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  • Fatalism Or Faith Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 20, 2021

    America is Christian in its thinking in that we are a nation that says folly does not need to be repeated. We can learn from our mistakes and go on to change the future for the better and prevent tragedies that otherwise would be inevitable.

    A young man driving through the rich part of the city could not believe his eyes when he saw a sign on a Mercedes Benz that said, "For Sale $100.00. He pulled into the driveway and went to the door, and he asked if the sign was correct. The woman assured him that it was. He asked, "Is more

  • God's Fingerprint On Reality: Emotions Of Life, Freedom, & The Golden Ratio

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 27, 2021

    Great trails extend between cities, connecting people, and we drive from here to there traveling the roads. We go from here to there, day in and day out. Trees roll across the horizon.

    Great trails extend between cities, connecting people, and we drive from here to there traveling the roads. We go from here to there, day in and day out. Trees roll across the horizon. Massive metal cities rise up from the fog of daily life. We move from here to there, wondering at our lives. more

  • Minsitry Of Paul At Athens Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jun 17, 2021

    Paul was greatly distressed seeing full of idols in the city of Athens. His thirst for the souls motivated him to pray, observe and share the gospel despite the previous experiences of imprisonment and persecution. Paul won the hearts of few men who became followers of Christ.

    Acts 17:16-34 Ministry of Paul at Athens 17:16-21 Paul’s Distress 17:22-31 Paul’s Discourses 17:32-34 Mixed responses to Paul’s preaching 7:16-21 Paul’s Distress Paul was greatly distressed seeing full of idols in the city of Athens. Paul reasoned with the worshippers at the synagogue and with more

  • Paul’s Mars Hill Sermon Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Feb 23, 2022

    What's going on here? Paul preaches a message without using Scripture? He quotes from an inscription on a pagan shrine? No follow up for the new believers in Athens? We better take a closer look at Paul's Mars Hill sermon.

    The context of Paul’s Mars Hill Sermon When we look at Paul’s Mars Hill sermon given in Athens in Acts 17, he is well into his second missionary journey. His plans were changed early in the journey when the Holy Spirit kept him from preaching the word in Asia and then he received his Macedonian more

  • Paul Verses The Eggheads (2020) Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Mar 7, 2022

    ”Paul Verses the Eggheads” – Acts chapter 17 verses 16-34 – sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: Athens: A City of Extremes (vs 16) Paul: A Man of Courage (vs 17-21) Communication: A Message of Impact (vs 21-34) Response: some varied reactions (vs 32-34) SERMON BODY: Ill: • Eggheads is a British quiz show shown on channel 5 • Hosted by TC presenter Jeremy Vine. • The show more

  • Acts Of The Apostles # 24 Of 39

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 14, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    When Paul and Silas left Thessalonica, they left it in a turmoil.

    The Jews that did not believe, showed their jealousy by attacking the household of Jason, who had lodged Paul and Silas, since they could not take their revenge out on them personally. Verse 10, says, "And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming more

  • Witnessing To Postmodern People

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 29, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This message discusses postmodernism. In today's moral relativism, truth is seen as subjective, and it can supposedly change with circumstances. So, how do we share about Jesus who is "the way, the TRUTH, and the life?"

    Our message this evening is entitled, “Witnessing to Postmodern People.” As we seek to understand how to better share our faith in today’s western culture, we must begin with a discussion on modernism and postmodernism. Modernism and postmodernism are eras, or time periods of societal thought and more

  • Areopagus Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Jul 8, 2022

    The focus of this sermon is Paul's observational skills and how Christians can also practice observing people and culture in a way that helps us connect them to the Gospel and lead them back to God.

    Sermon Date 11-09-2014 Areopagus (Chuck Gohn) How many of you detest waiting in line for anything? I hate waiting in line. I hate waiting in grocery lines. I hate waiting on the telephone. I hate waiting in the doctor’s office. I just don’t like it. I am always thinking about ways I can more

  • Live, Move And Have Our Being

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Apr 15, 2022

    Remember 6 things when facing life changing situations Outline from Percy McCray of Health, Hope and Inspiration at:

    HoHum: When I have a day off my wife asks me, “What is your plan for today?” I say, “I plan to live, move and have my being.” What I am saying is that I plan living today, enjoying the abundant and full life. I plan on moving, probably just moving from the couch to the refrigerator to see what more

  • An Outline Of Acts 17:16-34

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Oct 5, 2022

    Paul had left Berea and with the help of friends made it to Athens, one of Greece's largest cities. He stood alone in that city, sharing the gospel with as many as he could: even some of the elite!

    Introduction: This section covers Paul’s ministry in Athens, after he had left Thessalonica and Berea. While there he tried to share the Gospel with as many as he could. 1 The Dialogue in the Agora or market place Text, Acts 17:16-21, KJV: 16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit more

  • Do You Really Know God?

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Nov 8, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Many people in the world today know ABOUT God, but don't really KNOW Him personally. Most people when they say they know God, mean they've heard of Him and about Him. But don't really know Him. My question to you today is, "Do YOU REALLY know God?"

    We live in a self-important society. We take personality tests. We use social media to broadcast what is on our mind. We hear slogans that tell us we’re due something or we deserve a reward. But, in order to live in such a way that God is most glorified, we must pursue a greater knowledge of Him. more

  • The Mystery Revealed

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jul 28, 2021

    At the time Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden, a mystery was unleashed. God's words to the serpent, the woman, and the man answered some questions, but raised others that would not be answered for a very long time.

    Note: I have developed a set of PowerPoint slides for use with this sermon. If you are interested in the slides I will send them to you by Email. Email your request to me at and be sure to enter "Easter Slides" in the subject line (otherwise I am likely to overlook more

  • Holy Discontent

    Contributed by Kumar Aryal on Oct 26, 2020

    We will continue our series from the book of Acts and our text for this morning is Acts 17:16-34. In the beginning of this chapter, Paul was in Thessalonica. He visited the synagogues to dialogue with the Jews there.

    Good morning church! What a privilege to come together as a body of Christ to study His word. Let us begin our time with the word of prayer. Prayer: We will continue our series from the book of Acts and our text for this morning is Acts 17:16-34. In the beginning of this chapter, Paul was in more

  • The Real Reality Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 19, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The story of God is all about the glory of God and the unfolding of the gospel.

    The Real Reality Acts 17:16-34 Rev. Brian Bill September 16-17, 2023 Special thanks to Abi Kongkousonh for using her gifts to depict the story of Creation along with the fall of Adam and Eve. Keep that image in mind as we go through the message. Are you aware we ran out of parking spaces during more

  • Evangelism And Football Series

    Contributed by William Jones on Oct 21, 2023

    This morning we continue our study in Acts and we will be looking at Acts 17:16-31. In Our passage we see Paul and his band of missionaries and evangelist continue to share God’s Good News with the lost and continue to be persecuted for it

    Evangelism and Football By Paul Dietz Evangelism and Football We are now in the midst of one the hottest seasons of the year. No, I'm not talking about the weather and its accompanying temperatures. After all we have just finished having our two weeks of “summer” this past week and autumn is more

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