21/16 Title: The Son Redeemed Believers in the Historical Past (1:7-12) Series: Paul's letter to the Ephesians Ephesians 1:7-12 (NIV) 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the more

  • Do You Promise To Love, Honor And Cherish? Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 7, 2015

    Talk about the two roles in marriage: husband and wife (material adapted from: and Andreas Kostenberger's book, God Marriage, and Family, chapter 3, Marriage in NT, pgs. 64- 75)

    HoHum: Clint Eastwood- They say all marriages are made in heaven, but so are thunder and lightning. WBTU: Review and background for Ephesians 5:21-33 God designed marriage Vs. 31 we have heard a lot lately. Paul quotes from the Genesis account in Ephesians like Jesus did in Matthew 19. Paul more

  • "God's Role For His People.”

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Nov 15, 2001
    based on 81 ratings

    Year A. 1st Sunday of Advent December 2, 2001 Isaiah 2: 1-5 Title: “God’s role for His People.”

    Year A. 1st Sunday of Advent December 2, 2001 Isaiah 2: 1-5 Title: “God’s role for His People.” The Book of Isaiah looks back on three centuries of Jewish history from about 750 to 435BC and portrays God’s interpretation, his view of that history. Three general periods- pre-exile chapters one to more

  • Ordination And The Role Of Women In The Church Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 9, 2015

    The twin command of Jesus to clergy is important to consider in any decision regarding ordination.

    Thursday of the 6th Week of Easter 2015 Joy of the Gospel This is one of those liturgical days that is a little schizophrenic. In the historical Church, it is forty days after the Resurrection, so it is Ascension Thursday, as it was for almost two thousand years. But May 14 is the Feast of St. more

  • Born To Give Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Dec 23, 2024

    Jesus Christ is born to give his love, forgiveness and joy to the world. At the end of the world, Jesus would give the eternity. He is the God of all, God for all. Here is the saviour of you, the prince of peace.

    Theme: Born to Give Text: Matthew 2:1-11   Greetings: The Lord is good and his love endures forever.   Illustration: A pastor was greeting the believers after the Christmas service. He saw a young man who came after many months. He encouraged him to attend regularly, and told more

  • God's Role In A Christian's Trials

    Contributed by Jon Kurnik on Jan 23, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Here are sciprtural reasons why God allows us to endure many trials, rather than removing us from them.

    God’s Role In A Christian’s Trials 1) God wants us to trust His judgment as to the best way and the best time to help us. Trust begins with faith: Heb. 11:6 “And without faith it is impossible to please him. For whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists, and that more

  • You Have A Role To Play

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on May 23, 2004
    based on 49 ratings

    1. You have a vision to receive. 2. You have a job to perform. 3. You have a person to become.

    One of the blights of the theory of evolution is that it not only devalues God and attempts to ignore him, but that it also devalues human beings — looking on them as mere animals driven by desire and instinct. One of the glories of the Christian faith is that it not only exalts God, but also has more

  • Your Role In God's Drama

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on May 23, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    As a Christian, your life is part of the continuing story of God’s people. Live obediently. Live with the determination to bless others.

    A lot of people think the Bible is a book of rules. A lot of people think of the Bible as a source of doctrines - of right teachings about God. A lot of people consider the Bible, because it is inspired by God, to basically be God. And that’s the people who respect the Bible. There are others more

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