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  • What Is True Love?

    Contributed by Casey Warford on Feb 14, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    How can we as humans know what true love is? God’s love for humanity guides us to understanding true love.

    “What Is Love?” 12/15/2009 A.M. I. 1 Corinthians 13 A. We can get a greater understanding of what true love is from understanding God’s love for us. 1. God’s love is complete. a. Vs. 1-3 - The love of God is the key ingredient that completes the recipe of all that we attempt to do in our more

  • Who Leads The Church? (Christ Leads The Church)

    Contributed by Spencer Homan on Dec 15, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Sometimes, we get too tied up with thinking that the Pastor is our leader and our guide. The truth is, Christ is the true leader of the church!

    1 Corinthians 1:10-18 (p 1772) I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought. My brothers and sisters, some from Chloe’s more

  • Putting Grace In The Generation Gap Series

    Contributed by Chip Monck on Aug 7, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    This is the third in a series of sermons based on Paul’s letter to Timothy as a guide to how the church should behave. This message explores the generation gap in churches.

    Tomorrow is the birthday of my lovely wife of 16 years. A difficult time in the Monck household as Debbie rapidly approaches the big 4-0. Reminds me of the story where Johnny asked his grandmother how old she was, and she said, "I’m 39 and holding." Johnny thought about that for a minute, then more

  • What Ever Happened To Sin? Series

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on May 16, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Sermon #2 Using Steve Deneff’s book "Whatever Became of Holiness" as a guide, we look at sin is, and how to truly repent.

    What Ever Happened to Sin? G.K. Chesterson once said the doctrine of original sin was the one belief that empirically validated by 3500 years of human history. But the doctrine of sin has fallen on hard times lately. Not because we have bettered ourselves, nor even because we have denied it, more

  • Entrust Your Soul To The Lord

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jul 24, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Entrust Your Soul to the Lord 1) Because he rescues from enemies; 2) Because he forgives; 3) Because he guides

    I have a family heirloom here that I want to entrust to someone for safekeeping. It doesn’t look like much but it is valuable to me. It’s a hat that my great-uncle wore. I’m proud of my great-uncle because he was our synod’s first resident missionary to Zambia, Africa and influenced greatly all more

  • God Can Use Anybody

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Mar 17, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    Nothing is impossible with God. God wants to use you for His purpose. Here are 4 points to guide you in sharing His Benefits with others.

    GOD CAN USE ANYBODY. ESPECIALLY YOU Key Verses: Philippians 4:13 I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me. Psalm 103 1 Peter 4:7-11 2 Peter 3:8-10 God Can Use Anybody Missions Trip to India My Mom at almost age 70 is off to India with a group on a missions Trip Following our Bible more

  • The Transfiguration Of A Mountaintop Experience

    Contributed by Gordon Mcculloch on Jan 12, 2014
    based on 2 ratings

    Mountain top experiences are for a reason. They are not just moments of Epiphany or pleasure; they can be painful, as they change lives. So be careful as to who guides you through.

    Title: The transfiguration of a mountaintop experience. Words: 1783 Tabs: Epiphany 7, Mountain, Transfiguration, 2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalm 50:1-6 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 Summary: Mountain top experiences are for a reason. They are not just moments of Epiphany or pleasure; they can be more

  • Steps Ordered By God

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jun 26, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    A detailed look at how "the steps of a good person are ordered by the Lord;" how God guides our lives, and what the final outcome will be.

    STEPS ORDERED BY GOD Ps. 37:23-24 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: QUIZ FOR THE DAY 1. Say "silk" five times. Now, spell "silk." What do cows drink? If you said "milk", please do not attempt the next question. Cows drink water. Your brain is obviously over- stressed and may even overheat. If you said more

  • Expository Study On The Backslidden Of Peter

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Mar 15, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Peter denied Jesus, but he was able to repent and return back to Him. He therefore encourages us to guide against backslidding and denial of Jesus.

    EXPOSITORY STUDY ON THE BACKSLIDDEN OF PETER Study Text: 2 Peter 2: 20 - 22 INTRODUCTION - In 2Pet 2:20-22, we read of the real possibility and serious consequences of backsliding - It is interesting that we find this passage coming from the inspired pen of Peter... * For if anyone knew more

  • Crossroads

    Contributed by David Smith on Mar 20, 2011

    God ordered Abram to leave Haran (which means "crossroads") and journey to an unknown land that he would guide him to - this was the crossroad of Israel's begninning.

    2nd Sunday of Lent - Genesis 12:1-4a Well I must admit when I first read over the lessons for today, I said to myself, Richard knew what he was doing being away this Sunday. What more could I possibly say about Abrams walk of faith with God? What could I say about “being born again” more

  • #7 It's Not A Mustard Seed Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Aug 16, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Faith is simply trusting God enough to do what He says. Faith guides our actions and we leave the results up to God.

    "Tell me a Story” is a simple and shorter way to reference Jesus' use of parables. A parable is a relatable way to share a moral or spiritual lesson. While some don’t like parables because they don’t get right to the point. Others love a good story because it forces us to think and more

  • The Fruit Of The Spirit Is The Foundation For Ministering Effectively In The Anointing Of God

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Dec 3, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    The absolute guiding principle of operating in God's anointing and spiritual gifts is starting from the foundation of love and the natural growth of the Fruit of the Spirit.

    "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Gal 5:22-23 NIV) Many years ago, I purchased an older ranch style home that needed fixing up. It had lots of potential and the more

  • Looking Through The Gates Of Hell

    Contributed by Mark Wooley on Jan 19, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    In our text, the Bible says that there are gates leading into Hell. So lets take our Bibles as our Guide to look through the Gates of Hell

    01-17-21 LOOKING THROUGH THE GATES OF HELL MATTHEW 16:18 This morning with the Power and the Presence of the Holy Spirit I would like to preach on this topic LOOKING THROUGH THE GATES OF HELL. PRAYER This morning we are going to take a trip together through God’s Word and more

  • Kairos – Hearing From God Through Our Desires And People Series

    Contributed by Martin Spoelstra on Mar 14, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Are you willing to identify the desires of your heart and bring them to a trusted mature spiritual mentor/guide to help you hear the voice of God?

    Did you ever play that game where you asked the question, “What would you do if you won $1 million?" What would you do? I asked my dad that question when I was about 10 years old. He looked at me very seriously and said “Martin, if I won a million dollars I would go to work, stand in my chair more

  • Seek And Find

    Contributed by Brian Harvison on Oct 4, 2023

    Ask, Seek, Knock, a sermon based on an outline from the great old study guide called Handfulls on Purpose by James Smith and Robert Lee.

    Seek and Find Matthew 7:7-11 • When I was growing up I remember one particular thing I enjoyed about going to the doctor or dentist office • As a child you are always nervous whether it is for a regular checkup • Or maybe you are actually sick • The worst was when I was going to have to get my more

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