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Sermons on heavens joy:

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  • The Joy Of Abiding In Christ

    Contributed by Pastor Yolito De Gracia on Sep 17, 2006
    based on 26 ratings

    God wants His children to be fruitful and joyful. V8,11. But this can be only achieved by Abiding in Christ. Abiding is a reciprocal principle, when we abide in Christ , God the Father is glorified and in return we will experience the fullness of Joy.

    Title: THE JOY OF ABIDING IN CHRIST Text: John 15:1-11 John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. John 15:11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that more

  • The Joy Of Your Salvation

    Contributed by Shane Brooks on Aug 21, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Do you still have your joy? Here’s some ways to keep it.

    Goals – PSALM 51:10-13 ---- The Joy of Salvation There are tons of churches, that will you what not to do...... Don’t drink, cuss, smoke, work on Sunday, long hair, get a tatoo, raise hands, read that translation, bowl, play lottery , wear pants, go to Vegas– or have any fun This morning I want more

  • True Christmas Joy

    Contributed by Wesley Bishop on Dec 13, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    This is an Advent sermon.

    Joy is a big word this time of year. In the song “How Great Our Joy,” we sing “Joy, joy, joy! Joy, joy, joy!” seemingly over and over. We have “Joy to the World,” “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You,” “Good Christian Men, Rejoice.” We talk of spreading “Christmas joy.” Where does Christmas joy come more

  • A Minute Before Joy

    Contributed by Devon Witherspoon on Apr 26, 2005
    based on 44 ratings

    Though we suffer many situations in life and many of them get us depress. It may seem like the suffering will never end, but GOD want to remind us that this suffering is only temporary. Yet, his love, joy and peace endured forever

    I want you to take in for a thought today this situation. Follow me now, the time now is 5:59 am, and at this time, if one was listing they could hear the loud wailing of men and women crying. And they are crying because, three days ago, they witness the death and burial of their Lord and Savior. more

  • Spiritual Success Joy Series

    Contributed by Joe Hayes on Nov 25, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    All about JOY in you you can also listen at

    JOY ’Charles H, Spurgeon’ was once asked, "Why should Christians be such happy people" ? He replied "It is good for our God; it gives Him honour among men when we are glad It is good for us; it makes us strong, It is good for the ungodly; when they see Christians glad they long to be believers more

  • Joy No Matter What Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Nov 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon #1 in a 4 sermon series on Philippians. This message from chapter 1 deals with the joy we can have "no matter what".

    JOY No Matter What CHCC: November 2, 2008 Philippians 1 INTRODUCTION: This week we’re starting a new series in our sermons and Pueblo groups. I’m pretty enthused about it --- because we’re going to study a book of the Bible that is often called the LETTER OF JOY. Paul uses the word JOY 20 more

  • Having Joy Unspeakable Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Oct 4, 2011
    based on 64 ratings

    Only the Lord can give us pure Joy. There is joy suckers and we need to be looking for Godly Joy.

    Having Joy Unspeakable Galatians 5:22 Introduction- Last week we began a series on the Fruit of the Spirit. We began with patience because everyone does so well with it. If you will be patient with me this morning, we are going to look at joy, another characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit. more

  • Nine Fruits: Joy Series

    Contributed by Ryan Loyd on Oct 28, 2015

    A series on the Fruits of the Spirit: Joy

    Galatians 5:22-23 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Introduction: How many folks have a dog? I’ve had several dogs in my life... One thing about dogs If more

  • Jesus The Joy In You Series

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jul 12, 2016

    Friends Jesus does not want to see you end up on the burn pile of unfruitful unjoyful human beings. Jesus wants you and I to remain in Him for only in Him will we find the kind of Joy to sustain us through this life which can sometimes be a vale of tears.

    Jesus the Joy in You John 15:1-11 15 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have more

  • Living In The Joy Of The Lord

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Jun 1, 2014

    “Joy, which was the small publicity of the Pagan, is the gigantic secret of the Christian”. - G.K. Chesterton This message looks at the avenues and barriers to living in the joy of the Lord.

    Sermon for CATM – June 1, 2014 – Living in the Joy of the Lord - Nehemiah 8:1-10 Robert Louis Stevenson once entered in his diary what he considered to be an extraordinary thing. He said, "I have been to Church today, and (Surprisingly) I am not depressed." I hope that your more

  • Homilies And The Joy Of The Gospel Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 11, 2015

    "The homily takes up once more the dialogue which the Lord has already established with his people. "

    Thursday of 15th week in course 2015 Joy of the Gospel Today we see Moses, who you remember fled from Egypt after killing an Egyptian oppressor, being called by God to go and preach to Pharaoh. The message: let all your slaves go into the desert. Let them abandon their jobs for a week or two, more

  • The Joy Of The Generous Impulse Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Aug 23, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Joy, Generous Impulse

    ONE CHURCH - The Joy of the Generous Impulse 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 (p. 807) August 28 2016 Introduction: Impulses can be either good or bad…You can have the impulse to strangle someone, or you can have the impulse to hug someone…one isn’t such a good idea, more

  • The Joy Of Brotherly Love Series

    Contributed by Jordan Muck on Sep 9, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon Series on 1 John

    Series: 1 John Week: 14 Passage: 1 John 3:16-19 Title: The Joy of Brotherly Love Focus: Brotherly Love STORY: We live in a love-obsessed world. • “All we need is love.” (Beatles) was first performed by The Beatles on Our World, the first live global television link. Watched by more

  • #4- Pain And Joy Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Aug 27, 2015

    How does my perspective affect my attitude? How is suffering benficial to my Christian walk?

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS SERMON AVAILABLE WITH POWERPOINT IN RESOURCE DOWNLOAD! This sermon (and several hundred others) are available for download. > Microsoft Word > Most with handouts More info: or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Fight for more

  • #8- Tradeoffs And Joy Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Aug 27, 2015

    Who do I need to be cautious of? What is the cost of being a Christian?

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS SERMON AVAILABLE WITH POWERPOINT IN RESOURCE DOWNLOAD! This sermon (and several hundred others) are available for download. > Microsoft Word > Most with handouts More info: or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Philippians more

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